Fascicle 11

Khirbet Mird

Table of Contents


A–Arabic (letter goes in front of Mird plate numbers when          Arabic set of fragments found by MAB and not by PAM)

ABMC–Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center


CPA–Christian Palestinian Aramaic


G–Greek (letter goes in front of Mird number when plate            contains Greek documents which were found by MAB and        not PAM.  They are presently in Belgium)

gr–Greek (letters follow Mird number for set of Greek        materials found by PAM).

Groh–Grohman (used before 100 Arabic documents which were          published by Grohman)

M.A.B.–Mission Arch‚ologique Belge (Belgian Archaeological


“PAM”–Palestine Archaeological Museum (original designation of accession numbers used in Rockefeller Museum for set      of photographs largely taken before 1967)


pl(s)–plate, plates (can be used for published photographic

      plates or for the museum plates which hold the                 fragments)


ROC–Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem


 * — Parts of fragments are indicated by asterisk (*) following number.  The unit which became identified as a fragment in the final publication sometimes was composed of more than one fragment which were fitted together by the editors. 


A. Acknowledgements for Financial Support

      From March to July 1989 and from August 1990 to the present Dr. Reed has been working with the photographs at the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center and from August 1989 through July 1990 Dr. Reed worked with the fragments and photographs at the Rockefeller Museum.  A Dorot Fellowship made it possible for Dr. Reed to work on the project from March to July 1989 at the ABMC and spend a year in Jerusalem working on revising and updating these lists.  The Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center has provided funding for work at the Center from August 1990 through June of 1991.  Additional funding has been made available since July 1991 by grants from the Dorot Foundation, the Annenberg Institute and the National Endowment for the Humanities. 

B. Purpose of this fascicle

      Our goal is to produce a computerized database which will include information about photographs, documents and museum plates of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  A computerized database will allow scholars to conduct different searches according to their particular research needs.  

      It is our intention to make the information in the lists available to scholars as quickly as possible.  Since it will take some time before the computerized database will be complete, we have decided to compose preliminary lists about each of the particular collections (such as Cave 1, the Minor Caves and Mird) and make these lists available to interested people in photocopy form.  We wish to emphasize that these lists are still preliminary.  The final database will include more information.    

      Much care has been taken to ensure that the information in these lists is accurate, but inevitably errors easily enter such a work.  We would be appreciative if you would contact us with errors you find or additional information about the Mird photographs at the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center, Box 670, Claremont, CA 91711.  (714) 621-6451.  Fax number: 714-621-1481.

C. Assistance for Work

      The production of these lists has involved the skills of many people.  Over the years some preliminary and partial lists were produced by the original editors and by museum officials.  The most comprehensive lists before I began my work were prepared by Elisha Qimron in 1981.  Further updates were added in 1985 to these lists by Qimron and John Strugnell.  All of these lists were made available to me by John Strugnell when I began updating the materials.  I wish to acknowledge their contribution without which my work would have been far more difficult. 

      The Israel Antiquities Authority staff at the Rockefeller Museum helped me find appropriate fragmentary and photographic materials at the museum.  Joe Zias, Curator, gave me access to the materials.  Ruth Peled, Marcia Sharabani and Donald Ariel also provided assistance.  Ayala Sussmann and Ronny Reich allowed me access to the photographs.  Magen Broshi, Curator of the Shrine of the Book, aided us in finding particular plates that had been moved to the Shrine of the Book for storage or conservation.  The members of the Advisory Committee, composed of Amir Drori, Ayala Sussmann, Jonas Greenfield, Magen Broshi and Shemaryahu Talmon, have provided editorial assistance in the overall preparation of these lists.   

      The staff of the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center helped me obtain access to the materials, provided administrative help, guidance and advice.  James A. Sanders has provided overall direction for the project.  Former directors, Peter Pettit and Steve Delamarter, as well as the current acting director, Bruce Zuckerman, and Marilyn Lundberg, Associate Director, have provided much support. 

      Editors of the materials have provided a great deal of information.  John Strugnell, international editor in chief while I was in Jerusalem, provided help in updating these lists and answering various questions that I had that arose while working on them.   

      Every item of the lists here has been checked and

verified by us at the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center or

in Jerusalem at the Rockefeller Museum. 

      D. How to acquire materials

      For further information about photographic collections


    1. Photographic Services, Israel Antiquities Authority, P.O.B. 586, Jerusalem 91004, Israel.  Telephone: (02)292614; Fax No. 292628

    2. Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center, 1325 N. College Ave., P.O. Box 670, Claremont, CA 91711. (714) 621-6451  Fax No. (714) 621-1481.

      The Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center is a depository of the Mird photographs of the “PAM” collection.  Scholars are welcome to come to the Center and view the photographs held here. 

I. Introduction

      Information concerning the Mird documents is arranged in three lists in this fascicle: documents, photographs and museum plates.  In the document list the documents are listed sequentially according to their designated numbers.  Included in this list are the photographs which pertain to each document as well as the present location of the fragments.  In the photograph list the photographs which pertain to Mird documents are given according to the inventory numbers assigned in the PAM photographic collection.  The museum plate list includes a list of the museum plates which contain Mird materials. 

      Since published photographs are called “plates”, it can be confusing to refer to the fragments placed between plates of glass in the museum as “plates.”  Emanuel Tov, editor-in-chief for the publication of the scrolls, prefers that the term “inventory number” be used for what is here called “museum plate.” 

      The document list is cross-referenced to the other two lists.  It is expected that scholars would first refer to this list and then if they want further information about the photographs or museum plates they can refer to the other two lists.  There is some duplication of information in the three lists but because there is often no one-to-one correspondence among documents, photographs and museum plates all three are necessary to provide all of the information that scholars may need in their research.

