Fascicle 10

Qumran Cave 4 (4Q 196-363) Milik

Table of Contents


ABMC–Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center


DJD–Discoveries in the Judaean Desert


IAA–Israel Antiquities Authority–set of photographs taken   after 1967 by the Israel authorities

JWS–Photographs shot for John Strugnell of some 4Q               fragments which were in Rockfeller museum by the             Zuckerman brothers as part of West Semitic Research          Research Project

Newsom, ShirShabb– Newsom, C., Songs of the Sabbath              Sacrifice: A Critical Edition (HSS 27; Atlanta, GA:          Scholars, 1985).

“PAM”–Palestine Archaeological Museum (original designation of accession numbers used in Rockefeller Museum for set    of photographs largely taken before 1967) 

PES–Wacholder, Ben Zion and Martin G. Abegg, A Preliminary

     Edition of the Unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls. Fascicle        One. Washington, D.C.: Biblical Archaeology Society,        1991.

pl(s)–plate, plates (can be used for published photographic

     plates or for the museum plates which hold the              fragments) 

ppub.–partially published


ROC–Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem


 * — Parts of fragments are indicated by asterisk (*) following number.  The unit which became identified as a fragment in the final publication sometimes was composed of more than one fragment which were fitted together by the editors. 


A. Acknowledgements for Financial Support

     From March to July 1989 and from August 1990 to the present Dr. Reed has been working with the photographs at the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center and from August 1989 through July 1990 Dr. Reed worked with the fragments and photographs at the Rockefeller Museum.  A Dorot Fellowship made it possible for Dr. Reed to work on the project from March to July 1989 at the ABMC and spend a year in Jerusalem working on revising and updating these lists.  The Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center has provided funding for work at the Center from August 1990 through June of 1991.  Additional funding has been made available since July 1991 by grants from the Dorot Foundation, the Annenberg Institute, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.  

B. Purpose of this fascicle

     Our goal is to produce a computerized database which will include information about photographs, documents and museum plates of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  A computerized database will allow scholars to conduct different searches according to their particular research needs.  

     It is our intention to make the information in the lists available to scholars as quickly as possible.  Since it will take some time before the computerized database will be complete, we have decided to compose preliminary lists about each of the particular collections (such as Cave 1, the Minor Caves, Murabba`at and 4Q128-4Q186) and make these lists available to interested people in photocopy form.  We wish to emphasize that these lists are still preliminary.  The final database will include more information.     

     Much care has been taken to ensure that the information in these lists is accurate, but inevitably errors enter such a work.  We would be appreciative if you would contact us about errors you find or additional information about the photographs of 4Q196-4Q363 at the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center, Box 670, Claremont, CA 91711.  (714) 621-6451.  Fax number: 714-621-1481.

 C. Assistance for Work

     The production of these lists has involved the skills of many people.  Over the years some preliminary and partial lists were produced by the original editors and by museum officials.  The most comprehensive lists before I began my work were prepared by Elisha Qimron in 1981.  Further updates were added in 1985 to these lists by Qimron and John Strugnell.  All of these lists were made available to me by John Strugnell when I began updating the materials.  I wish to acknowledge their contribution without which my work would have been far more difficult.  

     The Israel Antiquities Authority staff at the Rockefeller Museum helped me find appropriate fragmentary and photographic materials at the museum.  Joe Zias, curator, gave me access to the materials.  Ruth Peled, Marcia Sharabani and Donald Ariel also provided assistance.  Ayala Sussmann and Ronny Reich allowed me access to the photographs.  Magen Broshi aided us in finding particular plates that had been moved to the Shrine of the Book for storage or conservation.  The members of the Advisory Committee, composed of Amir Drori, Ayala Sussmann, Jonas Greenfield, Magen Broshi and Shemaryahu Talmon, have provided editorial assistance in the overall preparation of these lists.   

     The staff of the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center helped me obtain access to the materials, provided administrative help, guidance and advice.  James A. Sanders, president, has provided overall direction for the project.  Former directors, Peter Pettit and Steve Delamarter, as well as the current acting director, Bruce Zuckerman, and Marilyn Lundberg, Associate Director, have provided much support.  

     Editors of the materials have provided a great deal of information.  John Strugnell, international editor in chief while I was in Jerusalem, provided help in updating these lists and answering various questions that arose while working on them.  Current editors, Emanuel Tov, Eugene Ulrich and mile Puech have also provided assistance.  Stephen Pfann spent considerable time double checking details and correcting old lists.  We met together several times in Kansas City and Jerusalem trying to make the lists as accurate as possible.

     Marilyn Lundberg compiled the list of the card concordance sigla and their present day equivalents.  

Randall Reed compiled the bibliographic data and provided word processing assistance.  Esti Eshel provided corrections and editorial assistance.  Magen Broshi visited J.T. Milik in Paris and Milik filled in some of the gaps in the list that I prepared particularly for the documents 4Q340-4Q361.

     Every item of the lists here has been checked and 

verified by us at the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center or 

in Jerusalem at the Rockefeller Museum.

D. How to acquire materials 

     For further information about photographic collections 


    1. Photographic Services, Israel Antiquities Authority, P.O.B. 586, Jerusalem 91004, Israel.  Telephone: (02)292614;

Fax number: 292628.

    2. Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center, 1325 N. College Ave., P.O. Box 670, Claremont, CA 91711. (714) 621-6451 Fax No. (714)-621-1481

     The Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center is an official depository of the 4Q196-4Q363 photographs of the “PAM” collection.  Scholars are welcome to come to the Center and view photographs of the documents here.  A number of the PAM photographs inventoried in this fascicle can be found in A Facsimile Edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Prepared with an Introduction and Index by Robert H. Eisenman and James M. Robinson. Washington, D.C.: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1991.  A microfilm of the complete PAM collection as well as  photographs from other collections prepared by Robert Schlosser of the Huntington Library is also available.  

I. Introduction

     This fascicle contains information about one collection of the Cave 4 documents which were assigned to J. T. Milk for editing: 4Q196-4Q363.  

     Information concerning the 4Q196-4Q363 documents is arranged in three lists: documents, photographs and museum plates.  In the document list the documents are listed sequentially according to their designated numbers by Milik.  Included in this list are the photographs which pertain to each document as well as the present location of the fragments.  In the photograph list the photographs which pertain to these documents are given according to the inventory numbers assigned in the PAM photographic collection.  The museum plate list includes a list of the museum plates which contain these materials. 

     Since published photographs are called “plates”, it can be confusing to refer to the fragments placed between plates of glass in the museum as “plates.”  Editor Emanuel Tov prefers that the term “inventory number” be used for what is here called “museum plate.”  

     The document list is cross-referenced to the other two lists.  It is expected that scholars would first refer to this list and then if they want further information about the photographs or museum plates they can refer to the other two lists.  There is some duplication of information in the three lists but there is often no one-to-one correspondence among documents, photographs and museum plates.  All three are necessary to provide all of the information that scholars may need in their research.

     The photographs in the “PAM” series do not have dates but since they were assigned inventory numbers soon after they were photographed one can generally differentiate earlier from later photographs by the inventory number.  Generally the latest photographs in the PAM series (43.000 and 44.000 series) are better organized and closer to the  format in which the documents will be published than the earlier photographs (42.000,41.000,40.000 series).  Two early series are particularly marked.  A set of photographs of materials bought by the government are marked with a G (G1-G66 for 40.575-40.637, 40.986-40.990).  A second set of excavation photographs for fragments found during excavation of Cave 4 are marked with an E (E1-E22 for 40.962-40.985). 

     Earlier photographs contain a more mixed grouping of fragments.  Often fragments have not yet been “reconstructed”, i.e. fitted together, on these early photographs.  Sometimes it is possible to see joins where fragments were fitted together on later photographs.  The earlier photographs can help one see which fragments have been reconstructed.  

     The early 4Q photographs have miscellaneous fragments from the whole 4Q collection. These photographs have not yet been completely inventoried.  More photographs of some of the fragments from 4Q196-4Q363 may be identified.  

     The focus of attention in this fascicle is on the documents 4Q196-4Q363.  On some photographs, of course, documents from other collections are found.  Full bibliographies of these documents are not given.  

     For bibliographic information on 4Q196-4Q363 documents see Joseph A. Fitzmyer, The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications and Tools for Study, Scholars Press, 1990; F. Garc¡a Mart¡nez, “Lista de MSS procedentes de Qumran,” Henoch 11, 1989, pp. 149-232.  For general information see Stephen A. Reed, “Survey of the Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments and Photographs at the Rockefeller,” BA 54 (March 1991) 44-51.

     The Milik (M) numbers listed for certain plates have been derived from various labels and/or lists.  Sometimes they do not correspond with the M numbers found in the card catalogue.  Whenever the M documents were rearranged the M numbers were changed.  

     The 4Q196-4Q363 list was constructed from the 1967 list of Milik which was provided to me by John Strugnell.  It is not always clear which manuscripts fit into these documents since Milik’s list was not keyed to other sigla found on the labels on the museum plates or the sigla in the card catalogue.  This is why some of these Q numbers are still vacant.  Other documents which have sigla but which cannot be assigned to Q numbers are listed after the Q Document list.  

     James Vanderkam who is editing the Jubilees documents and Joseph Baumgarten who is editing the Damascus Document helped me update the sigla for these documents.  Apparently other changes have been made to the 1967 list as well.  Sometimes documents have been identified by Q numbers such as in Milik’s volume on Enoch.  4Q numbers that are assigned to particular documents here may well change in a later publication.  