      The description of numbers for the Mird materials can be quite confusing and some changes have been made in numbers when the systems for enumeration were not well understood.  There are four major collections of materials including two sets of Arabic papyri and two sets of Greek papyri.  According to Grohman 31 museum plates of Arabic papyrus fragments were found by the Palestine Archaeological Museum (PAM) and 36 plates of Arabic papyrus fragments were found by the Belgian Archaeological Mission (MAB) [The numbers do not quite correspond to what I have observed at the Rockefeller Museum.]  Based on the photographs it appears that about 31 museum plates of Greek papyrus fragments were found by the MAB and 30 museum plates of Greek papyrus fragments were found by PAM.

      Each of these groups was numbered consecutively and no overall system distinguished the numbers of one group from another.  Mird 1 referred to the first museum plate in each of these groups.  There often were more than one document per plate.  The MAB Arabic papyrus museum plates subsequently received an “A” before the number: Mird A1, the PAM Arabic papyrus museum plates simply have the number by itself: Mird 1.  The MAB Greek papyrus museum plates have a “G” before the number: Mird G1, the PAM Greek papyrus museum plates simply have the number by itself.  In order to distinguish the Greek and Arabic papyrus museum plates found by PAM it seems best to add “gr” following the PAM Greek papyrus museum plates. 

      Furthermore different systems are used to refer to Recto-Verso sides of each plate.  Most of the papyrus has writing on both sides so this is an important concern.  For the PAM series Mird 27 refers to the recto side and Mird 27a refers to the verso side.  For the series of MAB Mird A5a refers to the recto side and Mird A5b refers to the verso.  Likewise for the MAB series of Greek material Mird G5a is recto, Mird G5b is verso.  For the PAM Greek series Mird 5 is recto and Mird 5B is verso.  Sometimes when there is no writing on both sides only the number with no differentiation of “a” or “b” is given: Mird G12.

      When Grohman published 100 MSS of Arabic he introduced a new system 1-100 which was based on documents and not museum plates.  It seems best to keep this system distinct from the above plate lists.  These document numbers are prefaced by Groh 1, etc.  These numbers should not be confused with the earlier museum plate numbers.  Some corrections of earlier lists were made in which the Grohman numbers have replaced the old numbers.  That is only appropriate when all the fragments on a museum plate have been published, which is not that frequent.  It is possible to correlate Grohman’s numbers with the earlier museum plate numbers as he does in his book.  Thus Groh 1 is A33a1, Groh 2 is A1a1.  The last number, then, in each of A33a1 and A1a1 refers to a fragment number on a museum plate.

      Since it is not easy to determine the number of each fragment on a museum plate is has seemed best to retain all of the old museum plate numbers as well as the Grohman numbers.  Grohman has published some MSS from each of the three groups above (Some of the Greek papyrus manuscripts have Arabic on one side).  Although Grohman did publish the largest Arabic fragments there are still many of the smaller ones which were not published.

      In addition to the above three collections from Mird, there are also some museum plates of parchment written in Greek and Christian Palestinian Aramaic.  These museum plates do not seem to have been numbered together in a system.

      In the Rockefeller Museum these museum plates were arranged in a series along with other inscriptional materials found throughout the Judean desert.  They ended up being placed as museum plates 53,656-657,1172-1263.  Some 61 Greek museum plates are presently in Belgium. 

      Robert Donceel, Prof. Secr‚taire acad. du d‚partement d’arch‚ologie et histoire de l’art (ARKE) at Louvain-la-Neuve, has been compiling the archaeological data on the Khirbet Mird material.  He informed me by letter that the details of the distribution and care of the Greek papyri museum plates are still being discussed between the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve in Belgium.  Monsignor De Langhe assigned the publication of the Greek texts to Father van Haelst.  The Christian Palestinian Aramaic texts were assigned to Father Baillet.  These texts remain unpublished and they may be reassigned by the Belgians in the future. 

      In the Rockefeller Museum, cabinet 7 drawer 2 is labeled museum plates 1242-1263 but the museum plates within the drawer are not so numbered but range from 2-21.  Museum plates 4 and 6 of the series are missing.  I have followed that order as closely as possible in continuing the series 1242-1263.  If one adds 1240 to the old numbers (2-21) on the museum plates one gets the present numbers (1242-1263).  Since the two museum plates upstairs for Mird 13 and Mird 31B were not numbered into either series these two museum plates were used to fill the gaps of museum plates 4 and 6 mentioned as missing above.  Mird 13 was used for museum plate 1244 and Mird 31B for museum plate 1246.

      For general information see Stephen A. Reed, “Survey of the Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments and Photographs at the Rockefeller,” BA 54 (March 1991) 44-51.


   A. Arabic

      Grohman published 100 Arabic documents but six of these do not have photographs published of them (Grohmann, A., Arabic Papyri from Hirbet el-Mird (BibliothŠque du Mus‚on 52; Louvain: Publications Universitaires, 1963). Fitzmyer indicates the sigla for these documents as papMird 1-100 but this is confusing as is indicated above.

      Grohman has helpful tables at the back of his book which correlate the numbers of the published documents with the Mird inventory numbers and the plate numbers in Grohman’s book.  The following document list will be based upon this list with the new Rockefeller numbers and photograph numbers added as well.  

      It was not possible to find museum plates corresponding to the following documents.  Some of them are on the back of Greek documents which are in Belgium.  Others are documents which did not have photographs published. 

GROH     MIRD Nos.

Groh 18  35

Groh 55  22B (G22B)

Groh 57  15.2

Groh 64  14.5

Groh 65  14a5

Groh 94  13B1 (G13B1)

Groh 99  13B2 (G13B2)


I. Protocols no. 1-7

   A. Byzantine Protocols 1

   B. Bilingual Protocols 2-4

   C. Arabic Protocols 5-7

II. Legal Texts 8-9

    8. Signatures of witnesses

    9. Conclusion of a contract of sale

III. Official letters 10-32

     A. Letter fragments in Galil-script 10-17

     B. Official letters 18-32

        18. Reply of Umar ibn Ubaidallah to the instruction         of Dir ibn Abdallah concerning an act of violence       by a husband

        19. Order for investigation of robbery of jewelry

        20. Fragment of an official letter

        21. Fragment of an official letter

        22. Conclusion of a probably official letter

        23. Letter to the governor

        24. Fragment of the report of an official

C. Lists referring to administration 33-40

IV. Economic texts 35-41

V. Private letters 71-73

VII. Minor Fragments

A. Fragments of protocol-texts 74-78

B. Official letters 79

C. Lists 80-81

D. Economic texts 82-83

E. Private letters 84-99

F. Fragment of a Drawing 100



1           A33a1       1201             40.916

2           A1a1        1183             40.869

3           A23a1       1179             40.900

4           A23a2       1179             40.900

5           A30b2       1218             40.911

6           38r         1177r             41.882

7           A30b1       1218             40.911

8           A27.3       1258             40.905

9           28.5r       1212             40.864

10          36          1203             41.878

11          37               1261              41.880

12          4A               1174              40.825,41.872

13          4B               1192              40.825,41.873

14          4C               1192              40.825,41.873

15          4D               1192              40.825,41.873

16          A32a1            1260              40.914

17          A11a1            1187              40.882

18          35                                40.336

19          12.1v            1249              40.833,41.874

20          26.1r            1209              40.860

21          2.2              1222              40.823

22          A4               1196              40.873

23          11               1257              40.832

24          17.4              1259              40.842

25          29               1245              40.866

26          28.4r            1212              40.864

27          28.4v            1212              40.865

28          A31a1            1246              40.913

29          28.3v            1212              40.864

30          28.3r            1209              40.860

31          10.1              1252              40.831

32          4.1r              1213              40.828

33          A34a2           1240              40.917,41.876,41.877

           A35.1+4          1240                    40.919,41.876,41.877

34          18.6              1216              40.844

35          26a3v             1209              40.861

36          A14a1             1188r             40.887

37          A14b1             1188v             40.888

38          28.1              1212              40.864

39          A22a              1185r             40.898

40          A22b3             1185v             40.899

41          A27a1             1258              40.905

42          32               1176              40.337

43r         A34a1             1251              40.917

43v         A34b1             1251              40.918

44          38v              1177v             41.883

45          13a1              1244              40.835

46          13.1              1244              40.834

47          5.2               1194              40.826

48r         A34a4r            1251              40.917

48v         A34a4v            1251              40.918

49          40               1254              40.884

50          6                1250              40.827

51          33               1248              40.335A

52          34               1248              40.335A

53          18.3             1216              40.844

54            3               1172              40.824

55          22Bgr       Belgium          41.111

56          15.1r       1206             40.838

57          15.2                               (no photo pub)

58          15.3r       1206             40.838

59          15.1v       1206             40.839

60          14.2r       1217             40.836

61          14.2v       1217             40.837

62          14a3v       1217             40.837

63          A3a2v       1181             40.871

64          14.5                         (no photo pub)

65          14a5                         (no photo pub)

66r         18.4        1216             40.844

66v         18a4        1216             40.845

67          18.1r       1216             40.844

68          26.24       1209             40.860

69          5.1r        1194             40.826

70          7.2         1213             40.828

71          28.11r      1212             40.864

72          37          1261             41.880

73          A19.1       1230             40.895

74          A17a1       1219             40.892

75          A23a3       1179             40.900 (not pub)

76          A17a4      1219              40.892 (not pub)

77          A17a3       1219             40.892 (not pub)

78          A30.3       1218             40.910 (not pub)

79          A33.2       1201             40.916

80          A10a1       1226             40.881

81r        A34.3       1251             40.917

81v                     1251             40.918

82          30.3        1207             40.867

83          17.2        1259             40.842,40.843

84          41          1247             41.885A,41.885B

85          A13a        1180r             40.885

86          A13b        1180v             40.886

87          A15a1       1229             40.889

88          A35.34      1253             40.919

89          A19a5       1230             40.895

90          12.2        1249             40.833,41.874

91          2.5         1222             40.823

92          30.1r       1207             40.867

93          18.2v       1216             40.845

94          13B1gr      Belgium          41.096

95          12.5        1249             40.833,41.874

96          A27.2       1258             40.905

97          A3.1r       1181             40.871

98          28.7        1212             40.864

99          13B2gr      Belgium          41.096

100         A23a4       1179             40.900

B. Greek Documents

      While none of the Greek texts have been published several have received sigla.  Barbara and Kurt Aland, The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism, 2nd Revised Ed., tr. E. R. Rhodes (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans; Leiden: Brill, 1989), pp. 101,126.

p83   Mird 16gr Matthew 20:23-25                   41.100

      Mird 16Bgr Matthew 20:30-31?                      41.101

      Mird 29gr (according to Aland)               41.123  

      Mird 29Bgr (according to Aland)              41.124  


      Mird 26gr Mark 2:3-4,4-5; John 17:3          41.117

      Mird 26Bgr Mark 2:8-9; John 17:7-8           41.118

      Mird 27gr  Mark 6:30-31,33-34                 41.119  

      Mird 27Bgr Mark 6:36-37,39-41                41.120  

      Mird 4gr (according to Aland)                41.077

      Mird 4Bgr (according to Aland)               41.078

      Mird 11gr (according to Aland)               41.091

      Mird 11Bgr (according to Aland)              41.092

Uncial 0244 Mird 8gr Acts 11:29-12:1              41.085  

            Mird 8Bgr Acts 12:2-5                  41.086

      C. Christian Palestinian Aramaic

papLetter from Monk Gabriel to Abbott  Siglum: papMird A

      Museum plate: 656


Milik, J.T., “Une inscription et une lettre en aram‚en christo-palestinien,” RB 60 (1953) 526-39, pl. XIX.

     update with photo Bib 42 (1961) 21-27.)