     Some of the documents Milik was editing have been reassigned to other scholars.  This list includes names of editors of these reassigned documents.  The international editorial team is currently reassigning more documents to other scholars.  Emanuel Tov is publishing a list with these new editors.  Changes in titles may well take place as further work of editing continues.  Users should remember that this fascicle is preliminary and that changes will no doubt need to be made for some time in these lists.

II. Documents

A. Card Concordance Sigla for Milik Documents

Old Sigla   Old Title                   Q Num     New Sigla

     Ba   Berakot ms. a (Heb)   4Q286 Bera

     Bb   Berakot ms. b (Heb)   4Q287 Berb

     Bc   Berakot ms. c (Heb)   4Q288 Berc

     Bd   Berakot ms. d (Heb)   4Q289 Berd

     Bw   Berakot ms. w (Heb)   4Q291 Work Con-taining Prayers

     Bx   Berakot ms. x (Heb)   4Q292 Work Con-taining Prayers 

     By   Berakot ms. y (Heb)   4Q293 Work Con-taining Prayers

     Brkz Berakot ms. z (Heb)   4Q280 Toharot Db

     BM   Berakot u-Milhamah (Heb)    4Q285 Serekh-ha-Milhamah

     Br   Brontologion (Aram)   4Q318 Zodiology and Brontology

     citJub     Ouvrage avec citations      4Q228 Work with

          de Jubilees (Heb)          Citation of Jubi-lees

     Da   Damascus Doc. ms. a (Heb)   4Q268 Dc

     Db   Damascus Doc. ms. b (Heb)   4Q266 Da 

     Dc   Damascus Doc. ms. c (Heb)   4Q271 Df

     Dd   Damascus Doc. ms. d (Heb)   4Q267 Db

     De   Damascus Doc. ms. e (Heb)   4Q270 De

     Df   Damascus Doc. ms. f (Heb)   4Q269 Dd

     Dg   Damascus Doc. ms. g (Heb)   4Q272 Dg

     Dh   Damascus Doc. ms. h (Heb)   4Q273 Dh

     DS   Dibre maskil libne sahar    4Q298 Words of

          (Heb) written in Cryptic A       Sage to Sons of Aurora

     Haa Henoch astronomicala (Aram) 4Q209 Enastrab

     Hab Henoch astronomicalb (Aram) 4Q208 Enastraa

     Hac Henoch astronomicalc (Aram) 4Q210 Enastrac

     Had Henoch astronomicald (Aram) 4Q211 Enastrad

     Hena Henocha (Aram)   4Q201 Ena

     Henb Henochb (Aram)   4Q204 Enc

     Henc Henochc (Aram)   4Q202 Enb

     Hend Henochd (Aram)   4Q206 Ene

     Hene Henoche (Aram)   4Q205 End

     HenV Henoch section 5 (Aram)     4Q212 Eng

     Hlka Halakicaa (Heb) 4Q251 Legal Commentary on the Pentateuch

     Jba Jubileesa (Heb) 4Q216 Juba

     Jbb Jubileesb (Heb) 4Q219 Jubd

     Jbc Jubileesc (Heb) 4Q218 Jubc

     Jbd Jubileesd (Heb) 4Q221 Jubf

     Jbe Jubileese (Heb) 4Q222 Jubg

     Jbf Jubileesf (Heb) 4Q223 papJubh

     Mish A     Mishmarot (Heb)  4Q320 Mish A

     Mish Ba    Mishmarot (Heb) 4Q321 Mish Ba

     Mish Bb    Mishmarot (Heb) 4Q321a     Mish Bb

     Mish Ca    Mishmarot (Heb)  4Q322 Mish Ca 

     Mish Cb    Mishmarot (Heb) 4Q323 Mish Cb

     Mish Cc    Mishmarot (Heb) 4Q324 Mish Cc

     Mish Cd    Mishmarot (Heb) 4Q324a     Mish Cd

     Mish Ce    Mishmarot (Heb) 4Q324b     Mish Ce

     Mish D     Mishmarot (Heb) 4Q325 Mish D

     Mish Ea    Mishmarot (Heb) 4Q326 Mish Ea

     Mish Eb    Mishmarot (Heb)  4Q327 Mish Eb

     Mish Fa    Mishmarot (Heb) 4Q328 Mish Fa

     Mish Fb    Mishmarot (Heb) 4Q329 Mish Fb

     Mish G     Mishmarot (Heb) 4Q329a     Mish G

     Mish H     Mishmarot (Heb) 4Q330      Mish H

     Mysta Mysteriesa (Heb)      4Q299 Mysta

     Mystb Mysteriesb (Heb)      4Q300 Mystb

     Mystc Mysteriesc (Heb)      4Q301 Mystc

     Ordo       Ordo (of reciting divine    4Q334 Ordo

          office) monthly? (Heb) 

     pGen A     type of pesher on Gen (Heb) 4Q254 pGenc

          N.B. This should be altered 

            to pGenA wherever it appears

     pGen B     pesher on Genesis (Heb)     4Q252(part) pGena

     pGenVIa paraphrase of Gen. 4Q252(part) pGena

          ch 6a (Heb) 

     pGenVIb paraphrase of Gen. 4Q253        pGenb

          ch 6b (Heb) 

     psDana     pseudo-Daniel    4Q243 psDan ara

          storiesa (Aram)

     psDanb     pseudo-Daniel    4Q244 psDan arb

          storiesb (Aram) 

     psDanc     pseudo-Daniel    4Q245 psDan arc

          storiesc (Aram) 

     psDand     pseudo-Daniel    4Q246 Aramaic

          storiesd (Aram)       Apocalypse

     psH Pseudo-Hodayot (Heb) 

          Verso of Sa

     PsHist A pseudo-historical text (Heb) 

     PsHist B pseudo-historical text (Heb)

     PsHist C pseudo-historical text (Heb) 4Q247  ApocWeeks

     PsHist D pseudo-historical text (Heb) 4Q339  List of false prophets

     PsHist E pseudo-historical text (Heb)

     ps Jba     pseudo-Jubileesa (Heb)      4Q227 psJubc ?

     ps Jbb     pseudo-Jubileesb (Heb)      4Q225 psJuba

     ps Jbc     pseudo-Jubileesc (Heb)      4Q226 psJubb

     Sa   Serek hayyahada (Heb) 4Q255 Sa

          recto of psH

     Sb   Serek hayyahadb (Heb) 4Q256 Sb

     Sc   Serek hayyahadc (Heb) 4Q257 Sc

     Sd   Serek hayyahadd (Heb) 4Q258 Sd

     Se   Serek hayyahade (Heb) 4Q259 Se

     Sf   Serek hayyahadf (Heb) 4Q260A     Sf

     Sg   Serek hayyahadg (Heb) 4Q261 Sg

     Sh   Serek hayyahadh (Heb) 4Q262 Sh

     Si   Serek hayyahadi (Heb) 4Q263 Si

     Sj   Serek hayyahadj (Heb) 4Q264 Sj

     SapA Sapiential (?) (Heb) 4Q302 papPraise of God & Parable of Tree

     SapB Sapiential (?) (Heb) 4Q306 “The men of the people who erred…”

     SapC Sapiential (?) (Heb) 4Q303 Meditation on Creation 1a

     SD   Serek-Damascus (medley) 4Q265 Serek Damascus

     sNab The prayer (slt) of   4Q242 Pr Nab

          Nabonidus (Aram) 

     Sndt Serek haniddot  (Heb) 4Q284 Ritual of Impurity

     Sx   Serek hayyahadx (Heb) 4Q275 Toharot Ba

     Sy   Serek hayyahady (Heb) 4Q279 Toharot Da

     Sz   Serek hayyahadz (Heb)

     Tbaa Tobit Aramaica        4Q196 papTob ara

     Tbab Tobit Aramaicb        4Q197 papTob arb

     Tbac Tobit Aramaicc        4Q198 papTob arc

     Tbh Tobit Hebrew         4Q200 Tob heb

     ThrA Tohorah A (Lois de la           4Q274 Toharot A

          purete) (Heb)   

     ThrBa      Tohorah Ba (Lois de la      4Q277 Toharot Bc

          purete) (Heb) 

     ThrBb      Tohorah Bb (Lois de la      4Q276 Toharot Bb

          purete) (Heb) 

     ThrC Tohorah  C (Lois de la           4Q278 Toharot C

          purete) (Heb) 

     TLa Testament of Levia (Aram)        4Q213 TLevi ara

     TLb Testament of Levib (Aram)        4Q214 TLevi arb

     TN   Testament of Naphtali (Heb)      4Q215 TNaph

     unidA      unidentified A (Heb) 

     unidB      unidentified B (Heb) 

     unidC      unidentified C (Heb) 

     unidD      unidentified D (Heb) 

     unidE      unidentified E (Heb) 

     unidF      unidentified F (Heb) 