Mird Acts of the Apostles  Siglum: Mird Acts cpa 

      Museum plate: 657

           Acts  10:36-41  pl. XIX          40.338

           Acts  10:36-41  pl. XIX          40.341

            Acts 10:28-29,32-36 pl. XVIII   43.972

            Acts  10:36-41  pl. XIX          43.973

           Acts  10:36-41  pl. XIX          44.103

Perrot, C., “Un fragment christo-palestinien d‚couvert … Khirbet Mird (Actes Des Ap“tres, X, 28-29; 32-41),” RB 70 (1963) 506-55 (+ pls. XVIII, XIX)

MirdAmul cpa

Baillet, M., “Un livret magique en christo-palestinien … l’Universit‚ de Louvain,” Mus‚on 76 (1963) 375-401.

Mird S2 Plaster with Syriac inscription  Museum pl.: 1234


         supposedly pub. RB?  

Mird S3 Papyrus fragment museum pl. 1227  40.335

Joshua 22:6-7,9-10 (CPA)  Museum plate 1238  40.339,43.964

Matthew 21:30-34 (CPA)    museum plate 1238  40.342, 43.964

Luke 3:1,3-4 (CPA)        museum plate 1238  40.340,43.968

Colossians 1:16-18,20b-21 museum plate 1238  43.968

II. Mird Photographs

A. List of all Photographs

40.335A-40.337,40.822-40.920, 41.872-41.885 Arabic

40.281-40.433,41.071-41.126 Greek (some with Arabic on one side) Belgium

40.334-40.335,40.338-40.342,40.648,40.649,43.964-43.973,44.103 CPA

40.338,40.339,40,342,43.964-43.967 Greek at Rockefeller

B. List of Photographs in Sequence

40.281. Mird G1a Some writing  M.A.B.

40.282. Mird G1b  Uninscribed papyrus. Verso of 40.281.

40.283. Mird G2a

40.284. Mird G2b Verso of 40.283.

40.285. Mird G3a Some large Latin letters, some Greek

40.286. Mird G3b  Verso of 40.285.  Some Greek

40.287. Mird G4a Greek papyrus

40.288. Mird G4b Verso of 40.287.  large letters, capitals

40.289. Mird G5a uninscribed

40.290. Mird G5b Verso of 40.287. uninscribed

40.291. Mird G6a little writing

40.292. Mird G6b Verso of 40.291. Uninscribed.

40.293. Mird G7a

40.294. Mird G7b (Verso of 40.293)

40.295. Mird G8a

40.296. Mird G9a

40.297. Mird G9b Verso

40.298. Mird G10a

40.299. Mird G10b Verso

40.300. Mird G11a

40.301. Mird G11b Verso

40.302. Mird G12

40.303. Mird G13 uninscribed papyrus

40.304. Mird G14a Greek

40.305. Mird G14b Verso of 40.304

40.306. Mird G15a

40.307. Mird G15b Verso

40.308. Mird G16a

40.309. Mird G16b

40.310. Mird G17a

40.311. Mird G17b Verso

40.312. Mird G18

40.313. Mird G19

40.314. Mird G20a

40.315. Mird G20b Verso

40.316. Mird G21a

40.317. Mird G21b Verso

40.318. Mird G22a

40.319. Mird G22b Verso

40.320. Mird G23a

40.321. Mird G23b Verso

40.322. Mird G24a

40.323. Mird G24b Verso

40.324. Mird G25a

40.325. Mird G25b Verso

40.326. Mird G26a

40.327. Mird G26b Verso

40.328. Mird G27a

40.329. Mird G27b Verso

40.330. Mird G28a

40.331. Mird G28b

40.332. Mird G31a

40.333. Mird G31b

40.334. Mird S2  Plaster with Syriac Inscription CPA supposedly pub. RB?   pl. 1234

40.335. Mird Papyrus fragment S3 pl. 1227 

40.335A. Mird 33,34      M.A.B.

Mird 33–Groh 51 pl. XXIV

Mird 34–Groh 52 pl. XXV

40.336. Mird 35

Groh 18 pl. IX Official Letter p. 15 all pub.

40.337. Mird 32

Groh 42 pl. XVIII Private Lett. p. 49 all pub

40.338. Mird Acts cpa  (Acts 10:36-41) pub Perrot RB 70 (1963) pl. XIX + cpa and Grk frgs (black background)

Another piece: Colossians I, 16-18,20b-21

40.339. Mird Recto of 40.340  One frg Joshua 22:6-7,9-10 CPA

40.340. Mird One piece: Luke III,I,3-4 + others CPA verso of 40.339

40.341. Mird Acts cpa  (Acts 10:36-41) pub Perrot RB (1963) pl. XIX + other cpa and Grk frgs  Small frgs arranged differently than 40.338 (on white background)

40.342. Mird One piece CPA Matt 21:30-34  Most frgs have no    writing, some Grk, bottom 3 frgs Palimpsests Gr/CPA

40.648. pap Mird A  CPA letter (Milik, RB 60 (1953) 526-39    photo, update with photo Bib 42 (1961) 21-27.

40.649. CPA inscrip. pub Milik, RB 60 (1953) 526, pl. XVIII

40.822. Mird 1

40.823. Mird 2

Groh 21 pl. V

Groh 91 pl. XXXII 

+ 5 frgs

40.824. Mird 3 all pub

Groh 54 pl. XXVI

40.825. Mird 4 all pub

Groh 12 pl. VI

Groh 13 pl. VII

Groh 14 pl. VII

Groh 15 pl. VII

40.826. Mird 5

Groh 47 pl. XXI

Groh 69 pl. XXVII

+ 2 frgs

40.827. Mird 6 all pub.

Groh 50 pl. XXIII

40.828. Mird 7

Groh 32 pl. XIV

Groh 70 pl. XXVII

+ 3 frgs

40.829. Mird 8

40.830. Mird 9

40.831. Mird 10

Groh 31 pl. XV

+ 2 frgs

40.832. Mird 11

Groh 23 pl. XIII

+ 2 frgs

40.833. Mird 12

Groh 19 pl. VIII

Groh 90 pl. XXIII

Groh 95 pl. XXXIII

+ frg

40.834. Mird 13  

Groh 46 pl. XXII

+ 3 frgs

40.835. Mird 13A

Groh 45 pl. XXII

+ 3 frgs

40.836. Mird 14

Groh 60 pl. XIII 

+ frgs

40.837. Mird 14A

Groh 61 pl. XIII

Groh 62 pl. XXVI

40.838. Mird 15

Groh 56 pl. XX

Groh 58 pl. XVII

40.839. Mird 15A

Groh 59 pl. XXVII

40.840. Mird 16

40.841. Mird 16A

40.842. Mird 17  

Groh 24 pl. X

Groh 83 Recto pl. XXIV

+ frgs

40.843. Mird 17A  

Groh 83 Verso pl. XXIV

+ frgs

40.844. Mird 18

Groh 34 pl. XVII

Groh 53 pl. XXIII

Groh 66 recto pl. XIX

Groh 67 pl. XIX

+ frgs

40.845. Mird 18  

Groh 66 verso pl. XIX

Groh 93 pl. XXXII

+ frgs

40.846. Mird 19

40.847. Mird 19A

40.848. Mird 20

40.849. Mird 20A

40.850. Mird 21

40.851. Mird 21A

40.852. Mird 22

40.853. Mird 22A

40.854. Mird 23

40.855. Mird 23A

40.856. Mird 24

40.857. Mird 24A

40.858. Mird 25

40.859. Mird 25A

40.860. Mird 26

Groh 20 pl. X

Groh 30 pl. XV

Groh 68 pl. XXVII

+ frgs

40.861. Mird 26A

Groh 35 pl. XVII

40.862. Mird 27

40.863. Mird 27A

40.864. Mird 28

Groh 9 pl. V

Groh 26 pl. X

Groh 29 pl. XII

Groh 38 pl. XVII

Groh 71 pl. XXIX

Groh 98 pl. XXXIII

+ frgs

40.865. Mird 28A

Groh 27 pl. X

+ frgs

40.866. Mird 29 all pub

Groh 25 pl. XII

40.867. Mird 30  

Groh 82 pl. XXXII

Groh 92 pl. XXXII

+ frgs

40.868. Mird 31

40.869. Mird A1a

Groh 2 pl. III

+ 3 frgs

40.870. Mird A2

40.871. Mird A3a (Recto)

Groh 63 pl. XXVIII

Groh 97 pl. XXXII

+ 3 frgs

40.872. Mird A3b (Verso)

40.873. Mird A4

Groh 22 pl. XI all pub.