B. Document List Arranged by Number   

4Q196 papTob ara M5   666  43.175

M6   851  43.176

M7   852  43.177

M8   822  43.178

M9   808  43.179

Misc.: 40.600,40.630-40.632,41.646-41.648, 41.931,42.069,42.074,42.210-42.215



4Q197 Tob arb   M10  132  43.180

M11  133  43.181

Misc.: 40.579,40.625,40.626,41.353,41.887,42.216-41.217



4Q198 Tob arc   M12  231  43.182

Misc.: 41.595,41.914,42.325



4Q199 Tob ard   M12  231  43.182

Misc.: 41.945,42.325



4Q200 Tob? heb   M13  848  43.183

M14  850  43.184

Misc.: 40.602,40.610,40.624,41.368,41.665, 42.218,42.324



4Q201 En ara    M25  821  43.197

M26  904  43.198

Misc.: 41.360,41.591,41.665,41.974,42.078, 42.227,42.228


Pub.: Milik, Enoch pp. 139-163

4Q202 En arb    M29  380  43.203

Misc.: 40.613,41.705,42.231


Pub.: Milik, Enoch pp. 164-178

4Q203 EnGiants ara    M28  188  43.202

                       M28       189   43.201   

M28A 906      

Misc.: 40.617,40.622,41.354,41.444,42.230, 42.436,42.440

Editor: Milik, Enoch pp. 310-317


4Q204 En arc    M27  199  43.200

M27A 200  43.199

M28  188  43.202

M28  189  43.201

M28  191  43.202

Misc.: 40.624,40.965,41.354,41.355,41.512,41.516, 41.591,41.952,42.229,42.230,42.436


Pub.: Milik, Enoch pp. 178-217

4Q205 En ard    M31  142  43.206

Misc.: 40.624,41.209,41.363,41.944,42.233


Pub.: Milik, Enoch pp. 217-225

4Q206 En are    M30  359  43.204

M30A 386  43.205

M30B 358  43.204 

Misc.: 40.602,41.362,42.232


Pub.: Milik, Enoch pp. 225-244

4Q207 En arf    M31A  143  43.214

Misc.: 41.399


Pub.: Milik, Enoch pp. 244-245

4Q208 Enastr ara M32  846  43.235

M35  823  43.210

M35A 814  43.211

Misc.: 41.399,43.207


Pub.: Milik, Enoch pp. 273-297

4Q209 Enastr arb M33  847  43.208

M34  856  43.209

M34  857  43.209

Misc.: 40.581,40.614,40.622,41.369,41.370,41.591, 42.234-42.236



4Q210 Enastr arc M36  229  43.213

Misc.: 41.370,41.407

Pub.: Milik, Enoch pp. 273-297

4Q211 Enastr ard M36A  369  43.214

Misc.: 40.619,41.952,41.956


Pub.: Milik, Enoch pp. 273-297

4Q212 En arg    M37  227  43.214

M37A 228  43.215

Misc.: 40.604,40.610,40.624,41.406,41.665, 42.237,42.238

also called Letter of Enoch or Enoch V


Pub.: Milik, Enoch pp. 245-272

4Q213 TLevi ara  M41  249  43.242

M41A 817  43.241

M41A 997  43.242

M41B 816  43.243

Misc.: 40.607,40.609,40.612,40.618,41.407,41.679, 42.363,42.364,42.365


Pub.: PPUB Milik, RB 62 (1955) 398-406; Milik, Enoch, 23-24

4Q214 TLevi arb  M42  370  43.260

Misc.: 41.945 



4Q215 TNaph M43  368  43.237

M43A 371  43.245

Misc.: 40.613,41.809,41.886,41.913,41.915



4Q216 Jubileesa  M15-16     385  43.185

M17  384  43.186

Misc.: 41.210,41.352,41.427,41.665,41.914, 42.219,42.220

Editor: James Vanderkam

Pub.: J. C. Vanderkam and J. T. Milik, “The First Jubilees Manuscript From Qumran Cave 4: A Preliminary Publication,” JBL 110 (1991) 243-270.

4Q217 Jubileesb  M126(40A)  586  43.261

Misc.: 40.631,40.974,41.931,42.064,42.069

Editor: James Vanderkam


4Q218 Jubileesc  M19  849  43.189,


Misc.: 40.615,41.438,41.693,42.222

Editor: James Vanderkam


4Q219 Jubileesd  M18  300  43.187

Misc.: 41.412,42.221

Editor: James Vanderkam

Pub.:PPUB James C. Vanderkam, “The Jubilees Fragments from Qumran Cave 4,” Madrid Congress Volume 1991 (forthcoming)

4Q220 Jubileese  M19  849  43.189

Editor: James Vanderkam


4Q221 Jubileesf  M20  361  43.188

Misc.: 40.586,40.598,41.437,41.775,42.223

Editor: James Vanderkam 

Pub.: PPUB Milik RB 1966 pl. II

 PPUB James C. Vanderkam, “The Jubilees fragments from Qumran Cave 4,”  Madrid Congress Volume 1991 (forthcoming)

4Q222 Jubg M21  230  43.189

Misc.: 40.622,41.437,41.438,41.931,42.326,42.927

Editor: James Vanderkam


4Q223 papJubh   M22  134  43.190

M23  135  43.191

Misc.: 40.633,41.213,41.315,41.549,41.650,41.994, 42.224,42.225                

Editor: James Vanderkam


4Q224 papJubh?   M24  136  43.192

Misc.: 41.444,41.650,42.226

Editor: James Vanderkam


4Q225 PseudoJuba M39  311  43.251

Misc.: 41.517,41.518,41.637,41.718,41.719, 41.849,42.361

Editor: James Vanderkam


4Q226 PseudoJubb M40A  811  43.234

Misc.: 41.320,41.823,42.362

Editor: James Vanderkam


4Q227 PseudoJubc?     M39A 812  43.238

Misc.: 40.985,41.780

Editor: James Vanderkam

Pub.: PPUB in Milik, Enoch, p. 12

4Q228 Work with  M40B  309  43.232

citation of Jubilees Formerly Patriarchal Stories

Misc.: 40.579,40.610,41.704

Editor: James Vanderkam


4Q229 Pseudepigraphic work in Mishnaic



4Q230 Catalogue of Spiritsa



4Q231 Catalogue of Spiritsb



4Q232 JN hebr



4Q233 Fragments with mention of place names



4Q234 Gen 27:20-21 (Exercitium calami)  603  43.407

Misc.: 41.706 (see note on 41.206)



4Q235 Frgs of Book    M129a 601  43.402

of Kings in Nabatean

Misc.:41.687, bottom two frgs of 43.402



4Q236 Psalm 89   M127  304  43.399

Misc.: 40.620,41.438


Pub.: Milik, RB 73 (1966) 94-106 pl. I

4Q237 Psalter (4Q?)



4Q238 Habakkuk 3 and other songs



4Q239 Pesharim on true Israel



4Q240 Commentary on Canticles?



4Q241 Fragments with a citation of Lamentations



4Q242 PrNab ar   M44  248  42.265

               665  42.265

Misc.: 41.590,41.895,41.913,42.007,42.265


Pub.: Milik, RB 63 (1956) 407-15.

4Q243 psDan ara  M45  854  43.252

M45A 908  43.247

M45B 855

Misc.: 41.939,41.444,42.366



4Q244 psDan arb  M46  853  43.249

Misc.: 41.590,41.952,42.264,42.367



4Q245 psDan arc  M46A  247  43.259

Misc.: 40.622,41.913,41.939,42.367



4Q246 Aramaic Apocalypse    M132 209  43.236

formerly psDan ard         

Misc.: 42.601


PPub.: Enoch, pp. 60,213,261; Puech, forthcoming

4Q247 ApocWeeks  M47A  377  43.248 (lft 


in Hebrew

Misc.: 41.210,41.282,42.369


Pub.: trans. in Enoch p. 256

4Q248 Acts of Greek King in Protomishnaic

(Formerly Ps Hist E?)



4Q249 Midrash Sepher Moshe in Cryptic A (pap)

papMSM Cryptic A M108 589  43.408

M109 590  43.409

M110 598  43.410

M111 597  43.411

M112 596  43.412

Misc.: 40.605,40.634,40.636,40.974,41.984-41.987, 41.990,41.993,41.995



4Q250 Text of Verso of MSM above in same script

pap?Cryptic A   M113A 593  43.413

Misc.: 40.636,41.984



4Q251 Halakah A  M80  702  43.307

M81  711  43.308

Misc.: 40.618,41.317,41.679,42.409-42.411


Pub.: One frg transcribed by J. T. Milik, DJD 3 (1962) p. 300.

4Q252 pGena M131 670  43.381

M38  668  43.253 

Misc.: 41.289,41.319,41.584,41.708,41.816,41.979, 42.185,42.585,42.609

formerly Patriarchal Blessing; CC:pGenB


Pub.: PPUB as Patriarchal Blessings in Allegro, JBL 75, pl. I (1956)

4Q253 pGenb M38a 819  43.258 

Misc.: 41.317,42.360

CC: pGenVIb



4Q254 pGenc M38  820  43.239 

M125 113  43.233 

Misc.: 41.466,41.679,42.360

CC: pGenA, pGenVIa



4Q255 papSa M49  177  43.254

Misc.: 40.972,41.507,42.371

Editor: Vermes/Qimron

Pub.: Verso of 4QpapHodayot-like

4Q256 Sb        M50  907  43.250

M50A 905  43.240

Misc.: 40.625,41.502,42.372,42.373

Editor: Vermes/Qimron

PPub.: Geza Vermes, “Preliminary Remarks on Unpublished Fragments of the Community Rule from Qumran Cave 4,” JJS 42 (1991) 253

J.T. Milik, “Numerotation” Semitica 27 (177) pl. X pub as Sd

4Q257 papSc M51  858  43.256(Recto)

M51A 859  43.262

Misc.: Recto 40.636,40.637,41.663,42.374

Editor: Vermes/Qimron


4Q258 Sd        M52  140  43.244

M53  141  43.246

Misc.: 40.581,40.596,40.617,40.962,41.481,41.483, 41.887, 41.916,42.375,42.376

Editor: Vermes/Qimron

PPub.: Geza Vermes, “Preliminary Remarks on Unpublished Fragments of the Community Rule from Qumran Cave 4,” JJS 1991 (42) 253 Col. I