40.874. Mird A5a

40.875. Mird A6a

40.876. Mird A6b (verso)

40.877. Mird A7

40.878. Mird A8a

40.879. Mird A9a

40.880. Mird A9b

40.881. Mird A10a

Groh 80 pl. XXVIII

+ frgs

40.882. Mird A11a

Groh 17 pl. VIII

+ frgs

40.883. Mird A11b

40.884. Mird A12

40.885. Mird A13a

Groh 85 pl. XXXI

+ 2 frgs

40.886. Mird A13b

Groh 86 pl. XXXI

+ 2 frgs

40.887. Mird A14a

Groh 36 pl. XIX

+ 5 frgs

40.888. Mird A14b

Groh 37 pl. XVII

+ 5 frgs

40.889. Mird A15a

Groh 87 pl. XXX

+ 3 frgs

40.890. Mird A15b

40.891. Mird A16

40.892. Mird A17a

Groh 74 pl. XXVIII

Groh 76 no photo pub

Groh 77 no photo pub

40.893. Mird A18a

40.894. Mird A18b

40.895. Mird A19a

Groh 73 pl. XXIX

Groh 89 pl. XXIX

+ frgs

40.896. Mird A20a

40.897. Mird A21a

40.898. Mird A22a

Groh 39 pl. XIX 

+ frgs

40.899. Mird A22b

Groh 40 pl. XI

+ frgs

40.900. Mird A23a

Groh 3 pl. III

Groh 4 pl. IV

Groh 75 no photo pub

Groh 100 pl. XXXIII

+ frgs

40.901. Mird A24a

40.902. Mird A25a

40.903. Mird A25b

40.904. Mird A26a

40.905. Mird A27a

Groh 8 pl. IV

Groh 41 pl. XIX

Groh 96 pl. XXXII

+ 4 frgs

40.906. Mird A28a

40.907. Mird A28b

40.908. Mird A29a

40.909. Mird A29b

40.910. Mird A30a

Groh 78 no published photo  

+ frgs

40.911. Mird A30b

Groh 5 pl. IV

Groh 7 pl. V

+ frgs

40.912. Mird A31a

40.913. Mird A31b

Groh 28 pl. XIV

+ 4 frgs

40.914. Mird A32a

Groh 16 pl. VIII  

+ frgs

40.915. Mird A33a

40.916. Mird A33b

Groh 1 pl. III

Groh 79 pl. XXIX  

+ frgs

40.917. Mird A34a   all pub

Groh 33* pl. XVI

Groh 43 recto pl. XX

Groh 48 recto pl. XI

Groh 81 recto pl. XXXI

40.918. Mird A 34b  all pub

Groh 43 verso pl. XXI

Groh 48 verso pl. XXI

Groh 81 verso pl. XXXI

40.919. Mird A35

Groh 33* pl. XVI  

Groh 88 pl. XXX

+ 3 frgs

40.920. Mird A36a

41.071. Mird 1gr (Greek) one frg skin

41.072. Mird 1Bgr (Verso of 41.071) Greek one frg skin

41.073. Mird 2gr (Greek) 2 frgs skin

41.074. Mird 2Bgr (Greek 2 frgs skin

41.075. Mird 3gr 7 pap frgs

41.076. Mird 3Bgr (Verso of 41.075) Greek 7 pap frgs

41.077. Mird 4gr p84 (according to Aland) + pap frgs

41.078. Mird 4Bgr (Ver) p84 (according to Aland) + pap frgs

41.079. Mird 5gr 7 pap frgs

41.080. Mird 5Bgr (Verso) 7 pap frgs

41.081. Mird 6gr 8 pap frgs

41.082. Mird 6Bgr (Verso) 8 pap frgs

41.083. Mird 7gr 4 pap frgs

41.084. Mird 7Bgr (Verso) 4 pap frgs

41.085. Mird 8gr Acts 11:29-12:1  Uncial 0244  3 skin frgs, 1 pap

41.086. Mird 8Bgr (Verso) Acts 12:2-5  Uncial 0244  3 skin frgs, 1 pap

41.087. Mird 9gr 2 pap frgs

41.088. Mird 9Bgr 2 pap frgs

41.089. Mird 10gr 6 pap frgs

41.090. Mird 10Bgr 6 pap frgs

41.091. Mird 11gr  p84 (according to Aland) + pap frgs

41.092. Mird 11Bgr p84 (according to Aland) + pap frgs

41.093. Mird 12gr 5 pap frgs

41.094. Mird 12Bgr 5 pap frgs

41.095. Mird 13gr 6 pap frgs

41.096. Mird 13Bgr 6 pap frgs

Groh 94 pl. XXXII

Groh 99 pl. XXXIII

41.097. Mird 14gr 4 pap frgs

41.098. Mird 14Bgr 4 pap frgs

41.099. Mird 15gr 1 pap frgs

41.100. Mird 16gr p83 Matt 20:23-25 + frgs

41.101. Mird 16Bgr p83 Matt 20:30-31? + frgs

41.102. Mird 17gr 12 pap frgs

41.103. Mird 17Bgr 12 pap frgs

41.104. Mird 18gr 6 pap frgs

41.105. Mird 18Bgr 6 pap frgs

41.106. Mird 19gr 16 pap frgs

41.107. Mird 20gr 16 pap frgs

41.108. Mird 21gr 5 pap frgs

41.109. Mird 21Bgr 5 pap frgs

41.110. Mird 22gr 3 pap frgs

41.111. Mird 22Bgr 3 pap frgs

Groh 55 pl. XX

41.112. Mird 23gr one pap frg

41.113. Mird 23bgr one pap frg

41.114. Mird 24gr 5 pap frgs

41.115. Mird 25gr 5 pap frgs

41.116. Mird 25Bgr 10 pap frgs

41.117. Mird 26gr p84 John 17:3, Mark 2:3-4,4-5

41.118. Mird 26Bgr p84 John 17:7-8, Mc 2:8-9 

41.119. Mird 27gr  p84 Mark 6:30-31, 33-34 + frg 

41.120. Mird 27Agr p84 Mark 6:36-37, 39-41 

41.121. Mird 28gr numerous pap frgs

41.122. Mird 28Bgr numerous pap frgs

41.123. Mird 29gr  p83 (according to Aland) + pap frgs

41.124. Mird 29Bgr p83 (according to Aland) + pap frgs

41.125. Mird 30gr 2 skin frgs, other pap frgs

41.126. Mird 30Bgr 2 skin frgs, other pap frgs

41.872. Mird 4A  all pub.

Groh 12 pl. Vi

41.873. Mird 4B,C,D  all pub

4B  Groh 13 pl. VII

4C  Groh 14 pl. VII

4D  Groh 15 pl. VII

41.874. Mird 12 Arabic

Groh 19 pl. VIIi

Groh 90 pl. XXIII

Groh 95 pl. XXXIII  

+ frgs

41.875. Mird 12a little writing, Verso of 41.874

41.876. Mird A 35a+d+34b  Arabic

Groh 33 pl. XXI (top)  all pub

41.877. Mird A 35a+d+34b

Groh 33 pl. XXI (bottom)  all pub (cont. of 41.876

41.878. Mird 36  all pub

Groh 10 pl. VI

41.879. Mird 36a  Verso of 41.878

41.880. Mird 37  Arabic

Groh 11(72) pl. V all pub

41.881. Mird 37a  Arabic.  Verso of 41.880

41.882. Mird 38 Recto

Groh 6 pl. IV  all pub

41.883. Mird 38a  Arabic.  Verso of 41.882.

Groh 44 pl. XXII all pub

41.884. Mird 39 not pub

Mird 40 Groh 49 pl. XXIV

41.885A. Mird 41 all pub

Groh 84 pl. XXX

41.885B. Mird 41–different exposure than 41.885A

43.964. Mird CPA: Matt 21:30-34, Josh 22:6-7,9-10,  Greek

43.965. Mird Verso of 43.964.  some CPA, some Greek

43.966. Mird CPA, + cursive

43.967. Mird Verso of 43.966 some CPA, + cursive

43.968. Mird CPA: 8 frgs, 2: Luke 3:1,3-4, Col. 1:16-18,20b-21

43.969. Mird Verso of 43.968  CPA,

43.970. Mird CPA

43.971. Mird Verso of 43.970 CPA

43.972. Mird Acts of the Apostles 10:28-29,32-36. CPA, pub  RB Oct 1963, 506ff.

43.973. Mird  Acts of the Apostles 10:36-41  Verso of  43.972.  CPA pub RB Oct 1963, 506ff.

44.103. Mird Acts CPA  Verso Side: Acts 10:36-41.  See 43.973. Pub Perrot RB Oct 1963, pl. XIX.

III. Museum Plates in Rockefeller

Plates: 53,656-657,1172-1240,1242-1263 + 61 Greek in Belgium

53.   H. de Mird (found among 4Qff) papyrus, leather, Greek +?

656.  Mird Letter from Monk Gabriel to Abbott  CPA pub. by Milik, RB 60 (1953) 526-39, pl. XIX

657.  Mird Acts of the Apostles pub.

1172. Mird 3 

Groh 54 Frg of a private letter, p. 67 pl. XXVI, all pub.