4Q259 Se        M54  810  43.263

M54  818  43.264

Misc.: 40.986,41.480,41.964,42.377

Editor: Vermes/Qimron


4Q260 Sf        M55  366  43.265

Misc.: 41.482,42.378,42.470,42.490

Editor: Vermes/Qimron

Pub.: Milik pub one frg p. 62 Enoch of 43.283

4Q261 Sg        M56  705  43.266

Misc.: 40.962,41.774,42.378

Editor: Vermes/Qimron


4Q262 Sh        M57  105  43.267

Misc.: 41.280,41.665,42.380

Editor: Vermes/Qimron


4Q263 Si        M57A  251  43.267

Misc.: 41.679,42.380,41.679

Editor: Vermes/Qimron


4Q264 Sj        M57B  297  43.267

Misc.: 41.665,42.380

Editor: Vermes/Qimron


4Q265 Serek and Damascus Doc. M78 306  43.306

  M78 307  43.304

M78  308  43.305

Misc.: 40.596,41.467,42.406,42.407,42.408

Editor: Baumgarten


4Q266 Da        M59  688  43.281-43.282

M59A 701  43.269

M60  680  43.271

M60  699  43.270

M61  704+ 43.272

M62  700  43.273

M63  687  43.275

M63  686  43.274

M64  707  43.276

M65  688  43.282

M65  706  43.277

M66  689  43.278

Misc.: 40.601,40.611-40.613,40.618,41.439-41.443, 41.591,41.693,41.887,41.913,42.039,42.382, 42.383-42.392,43.281

Editor: Baumgarten

PPub.: Baumgarten, JJS 41 (1990); Prelim. Pub,   Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 3 as Db DJD 6 pl. IV photo pub. 

 Ppub: Baumgarten, “The Disqualifications of Priests in the 4Q Fragments of the Damascus Document,” Madrid Congress Volume (1991) (Forthcoming)

4Q267 Db        M69  106  43.293

M70  107  43.294

Misc.: 41.453,41.455,41.664,41.974,42.395,42.396

Editor: Baumgarten

PPub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 28

4Q268 Dc        M58  373  43.268

Misc.: 41.452,42.381

Editor: Baumgarten

Pub.: Milik, Semitica 27 (1977) pl. XI pub as Da; Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 1 as Da

4Q269 Dd        M75  220  43.300

M75  221  43.301

Misc.: 41.451,41.453,42.402,42.403

Editor: Baumgarten

Pub.: Baumgarten, JJS 41 (1990) pub as Dd and called 4Q271; Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 48 as Df and called 268

4Q270 De        M71  698  43.295

M72  685  43.296

M73  690  43.297

M74  697  43.298

M74  703  43.299

Misc.: 40.579,40.969,41.280,41.477,41.587,41.704, 42.397-42.401

Editor: Baumgarten

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 36

4Q271 Df                    M67  357  43.279

M68  362  43.280

Misc.: 40.622,41.450,41.454,41.693,41.664,41.887, 42.393,42.394

Editor: Baumgarten

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 23

4Q272 Dg        M76  219  43.302

Misc.: 41.454,42.404

Editor: Baumgarten

PPub.: Baumgarten, JJS 41 (1990); Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES

4Q273 papDh M77  108  43.303

Misc.: 41.509,42.405

Editor: Baumgarten

PPub.: Baumgarten, JJS 41 (1990); Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES

4Q274 Toharot A  M82A  182  43.309

Misc.: 40.624,41.453,41.693,42.182,42.412,42.601

Editor: Baumgarten

Pub.: Machon Volume, Forthcoming 

4Q275 Toharot Ba M79A  679  43.315

Misc.: 41.775,42.557,42.830

formerly Sx

Editor: Baumgarten

Pub.: PPUB JJS 1972-1973, pp. 130-131

4Q276 Toharot Bb M82A  111  43.316

Misc.: 40.962,41.349,41.846,41.942,42.819

Editor: Baumgarten


4Q277 Toharot Bc M82B  111  43.316

Misc.: 41.887,42.413

Editor: Baumgarten


4Q278 Toharot C  M82B  111  43.316

Misc.: 41.453,42.404

Formerly Halachic B

Editor: Baumgarten


4Q279 Toharot Da M82B  679  43.315

Misc: 41.453,42.413

Editor: Baumgarten

Pub.:Sy in CC

4Q280 Toharot Db M76C  223  43.327

Misc.: 40.612,41.468,42.404

Formerly Bz?

Editor: Baumgarten

Pub.: JJS 1972-1973 pl. II frgs 1,2

4Q281 Toharot Ea

Editor: Baumgarten


4Q282 Toharot Eb

Editor: Baumgarten


4Q283 Toharot F?

Editor: Baumgarten


4Q284 Ritual of Impurity    M83  239  43.310

Serek ha-niddot

Misc.: 41.468,41.453,42.414

Editor: Baumgarten


4Q285 Serek ha-milhamah     M48  301  43.325

Misc.: 40.594,41.282,41.317,41.466,41.468,41.708, 42.260,42.370

formerly BM (Berakhot-HaMilhamah)


Pub.: words pub JJS 1972-1973, p. 143

4Q286 Bera M84  709  43.311

M85  691  43.312

M85A 692  43.313

Misc.: 40.607,40.613,40.615,41.586,41.589,42.415-42.417


Pub.: PPUB JJS 1972-1973 pl. II

4Q287 Berb M86  381  43.314

Misc.: 41.588,42.418



4Q288 Berc M87  222  43.326

Misc.: 41.452,41.679,42.381



4Q289 Berd M87A       43.326

Misc.: 40.962,41.704,42.419



4Q290 Bere



4Q291 Work containing M87D 222  43.326

Prayers (formerly Bw)

Misc.: 41.774,41.887,42.419



4Q292 Work containing M87C 223  43.327

Prayers  (formerly Bx)

Misc.: 41.590,41.593,41.774,42.419



4Q293 Work containing prayers    M87B 222  43.326

formerly By

Misc.: 42.038



4Q294 Fragments of Rules and Euchologies?



4Q295 Fragments of Rules and Euchologies?



4Q296 Fragments of Rules and Euchologies?



4Q297 Fragments of Rules and Euchologies?



4Q298 Words of Sage to Sons M113 898  43.384

of Aurora Cryptic A

Misc.: 40.581,41.776



4Q299 Mysteriesa M117  605  43.389

M117A 604  43.390

M118 594  43.391

M119 595  43.392

M120 592  43.393

Misc.: 40.592,40.612,41.208,41.211,41.321,41.389, 41.422,41.423,41.515,41.694,42.181



4Q300 Mysteriesb M116  591  43.388

Misc.: 41.694



4Q301 Mysteriesc M121  582  43.394

Misc.: 41.695



4Q302 papPraise of God and  M122 356  43.395

Parable of Tree M123 333  43.396

Misc.: 41.975,41.978

Formerly Sap A



4Q303 Meditation on Creation 1a M124b  350  43.397

Misc.: 41.516

Formerly Sap C



4Q304 Meditation on Creation 1b? M124b 295  43.397

Misc.: 41.662,42.934



4Q305 Meditation on Creation 2  M124   295  43.397

Misc.: 41.797,42.559,42.610



4Q306 “The men of the people who erred…” 350 43.397

Misc.: 41.412,41.591

Formerly Sap B



4Q307 Fragments of sapiential Writings?



4Q308 Fragments of sapiential Writings?



4Q309 Aramaic work, in cursive writing



4Q310 Aramaic text, on papyrus



4Q311 Hebrew writing, on papyrus



4Q312 Hebrew work, in Phoenician cursive writing?



4Q313 Diverse frgs in Cryptic A



4Q314 Two parcels of leather of uncertain provenance (4Q?)



4Q315 Two parcels of leather of uncertain provenance (4Q?)



4Q316 Diverse frgs in Hebrew



4Q317 Phases of Moon,CrypticA M101     896  43.375

      Astronomical Cryptic A  M101A    899  43.376

M102 903  43.377

M103 902  43.378

M104 897  43.379

M105 900  43.380

Misc.: 41.660,41.661,42.424-42.425



4Q318 Zodiology and Brontology ar M100 805  43.374

Formerly Zodiac

Misc.: 40.612,41.696,42.423



4Q319 Otot M97  683  43.283

          M97A 695  43.284

M98  696  43.285

M99  708  43.286

Misc.: 41.479,41.979,42.420-42.422,42.863,43.228-43.231

Otot is verso of Se

Editor: Vermes, Milik

Pub.: Milik pub one frg p. 62 Enoch of 43.283; Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 96 as Se

4Q320 Mishmarot A     M90  681  43.330

M91  682  43.331

Misc.: 40.579,40.587,40.591,40.611,40.619, 41.699,41.700,42.329,42.330

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 60

4Q321 Mishmarot Ba    M88  372  43.328

M89  365  43.329

Misc.: 40.610,40.966,41.697,41.698,42.327,42.328

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 68

4Q321a Mishmarot Bb   M92  190  43.332

Misc.: 40.617,41.701,42.331

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 74

4Q322 Mishmarot Ca    M94A 694  top of 43.336-

Misc.: 41.702,42.334                       43.337

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 77

4Q323 Mishmarot Cb    M95A 694  mid. 43.336-


Misc.: 42.333,41.702,40.613

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 79

4Q324 Mishmarot Cc    M95B 694  bot.43.336- 43.337

Misc.: 42.334,41.702

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 81

4Q324a Mishmarot Cd   M95C 684  43.338

Misc.: 41.702,41.703,42.334

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 82

4Q324b papMishmarot Ce M95’A 302  43.335

Misc.: 41.989,42.069

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 84

4Q324c Mishmarot Cf   Cryptic A  M107 240  bottom                              43.333