1173. Mird 8  11 Arabic papyrus frgs

1174. Mird 4A

Groh 12 pl. VI Letter Frg in Galil-Script, all pub

1175. Mird 9  7 Arabic papyrus frgs

1176. Mird 32 

Groh 42 Private Letter pl. XVIII p. 49, all pub.

1177. Mird 38 

Groh 6 Arabic Protocol p. 7 pl. IV  Recto of Groh 44 Groh 44 pl. XXII Private letter p. 53 Verso of Groh 6  all pub.

1178. Mird 20  Arabic papyrus frgs

1179. M.A.B. A23a,b Mird

Groh 3 Bilingual Protocol Grohman, p. 5, pl. III

Groh 4 Bilingual Protocol Grohman, p. 6, pl. IV

Groh 75 (photo not pub)

Groh 100 Fragment of a Drawing p. 104, pl. XXXIII

+ 3 frgs

1180. Mird A13a,b

Groh 85 Frg of private letter pl. XXXI Recto of Groh 86 p. 92.

Groh 86 Frg of private letter pl. XXXI Verso of Groh 85 p. 92

+ 2 frgs

1181. Mird A3a,b

Groh 63 Frg of a private letter pl. XXVIII Grohman p. 75

Groh 97 Frgs of a private letter pl. XXXII p. 102 Grohman

+ 3 frgs

1182. Mird A2  7 Arabic papyrus frgs

1183. Mird A1a 

Groh 2 pl. III Bilingual Protocol p. 4

+ 3 largely uninscribed papyrus frgs

1184. Mird A16 Misc. Arabic papyrus frgs

1185. Mird A22a,b

Groh 39 Frg of list  pl. XIV p. 45 Recto of Groh 40

Groh 40 pl. XI Ibid. p. 45. Verso of Groh 39

+ other frgs

1186. Mird 26A   Misc. Arabic papyrus frgs

1187. Mird 11A,B 

Groh 17 pl. VIII Letter Frags in GalilScript p. 15

+ 5 frgs

1188. Mird 14A,B 

Groh 36 Frg of a money account pl. XIX Rec. of Groh 37

Groh 37  pl. XVII Verso of Groh 36  

+ 5 frgs

1189. Mird 23     Arabic

1190. Mird 24     Arabic

1191. Mird A25A,B  Arab pap frgs

1192. Mird 4 B,C,D

Groh 13 p. 13 Letter frgs pl. VII

Groh 14 p. 14 Letter Frgs pl. VII

Groh 15 p. 14 Letter Frgs pl. VII    all pub.

1193. Mird 1   Arab pap. frgs

1194. Mird 5 

Groh 47 pl. XXI Frg of private letter

Groh 69 pl. XXVII p. 80 Frg of beginning of two letters

+ 4 frgs

1195. Mird 19,19A  Arab pap. frgs

1196. M.A.B. A4 Mird 

Groh 22 pl. XI p. 22 Conclusion of a probably official  letter all pub.

1197. Mird A5A

1198. M.A.B. A 6a-b Mird 

1199. M.A.B. A21a  Mird pap frg

1200. Mird X1  Box of papyrus frgs

1201. Mird A33a,b 

Groh 1 pl. III Byzantine Protocol p. 3

Groh 79 pl. XXIX Frg of official letter p. 88,

+ 4 frgs

1202. Mird A28a,b  Arab pap. frgs

1203. Mird 36

Groh 10 all pub pl. VI

1204. Mird A20A Arabic Pap. frgs

1205. Mird 16,16a  Papyrus frgs

1206. Mird 15,15A

Groh 58 pl. XVII Frg of Private Letter p. 71

Groh 56 pl. XX Frg of private letter p. 69 Recto of Groh 59

Groh 59 pl. XXVII Verso of 56  p. 72  Address belonging to a letter

+ frg

1207. Mird 30

Groh 92 Frg of private letter pl. XXXII p. 98

Groh 82 List of Garments pl. XXXII

+ many other frgs

1208. Mird 25,25a  Arab pap. frgs

1209. Mird 26,26a

Groh 20 pl. X Frg of an official letter p. 20

Groh 30 Frg of an official letter p. 32 pl. XV Recto of Groh 35

Groh 35 Verso of Groh 30, pl. XVII p. 41 List of an account

Groh 68 pl. XXVII Frg of private letter p. 79

+ frg

1210. Mird 31  Arab. pap. frgs

1211. Mird 27,17a  Arab pap frgs

1212. Mird 28,28a 

Groh 9 pl. V Conclusion of contract of sale p. 10

Groh 26 pl. X Frg of Letter Recto of 27 p. 29

Groh 27 pl. X Frg of a letter p. 29  Verso of 26

Groh 29 pl. XII Frg of presumably official letter p. 32

Groh 38 pl. XVII Frg of Account p. 44

Groh 71 pl. XXIX Note of a historian or biography

Groh 98 pl. XXXIII Frg of private letter p. 102

+ 6 frgs

1213. Mird 7 

Groh 32 pl. XIV Frg of official letter p. 35

Groh 70 pl. XXVII Frg of private (?) letter p. 81

+ 3 frgs

1214. Mird 22, 22a   Misc. Arab pap. frgs

1215. Mird 21,21a  4 Arab pap frgs

1216. Mird 18,18a 

Groh 34 pl. XVII Frgs of List of Persons p. 40

Groh 53 pl. XXIII Frg of private letter

Groh 66 pl. XIX Rec. and Ver. Frgs of Private letter p. 77

Groh 67 pl. XIX Frg of private letter p. 78

Groh 93 Verso Side, Recto side not in photo 

Mird 18.2 Verso p. 99 Frg of address . . .