                              M106 241  43.340

Misc.: 41.692,42.429,42.430



4Q325 Mishmarot D     M93  226  top of 43.333

Misc.: 40.618,41.701                      42.332

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 86

4Q326 Mishmarot Ea    M96B 693  43.339

Misc.: 41.703,42.335

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 88

4Q327 Mishmarot Eb    M96A 693  mid. of 43.339

Misc.: 41.703,42.335,43.521

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 89

4Q328 Mishmarot Fa    M92B 693  bot. of 43.339

Misc.: 41.701,42.331

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 92

4Q329 Mishmarot Fb    M93B 710  top 3 frgs of


Misc.: 42.332

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 93

4Q329a Mishmarot G    M94B 710  1 frg center,

                                           second row 43.334

Misc.: 41.774,42.333

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 94

4Q330 Mishmarot H     M94C 710  3 frgs, 3rd 

                                                row 43.334

Misc.: 41.774,42.333

Editor: S. Talmon, I. Knohl

Pub.: Prelim. Pub, Wacholder and Abegg, PES, p. 95

4Q331 papEssene chroniclea  M95A 302  43.335



4Q332 Essene chronicleb



4Q333 Essene chroniclec



4Q334 Order of divine office (Ordo)

M94D 710  43.334

Misc.: 40.962,41.702,42.333



4Q335 Astronomical frgs?



4Q336 Astronomical frgs?



4Q337 Frg of calendar (exercitium calami?)M96C 710 43.334

Misc.: 40.612,41.774,42.335



4Q338 Geneological list          821  42.078

Hena verso



4Q339 List of false prophets     M47A 377  43.248

Misc.: 40.577,40.614,42.050,42.928

Formerly Ps Hist D



4Q340 List of netinim      346  43.407

Misc: 41.407,JWS 10



4Q341 M130B List of Proper Names M130a 346  43.407


Misc.: 42.039,JWS 9


Pub.:Pub as “Therapeia”

J. M. Allegro, The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth, 1979, Appendix 1: 4QTherapeia;

      cf. J. Naveh, “A Medical Document or a Writing Exercise? The So-called 4QTherapeia,” IEF 36 (1986) 52-55. 

4Q342 Letter? in Judeo-Aramaic   602  43.404,43.405

Misc: 40.618,41.789



4Q343 Letter in nabatean    M129a 601  43.402-43.403

Misc.: 40.602,41.687,42.078



4Q344 Acknowledgement of debt    602  43.404,43.405

(Reign of Herod)

Misc: 41.686



4Q345 Act of sale of land in Aram 602  43.404,43.405

Misc: 41.347,42.446



4Q346 Act of sale of land in Aramaic   603  43.407

Misc: 41.285,41.519,41.636



4Q347 Act on papyrus, Aramaic         184  43.406



4Q348 Act concerning ownership, Hebrew, 602  43.404,43.405

reign of Tiberius

Misc.: 40.585,41.686



4Q349 Act of sale of property, Hebrew  303  43.400



4Q350 Account of cereal, Greek   254  43.382

writing on back of 4Q460 

Misc.: 41.862,42.143



4Q351 Account of cereal, Semitic 603  43.407




4Q352 Account of cereal, Semitic, pap  184  43.406? 

Misc.: 42.071



4Q353 Account of cereal, Semitic, pap  184? 43.406?



4Q354 Account of cereal? Semitic 603  43.407



4Q355 Account of money, Aramaic  694  43.337,43.407

(Mish Cc Verso)

Misc.: 41.707



4Q356 Account of money, Hebrew   603  43.407



4Q357 Account of money, Semitic  603  43.407



4Q358 Account of money, Semitic, pap   184? 43.406?



4Q359 List of people, Aramaic, pap     184? 43.406?



4Q360 Exercitium calami M130C    603  43.407

Note on 41.707 says cf. Job 16,15:34



4Q361 Doodles, on papyrus        184  43.406




4Q362 Work in Cryptic B     M114 901  43.385

      (Narrow lines)

Misc.: 41.444,41.666,41.692,41.777,41.981,42.431



4Q363 Text in Cryptic B     M115 367  43.387

      (Wide lines)    M115A 364  43.386

Misc.: 40.618,41.777,41.887



C. Documents with Uncertain Q Numbers

Cryptic C       M115B 112  43.387

Misc.: 41.777,42.719



Leqet           679       43.315




Liturgical Ms with    M125C 114  43.327

      Angelogical content

Misc.: 41.422,41.712 



Milik Unid A          304  43.399

Misc.: 40.580,41.914



Milik Unid D          304  43.399

Misc.: 40.609,42.011



Milik Unid E          304  43.399

Misc.: 40.610,41.311,41.802



Milik Unid F          304  43.399

Misc.: 42.030,42.761



papHodayot Like       177  43.255

Recto of 4Q255 papSa

Misc.: 40.973,41.508



Ps Hist A       131  43.248

Misc.: 42.362



Ps Hist B       131  43.248

Misc.: 40.613,40.962,41.208,41.706,42.362



Ps Hist E M47B 815  43.248

Misc.: 42.369,41.693



Serekz          M82B  110  43.310

Misc.: 41.707,42.412



Text on papyrus backing of 4QSama      588  43.401

Misc.: 41.180 



M Sapiential Frg.          295  43.397

Misc.: 41.516,42.860



M126a Misc frgs       202  43.398 

Misc.: 41.407,41.520,42.763,42.915,42.916,42.934



M127 (8 Mss) 3 Unid frgs         304  43.399 

Misc.: 41.423,41.504,42.908,42.927



M127a Unid frgs (16 MSS)         303  43.400

Misc.: 40.621,40.964,41.346,41.347,41.407,41.478, 41.706,42.038,42.762,42.763,42.834,42.860, 42.927,42.929,42.930,42.933,42.934



M130 Unid. pap. frgs       184  43.406

Misc.: 40.600,40.635,41.989,42.069



M130 Non Literary Text           603  43.407

(2 bottom frgs and frg top left one down still not assigned a Q number)

Misc.: 41.707,42.915  



III. Photographs           

40.577. 4QM Ps His D (bottom left corner)

4Q339 List of False Prophets

+ frgs

40.579. 4Q72 Jerc 

4Q88 Psf 

4Q172 pUnid DJD 5  pl. XVIII frg 4 (upper rght)

4Q197 Tob Aramb 5:13-6:3 (bottom lft)

4Q228 Work with Citation of Jubilees

4Q270 De 1 frg

4Q320 Mishmarot A

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LIX frg 8*

4Q569 Aramaic L

+ frgs

40.580. 4Q22 paleoExodm

4Q109 Qoha

4QM Unid A

4Q381 apPs NCP pl. IV frg 46*

4Q388 PsEzekd

4Q573 Aramaic X

+  frgs

40.581. 4Q78 XIIc

4Q209 Enastr arb

4Q258 Sd

4Q298 Words of Sage to Sons of Amram (Cryptic A)

4Q404 ShirShabbe SSS pl. V frg 6*

4Q491 Ma DJD 7 pl. V frg 9*

+ frgs

40.584. 4Q22 paleoExodm 

4Q47 C33b Josha 8:34-35 +;  

4Q81 XIIf Jon 1:8,16-2:1   

4QLeqet upper left

4Q522 Work with place names (bottom)

40.585. 4Q171 pPsa DJD 5  pl. XVI frg 4 (center)

4Q348 Act of Ownership

4Q417 Sap Work Ic 

4Q530 Book of Giants arb

4Q550 Story Set at Persian Court

+  4 frgs

40.586. 4Q35 Deuth 1 frg

4Q88 Psf 107:21-30, 35-42 (bottom center)

4Q221 Jubf

4Q404 ShirShabbe SSS pl. V frg 8

4Q441 Prayer 

+ frgs some paleo-Hebrew 

40.587. 4Q58 Isad

4Q161 pIsaa DJD 5  pl. V frg 8*

4Q173 pPsb DJD 5  pl. XVIII frg 4

4Q180 AgesCreat DJD 5  pl. XXVII frg 2*

4Q320 Mish A

4Q405 Shir Shabbf SSS pl XI frg 46

+ frgs

40.591. 4Q320 Mish A (upper left)

40.592. 4Q11 paleoGen-Exodl 

4Q299 Mysta

4Q418 Sapiential Work Ia

4Q381 ap Pss NCP pl. VI frg 76*

4Q491 Ma DJD 7 pl. V frg 9*

4Q554 Elect of God

+ frgs

40.594. 4Q22 paleoExodm 

4Q285 Serek ha-milhamah

4Q418 Sap Work Ia

4Q439 Work Similar to Barki Nafshi

4Q541 Aharonique ara

4Q547 Visions of Amram are

+ frgs

40.596. 4Q88 Psf

4Q177 Catenaa DJD 5 pl. XXIV frg 5*

4Q258 Serek Hayyahadd

4Q265 Serek and Dam 

4Q400 ShirShabba SSS  pl. I frg 3*

4Q428 Hodb

4Q528 Hebrew E

+ 5 frgs

40.598. 4Q22 paleoExodm

4Q25 Levc

4Q72 Jerc

4Q221 Jubf

+ frgs with one Greek frg

40.600. 4Q196 papToba

4QM130 Unid. pap. frgs

4Q382 papTehillot Haavot

4Q498 papHymSap DJD 7 pl. XXVII frg 15

4Q500 papBen DJD 7 pl. XXVII frg 1*

4Q517 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXVI frg 20

4Q558 papVisionb

+ frgs

40.601. 4Q268 Dc

4Q364 Pent Para

4Q370 Flood Apocryphon    

4Q383 ApocJera?

4Q400 ShirShabba SSS pl. I frg 1*

4Q418 Sap Work Ia

4Q462 Narrative 

40.602. 4Q343 Letter in Nabatean

4Q23 Lev-Numa

4Q27 Numb  13:17-24, 11:35-12:9 (center right)

4Q35 Deuth

4Q47 Josha

4Q55 Isaa most of frg h (upper left) 

4Q58 Isad

4Q71a Jerd lower right

4Q77 XIIb Zeph 1:19-Hag 1:2  top right  

4Q78 XIIc lower left second in

4Q109 Qoha top center

4Q121 LXXNum 

4Q200 Tob heb (lft middle) 10:7-8

4Q206 En are BE pl. XX frg b* (bottom left)

4Q418 Sap Work Ia

4Q560 Proverbs? ar

+ 1 frg  

40.604. 4Q1 Gen-Exoda

4Q35 Deuth

4Q107 Cantb

4Q212 En arg BE pl. XXII frg b (lower right)

4Q252 pGena

4Q365 Pent Parab

4Q390 PsMose

+  1 Uninscribed frg

40.605. 4Q249 M108 papMidrash Sepher Mosheh in Cryptic 

40.607. 4Q13 Exodb

4Q47 Josha

4Q109 Qoha (left center)

4Q184 Wiles DJD 5  pl. XXVIII frg 1* (top center)

4Q213 TLevi ara

4Q286 Bera

4Q365 PentParb

4Q400 ShirShabba SSS 

4Q531 Book of Giants arc

40.609. 4Q23 Lev-Numa

4Q176 Tanh DJD 5  pl. XXII frg 1*

4Q213 TLevi ara (center)

4QMilik Unid. D

4Q431 He

4Q510 Shira DJD 7 pl. LV frg 2

4Q544 Visions of Amram arb

+ 3 frgs 

40.610. 4Q13 Exodb

4Q23 Lev-Numa

4Q30 Deutc 

4Q51 Sama

4Q60 Isaf frg 17*

4Q158 BibPar DJD 5  pl. I frg 11*

4Q200 Tob heb left center

4Q228 Work with Citation of Jubilees (center)

4Q321 Mishmarot Ba (cf. pl. XII) (bottom right)

4QMilik Unid E

4Q212 En arg left center BE pl. XXIII

4Q365 PentParb

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LVII frg 1

40.611. 4Q1 Gen-Exoda

4Q268 Dc

4Q320 Mishmarot A

4Q365 Pent Parb

4Q390 Ps Mose

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LIX frg 10*

4Q525 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes

40.612. 4Q22 paleoExodm  Exod 11:8-12:2 (round piece of leather has needle holes around the edges which appears to be a patch)

4Q89 Psg most of frg a  top rght   119:37-43

4Q90 Psh

4Q113 Danb

4Q184 Wiles DJD 5  pl. XXVII frg 1*

4Q213 TLevi ara bottom right, bottom center

4Q266 Da 14:15-20 (far right middle) 

4Q280 Toharot Db

4Q299 Mysta

4Q318 Zodiac ar 

4Q364 Pent Para

4Q418 Sap. Work Ia

4Q493 Mc DJD 7 pl. VIII most of frg (top center)

+ 6 frgs   

40.613. 4Q21 Exodk

4Q53 Samc 

4Q57 Isac frg 14*

4QM40B Pseudo Hist B

4Q107 Cantb

4Q112 Dana BASOR 268 pl. 22 frg 3i*

4Q184 Wiles DJD 5  pl. XXVIII frg 1*

4Q202 En arb BE pl. VII frg k 

4Q215 TNaph

4Q268 Dc bottom center

4Q286 Bera

4Q323 Mish Cb

4Q402 ShirShabbc SSS pl. III frg 3*

4Q416 Sap Work

4Q428 Hodb

4Q429 Hodc

4Q458 Narrative

4Q542 TQahat (top center)

+ frgs

40.614. 4QM Ps Hist D

4Q112 Dana frg 14

4Q158 BibPar DJD 5  pl. I frg 1*

4Q171 pPsa DJD 5  pl. XV-XVI frg 1*

4Q177 Catenaa DJD 5  pl. XXIV frg 6 (top right)

4Q209 Enastr arb BE pl. XXV-XXVI frg 7

4Q339 List of False Prophets

4Q418 Sap Work Ia

4Q463 Narrative

4Q525 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes

+ 5 frgs

40.615. 4Q72 Jerc

4Q109 Qoha

4Q171 pPsa DJD 5 pl. XVIII, frg 5*

4Q185 Fragments DJD 5  pl. XXXI, frg 1*

4Q186 Cryptic DJD 5  pl. XXXI frg 1*

4Q218 Jubc top center

4Q286 Bera

4Q364 Pent Para

4Q385 PsEzeka

+ frgs

40.617. 4Q23 Lev-Numa

4Q35 Deuth

4Q65 Isal

4Q156 tgLev DJD 6  pl. XXVIII frg 1 (center)

4Q159 Orda DJD 5  pl. II frg 1*

4Q177 Catenaa DJD 5  pl. XXIV frgs 2*,11*

4Q203 En Giants ara

4Q321a Mish Bb

4Q258 Sd col. vii 13-15 (rght center)

4Q368 Thora-like Text

4Q416 Sap Work 

4Q424 Sap Work II

4Q429 Hodc

4Q437 Barki Nafshid

4Q459 Pseudepigraphic Work

4Q525 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes

4Q544 Visions of Amramb

+ 7 frgs

40.618. 4Q87 Pse frg i

4Q159 Orda DJD 5  pl. II frg 1*

4Q160 VisSam DJD 5  pl. III frg 7

4Q213 TLevi ara

4Q251 Halakah a

4Q266 Db 16:8-13 (center)

4Q325 Mishmarot D  left center

4Q342 Letter? in Judaeo-Aramaic

4Q363 Text in Cryptic B

4Q365 PentParb

4Q394 MMTa

4Q413 Sap. Work

4Q417 Sap. Work Ic

4Q418 Sap. Work Ia

4Q423 Sap Work on Tree of Knowledge

4Q458 Narrative

4Q476 Misc. Sap. Work

4Q534 Elect of God

+ 4 frgs

40.619. 4Q1 Gen-Exoda  Ex 1:5-14 (center)

4Q6 Genf

4Q38 Deutk

4Q57 Isac 11:4-11 (lower left) 

4Q83 Psa Ps 71 (bottom center)

4Q174 Flor DJD 5  pl. XIX frg 1*

4Q211 Enastr ard BE pl. XXIX part of col. II (upper rght)

4Q320 Mish A (cent. right)

4Q372 apJosephb

4Q396 MMTc

4Q418 Sap. Work Ia

4Q448 Poetic Frg SL85 pub. DJD 6 pl. IV (bott rght)

+ frgs

40.620. 4Q7 Geng

4Q115 Dand

4Q236 Ps 89 left center 

4Q366 PentParc

4Q416 Sap. Work Ib

+ frgs

40.621. 4Q27 Numb

4Q32 Deute

4Q83 Psa frg q

4Q171 pPssa DJD 5  pl. XVII frg 8*

4Q387 Sec Ezekc

4Q416 Sap Work Ib

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LX frg 18* 

4Q534 Elect of God

4QM127a Unid Frg (cf. 43.400)

+ frgs

40.622. 4Q26 Levd

4Q37 Deutj 

4Q53 Samc frg 2*

4Q58 Isad

4Q179 apLama DJD 5  pl. XXVI frg 2*

4Q203 En Giants ara BE pl. XXXI frg 7ii

4Q209 Enastr arb BE pl. XXVII frg 23 (upper left)

4Q222 Jubg

4Q245 psDan arc bottom left

4Q271 Df

4Q477 Decrees of Sect

4Q531 Book of Giants arc

4Q537 Jacob ar

+ 8 frgs

40.624. 4Q3 Genc

4Q4 Gend

4Q11 paleoGen-Exodl

4Q22 paleoExodm

4Q51 Sama

4Q65 Isal frg 1

4Q160 VisSam DJD 5 pl. III frg 4*

4Q200 Tob Heb (upper right) 4:5-9

4Q204 En arc BE pl. II frg c*

4Q205 En ard BE pl. XVI frg 9

4Q212 En arg BE pl. XXII (upper left)

4Q274 Toharot A

4Q364 Pent Para 

4Q514 Ordc DJD 7 pl. LXXIV frg 1 (bottom right)

Baruch Aram.? center 22:13-23:3 

+ frgs

40.625. 4Q174 Flor DJD 5  pl. XIX frg 1*

4Q197 Tob arb bottom left  6:6 

4Q256 Sb upper left

4Q542 Testament of Qahat ar

4Q568 Aramaic K

+  frgs

40.626. 4Q11 paleoGen-Exodl pl. I frg 2

4Q197 Tob arb (bottom center)+ frgs 

40.630. 4Q196 papTob ara

4Q478 Papyrus frg

4Q487 papSapb DJD 7 pl. III frgs 7,10

4Q520 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXX frgs 1,5

+ frgs

40.631. 4Q163 pappIsac DJD 5  pl. VII frg 12

4Q196 papToba

4Q217 papJubb 

4Q391 papPsEzeke?