+ 7 frgs

1217. Mird 14,14a 

Mird 14C pl. III (Not in Groh series but photo of part of this) Recto of Groh 62

Groh 60 Recto of Groh 61  Two frgs of private letter p. 72, pl. XIII

Groh 61 Verso of Groh 60  p. 72 pl. XIII

Groh 62 pl. XXVI Frg of private letter.  Verso of Mird 14C + frgs

1218. Mird A30a,30b 

Groh 5 pl. V p. 6 Arabic Protocol

Groh 7 pl. V Arabic Papyrus p. 9

Groh 78 (photo not pub)

+ frgs

1219. Mird A17A

Groh 74 pl. XXVIII Frg of bilingual protocol p. 86

Groh 76 (photo not pub)

Groh 77 (photo not pub)

+ 5 frgs

1220. Mird A18a-b  9 Arab pap. frgs

1221. Mird A7   Arab. pap. frgs

1222. Mird 2

Groh 21 pl. V Frag of official letter p. 21

Groh 91 pl. XXXII Frag of private letter

+ 5 frgs

1223. MirdA36a  Misc. Arab pap frgs

1224. Mird A8a  7 Arab pap frgs

1225. Mird A9a-b  5 Arab pap frgs

1226. Mird A10a-b  

Groh 80 pl. XXVIII

+ 5 frgs

1227. M.A.B. Mird S3 non identified

1228. Mird A12  3 Arab. pap frgs

1229. Mird A15a-b 

Groh 87 pl. XXX Frg of private letter p. 94

+ 3 frgs

1230. Mird A19,19a 

Groh 73 pl. XXIX p. 85 Frg of letter

Groh 89 pl. XXIX p. 96 Frg of letter

+ other frgs

1231. Mird X2  Box of Greek Mird Papyrus Frgs

1232. Mird G12 Inscribed Greek papyrus frgs

1233. Mird X3 Inscribed papyrus frgs

1234. Mird S2 Plaster with Syriac inscription

1235. Mird X4 Inscribed Ostraca

1236. Mird S CPA pap. frgs, check one piece pub by Milik?

1237. Mird X4  Palimpsests, Greek, CPA non-identified

1238. Mird  Mtt 21:30-34, Josh 22:6-7,9-10, Luke 3:1,3-4,  Col. 1:16-18, 20b-21  CPA

1239. Mird  Frgs non identified CPA

1240. Mird A34a,A35 

Groh 33 pl. XVI p. 37 List of Persons  all pub.

1241. QX Misc. leather and papyrus frgs

1242. 13305 One large piece

1243. 13 376?  4 Arab pap frgs

1244. Mird 13 40.834, 40.835

Groh 45 p. 55 pl. XXII

Groh 46 p.55 pl. XXII Private letter

+ 3 pieces

1245. Mird 29 all pub 40.866

Groh 25 pl. XII p. 26 Instruction to a Subordinate Official

1246. M.A.B. A31b  pl. XIV

Groh 28  p. 30 Frg of letter

+ 4 more pieces 40.912-40.913

1247. Mird 41 all pub 41.885

Groh 84 pl. XXX Frg of private letter p. 92

1248. Mird 33,34 all pub check 40.335A

Groh 51 pl. XXIV Private Letter  p. 62

Groh 52 pl. XXV Private letter  p. 64

1249. Mird 12,12a cf. 40.833, 41.874-41.875

Groh 19 pl. VIII Verso, recto unpub. p. 19 Order for investigation

Groh 90 pl. XXIII Frg of private letter p. 96

Groh 95 pl. XXXIII Frg of private letter p. 100

+ frg

1250. Mird 6 all pub 40.827

Groh 50 pl. XXIII p. 60 Letter

1251. Mird A34a All pub. cf. 40.917-40.918

Groh 43 Verso pl. XXI Frg of private letter  p. 52

Groh 48 recto pl. XI  Frg of private letter  p. 57

Groh 48 Verso pl. XXI Frg of private letter  p. 57

Groh 81 Recto pl. XXXI Frg of list of persons p. 90

Groh 81 Verso pl. XXXI Frg of list of persons p. 90

1252. Mird 10   40.831

Groh 31 pl. XV p. 33  Frg of official instruction

+ 2 frgs

1253. Mird A 35 cf. 40.919

Groh 88 pl. XXX    + 4 frgs

1254. Mird 39-40 cf. 41.884

Groh 49 pl. XXIV Frg of Private Letter p. 59

+ frg

1255. Mird A 24a 4 Arab pap frgs 40.901

1256. Mird A 29a 8 Arabic pap frg 40.908-40.909

1257. Mird 11 40.832

Groh 23 pl. XIII Letter to Governor p. 23

+ 2 frgs

1258. Mird A27b  40.905

Groh 8 pl. IV Signatures of witnesses p. 9

Groh 41 List pl. XIX p. 47

Groh 96 Frag. of private letter p. 101

+ 3 frgs

1259. Mird 17 40.842-40.843

Groh 24 pl. X Frag of report p. 25

Groh 83 Recto and Verso pl. XXIV Frag. of Account

+ 6 frgs

1260. Mird A 32a 40.914

Groh 16 pl. VIII p. 14 Letter Frg

+ 9 frgs

1261. Mird 37–all pub. 41.880-41.881

Groh 11 pl. V Letter frg in Galil-Script (same photo as Groh 72)

Groh 72 pl. V Frg of Literary text (same photo as Groh 11)

2 MSS on same side, verso side inscribed but no photo