4Q487 papSapb DJD 5  pl. III frgs 15,16

4Q502 papRitMar DJD 5  pl. XXX frg 9*; pl. XXXII frgs 95, 102,124

+ frgs

40.632. 4Q163 pIsac DJD 5  pl. VII frg 14 

4Q196 papToba Aram

4Q382 papTehillot Haavot

4Q432 papHodf

4Q558 papVisionb

+ Pap. frgs 

40.633. 4Q120 papLXXLevb

4Q127 papparaExodgr

4Q223 papJubh

4Q249 papMidrash Sepher Moshe

+ pap frgs 

40.635. 4QM130a Unid. pap frgs (non-literary)

4Q482 papJub? DJD 7 pl. I frgs 1,3

4Q486 papSapa DJD 7 pl. I

4Q502 papRitMar DJD 7 pl. XXXI frg 27

4Q509 PrFetesc DJD 7 pl. XV frg 58; pl. XI frg 16

+ frgs

40.636. 4Q249 papMidrash Sepher Moshe

4Q250 papText on Verso of MSM

4Q257 papSereka

4Q503 papPrQuot DJD 7 pl. XXXV frg 1; pl. XLI frgs 35,37*; pl. XLIII frg 40*; pl. XLVIII frg 110*

+ frgs

Recto of 40.637

40.637. 4Q257 papSa

4Q512 papRitPur DJD 7 pl. XXXVI frg 1; pl. XLII frgs 35, 37*; pl. XLIV frg 40*

+ frgs

Verso of 40.636

40.962. 4Q94 Psm frgs 5,6

4Q179 apLam DJD 5  pl. XXVI frg 1 

4Q258 Sd

4Q262 Sh

4Q276 Toharot Bb

4Q289  Bd

4QM47B Ps His MS E

4Q334 Ordo

4Q381 apPs NCP 

4Q387 PsEzekc

4Q418 Sap Work Ia

+ frgs

40.964. 4Q63 Isaj 

4QM127a Unid frg (cf. 43.400)

4Q378 PsJosha

+ Misc. frgs cf. II Chron 13:15-19 (bottom second from left)

40.965. 4Q111 Dana 2:20-23,33-35 (upper right)

4Q204 En arc middle and top left, BE pl. XII frgs g,i, pl. XIII frg n

4Q532 Book of Giants ard

4Q545 Visions of Amramc

40.966. 4Q321 Mish Ba 

4Q422 Sap. Work

+ frgs

40.969. 4Q270 De

4Q379 Pss of Joshb

4Q440 Hodayot-Like

4Q525 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes

40.972. 4Q163 pappIsac DJD 5  pl. VIII frgs 23*,25

4Q255 M49 papSereka rght cent. 

4Q391 papSecEzeke

4Q432 papHodf

4Q558 papVisb

+ pap frgs  (Recto of 40.973)

40.973. 4QM papHodayot Like + frgs Verso of 40.972 pap

40.974. 4Q217 papJubb

4Q249 papMidrash Sepher Moshe  

4Q487 papSapb DJD 7 pl. III frg 9

4Q489 papApocar DJD 7 pl. II frg 1

4Q509 papPrFetesc DJD 7 pl. XXI frg 184*

+ frgs

40.985. 4Q115 Dand

4Q227 psJubc

+ Misc. frgs

40.986. 4Q259 M54 Sereke

41.180. 4QM128 Text on papyrus backing of 4QSama

41.208. 4QM PsHis B

4Q299 Mysta

4Q385 PsEzeka

4Q394 MMTa 4 frgs on right

4Q436 Barki Nafshic

4Q477 Decrees of Sect

+ 3 frgs (OL: Sample plate S)

41.209. 4QM PsHis A

4Q2 Genb

4Q44 C32d Deutq 32:37-43.  BASOR 136(1954). For enlargement see 41.350.

4Q84 Psb

4Q205 En ard BE pl. XVII frg b

4Q372 Joseph Apocb

4Q385 PsEzeka

4Q425 Sap Work

+ 6 frgs (OL: Sample plate S)

41.210. 4Q57 Isac frg 48

4Q118 Chr

4Q216 Juba

4Q247 Apoc Weeks

4Q374 Moses Apoca

4Q423 Sap Work on Tree of Knowledge

4Q434 Barki Nafshia

4Q443 Hodayot-Like

4Q457 Misc Narr. (mythological)

4Q481 Fragment

4Q527 Hebrew Frg D

+ 12 frgs (OL: Sample plate S)

41.211. 4Q9 Genj

4Q26 Levd

4Q59 Isae frg c

4Q151 Mezousac DJD 6 pl. XXVII frg 1

4Q168 pMic DJD 5  pl. XII frg 1

4Q299 Mysteriesa

4Q416 Sap Work Ib

4Q423 Sap Work on Tree of Knowledge

4Q427 Hoda

4Q470 Zedekias

+ 5 frgs (OL: Sample plate A)

41.213. 4Q163 pappIsac DJD 5  pl. VII frgs 4,6*,8-16; pl. VIII frgs 22-25,30-31,36; RevQ pl. III frgs 58-61 

4Q223 papJubh 

+ frgs   

41.280. 4Q56 Isab frg 24*

4Q219 Jubd

4Q262 Serekh

4Q270 De

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. VII frg 8A*

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXX frg 152

+ frgs

41.282. 4Q26 Levd

4Q57 Isac frg 48

4Q285 M48 Berakhot-Milhamah

4Q247 Apoc Weeks

4Q547 Visions of Amrame

+ frgs

41.285. 4Q346 Sale of Land

4Q390 Sec Ezekf 

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. VII frg 13A; pl. XI frgs 31,32

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LVIII frgs 2*,3*; pl. LX frg 12; pl. LXX frg 144 

+ frgs

41.286. 4Q79 XIId lower right 

4Q411 Sap Work

4Q508 PrFetesb DJD 7 pl. LIV frg 3

4Q513 Ordb DJD 7 pl. LXXII frgs 9*,13*

4QM127a Unid frg cf. 43.400

+ frgs

41.287. 4Q9 Genj

4Q10 Genk

4Q87 Pse frg n

4Q167 pHosb DJD 5 pl. XI frg 19

4Q339 List of False Prophets

4Q368 Thora-like Text

4Q385 PsEzeka

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LVIII frg 2*

+ frgs

41.289. 4Q180 AgesCreat DJD 5  pl. XXVII frg 6

4Q252 pGena

4Q460 Pseudepigraphical Work

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LIX frg 8*

+ frgs

41.311. 4Q56 Isab frg 40

4Q58 Isad frgs 1*,2

4Q162 pIsab DJD 5  pl. VI one piece 

4Q165 pIsae DJD 5  pl. IX frgs 1*,5,6

4QMilik Unid. E (right side) 

41.315. 4Q163 pIsac DJD 5  pl. VII frgs most of 4-8,10-18; pl. VIII frgs 21-26,28-30,32,34,36; RevQ pl. III frgs 58-61 

4Q223 papJubh

41.317. 4Q251 Halakah A lft center

4Q253 M38a pGenb (upper right)

4Q285 Serek ha Milhamah

41.319. 4Q160 VisSam DJD 5 pl. III frgs 1-4*,5-7 (top)

4Q252 pGena bottom, pub. piece pGen49

41.320. 4Q179 apLama DJD 5 frg 1-2 (middle)

4Q185 Fragments DJD 5 pl. XXIX frg 5

4Q226 PsJubb

4Q400 ShirShabba SSS pl. I frg 3*

4Q401 ShirShabbb SSS pl. II frg 1

+ frgs

41.321. 4Q299 Mysteriesa top  

4Q426 Sap Work IIb (bottom)

41.346. 4QM127a Non Ident. Text (cf 43.400)

4Qfrgs Note: 1 S 28:24; Dt 32:43; Prov 12:11, 28:17.

41.347. 4Q26 Levd

4Q60 Isaf frg 27

4Q98b Pss frg a

4Q154 Mez F one frg

4Q339 List of False Prophets

4Q411 Sap Work

4QM127a Non Ident. Text (cf. 43.000)

4Q351 M130 Cereal Account 

41.349. 4Q276 Toharot Bb

4Q365 Pent Parb

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. VII frg 12

4Q420 Sap Work IV

4Q507 PrFetesa DJD 7 pl. XXVIII frg 2

+ frgs (Notes: Lev 14:43?, Chronicles?,  Deut 4:1?)

41.352. 4Q216 Juba   JTM

41.353. 4Q197 Tobit arb

41.354. 4Q203 EnGiants ara BE pl. XXXI frgs i,ii*; pl. XXXII frg 10

4Q204 En arc BE pl. XIII i*; pl. XII frgs h,g*; pl. XI frg f; pl. IX frgs a*,b.

+ 1 frg 

41.355. 4Q204 En arc BE pl. XII frgs g*,i; pl. XIII frg n; pl. X frg d*; pl. XIV frg a; pl. XV frg b*

+ frg

41.360. 4Q201 En ara BE pl. I frg a; pl. II frg c; pl. III frgs c,e*; pl. IV frgs f,h,j,k; pl. V frgs l,m,o

+ 12 frgs (bad scratch on photo) 

41.362. 4Q206 En are BE pl. XVIII frgs b,d; pl. XIX frgs e,f; pl. XX frg b*; pl. XXI frg e; pl. XIX frgs 2+3 (Book of Giants)

41.363. 4Q205 En ard BE pl. XVII frg a

41.368. 4Q200 Tob heb Milik, RB 73 (1966) p. 522, n. 3) Tobit 10:7-9 and 12:20-13:4 + frgs

41.369. 4Q209 Enastr arb BE pl. XXV,XXVI,XXVII frg 23* 

+ 6 frgs

41.370. 4Q209 Enastr arb BE pl. XXVII frgs 25,26

4Q210 Enastr arc BE pl. XXVIII 2 frgs 

+ 31 frgs

41.389. 4Q14 Exodc

4Q299 Mysta

4Q365 Pent Parb

4Q428 Hodb

4Q437 Barki Nafshid

4Q471 War Text

+ one frg

41.399. 4Q207 En arf

4Q208 Enastr ara

+ frgs

41.405. 4Q213 TLevi ara

4Q539 Visions of Amrame

+ One frg

41.406. 4Q212 Enoch arg BE pl. XXI frg a; pl. XXII frgs b,c; pl. XXIII frgs c*,d; pl. XXIV frg c* 

+ 3 frgs

41.407. 4QM127a One MS (cf. 43.400)

4Q210 Enastr arc BE pl. XXX frg 1iii

4Q213 TLevi ara

4Q340 M130 Netinim

4Q552 Four Kingdoms ara 

4QM126a Misc. frg (cf. 43.398)

+ 4 frgs (OL: 4QT Levi aramb-c)

41.412. 4Q14 Exodc

4Q219 Jubd

4Q306 “The men of the people who erred…” (Sap B)

4Q373 Joseph Apocc

4Q381 ap Pss NCP pl. III frg 33* 

4Q397 MMTd 

4Q416 Sap Work Ib

4Q418 Sap Work Ia

4Q436 Barki Nafshic

4Q471 War Text

+ frgs

41.422. 4Q299 Mysta

4Q416 Sap Work Ib

4Q427 Hoda

4Q429 Hodc

4QM125c Liturgical ms

+ 3 frgs

41.423. 4Q32 Deute

4Q33 Deutf

4Q38 Deutk frg 10

4Q40 Deutm

4Q42 Deuto

4Q169 pNah DJD 5 pl. XII frg 2*

4Q299 Mysta

4Q440 Hodayot-Like

4QM Unid frg (cf. 43.399)

+ frgs

41.427. 4Q216 Juba

4Q368 Thora-like Text 

4Q393 Doubtfully Identified Work

4Q438 Barki Nafshie

+ 2 Frgs

41.437. 4Q221 Jubf Tags: 25:9-12; 23:11-12? 22:22; 21:22-24; 39:4-6; 37:12-15, 33:12

4Q222 Jubg

41.438. 4Q218 Jubc

4Q222 Jubg

4Q236 Ps 89 Milik RB 73 (1966) 105.  Milik says that 41.438 is of good quality, whereas 43.399 is over exposed and taken after cleaning of MS (p. 94)

4Q524 Halachic text

+ frgs

41.439. 4Q266 Da … + 1,1-21//1.21-2.21

41.440. 4Q266 Da labels: 6:11-16; 5:13-6:1;7:17-8:9;10:3-9; 19:13-5

41.441. 4Q266 Da

41.442. 4Q266 Da tags: 6:11-16; 5:13-6:1; 10:3-9; 7:17-8:9;


41.443. 4Q266 Da JTM+

41.444. 4Q203 EnGiants ara Milik, Enoch pl. XXXII frg 8

4Q243 psDan ara

4Q362 Work in Cryptic B

4Q530 Book of Giants arb

4Q533 Book of Giants or Pseudo Enoch? ar

4Q543 Visions of Amram ara

4Q550 Story Set at Persian Court ar

4Q552 Four Kingdoms ara

+ frgs

41.450. 4Q271 Df tags 13:19 (or 8:9); 11:18-12:6; 11:5-11; 15 [21]-16:18

41.451. 4Q269 Dd tags 7:17-19; 6:20; 5:21-6:2,11? 6:21-23;14:18-20

41.452. 2Q268 Dc

4Q288 Berc 

41.453. 4Q267 Db right half

4Q269 Dd bottom left

4Q274 Toharot A

4Q278 Toharot C 

4Q280 Toharot Db

4Q284 Ritual of Impurity

4Q279 M82B Toharot Da 

+ frgs cf Lev 13;  12:23-13:2

41.454. 4Q271 Df bottom

4Q272 Dg top

41.455. 4Q267 Db tags 9:6-14;5:17-6:6;13:23-14:10;13:8-14

41.466. 4Q165 pIsae DJD 5 pl. IX frgs 8-10

4Q254 pGenc

4Q265 Serek and Damascus Doc.

4Q285 Serek ha-Milhamah (upper left)

+ frgs

41.467. 4Q265 SD Serekh ha Yahad and Dam. Doc. labels cf D 11: 2-17; cf S 8; D 10:4:3

41.468. 4Q58 Isad frg 6*

4Q159 Orda DJD 5  pl. II frg 1*

4Q174 Florilegium DJD 7 pl. XIX frg 1*

4Q280 Rule of Purity Db on left 

4Q284 Ritual of Impurity

4Q285 Serek ha-milhamah

4Q389 PsMosd/ApocJere

4Q428 Hodb

4Q481c Fragment

+ frgs

41.477. 4Q270 De

4Q508 PrFetesc DJD 7 pl. LIV frgs 4,39

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXII frg 36

+ frgs

41.479. 4Q319 Otot + Cryptic

41.480. 4Q259 Se

4Q508 PrFetesc DJD 7 pl. LIV frgs 1,2*,13*,17,19,21, 22,24,30 

+ frgs

41.481. 4Q258 Sd tags 6:9-12; 5:21-6:6; 5:1-19; 9:15-18; 8:26-9:10; 8:6-16; RB 67 (1960) 410-416

41.482. 4Q260 Sf JTM  tags 10:9-11, 10:20-24, 10:15-19,    9:23//10:1-4

41.483. 4Q258 Sd tags 10:4-12, 10:12-15, 11:7?, 10:1-2

41.502. 4Q256 Sb tags 5:1-21; 10:3-7; 10:14-18; 9:18-21; 1:14-15; 11:4-5; 11:6-11; 6:10-13; 6:16-18

41.504. 4Q378 psJosha 

4Q417 Sap Work Ic

4Q419 Sap Work Id

4Q425 Sap Work

4QM Unid frg (cf. 43.399)

+ frgs

41.506. 4Q39 Deutl frg 1

4Q58 Isad frg 1*

4Q66 Isam one frg

4Q69a Isaq 

4Q180 AgesCreat DJD 5 pl. XXVII frgs 1,4   

4Q380 apPsa NCP pl. VIII frgs 1,2,4 

4Q385 PsEzeka

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. VIII frg 17; pl. VI frgs 1,3A*,6*; pl. VII frgs 7D,7E,8A*,9*; pl. XI frg 28 

+ label: 4Q ~`Tehilloth Nebiim’ JTM

41.507. 4Q255 papSa JTM  tags 3:7-11; 1:1-5 recto of 41.508

41.508. 4QpapHodayot Like Verso of 41.507 

41.509. 4Q273 papDh JTM  tags cf Lev 13:32; cf Lev 13:27a; cf Lev 13:2

41.512. 4Q204 Enoch arc Enoch pl. XIV frg a

4Q530 Book of Giants arb

4Q533 Book of Giants or Pseudo Enoch

4Q543 Visions of Amram ara

4Q545 Visions of Amram arc

4Q548 Aramaic R

4Q550 Story Set at Persian Court ar

4Q552 Four Kingdoms ara

4Q555 New Jerusalem arb

4Q571 Aramaic V 

+ frgs

41.515. 4Q171 pPsa DJD 5 pl. XIV frg 1*

4Q173 pPsb DJD 5 pl. XVIII frg 5 (center)

4Q174 Flor DJD 5 pl. XIX frg 1*

4Q299 Mysteriesa

4Q408 Prayer (upper left)

4Q504 DibHama DJD 7 pl. LII frgs 3, most of 4,5, most of 6,7 (top right and middle) 

+ 2 frgs 

41.516. 4QM Sap (cf. 43.397)

4Q2 Genb 1:1-6 

4Q9 Genj

4Q11 paleoGen-Exodl DJD 9 pl. II frg 8

4Q26 Levd

4Q72 Jerc

4Q204 En arc BE pl. XV frg b*

4Q267 Db

4Q303 Meditation on Creation 1a (M Sap C)

4Q385 PsEzeka

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. VIII frg 15*

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXVII frg 63*

+ 5 frgs 

41.517. 4Q27 Numb 26:62-64

4Q61 Isag frg 1

4Q225 Ps Juba lft bott 

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. X frg 23*

+ frgs

41.518. 4Q111 Lamentations

4Q225 PsJuba rght bott

4Q369 Apoca

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. X frg 23*; pl XII frg 104

4Q426 Sap Work IIb

41.519. 4Q82 XIIg  Hosea, Amos 

4Q346 M130 Sale of Land

41.520. 4Q56 Isab 51:16, 51:2. 48:17-21//49:1-2,4-6; 53:8-54:2 frgs 7*,11*,28,32*,35,36,38,40

4Q57 Isac frg 18

4Q58 Isad frgs 1*,2-6*,7,8*,10,11,12*,13

4Q61 Isag frg 4

4Q64 Isak frg 2

4Q525 Wisdom text with Beatitudes

4QM126a Unid frg

41.584. 4Q160 VisSam DJD 5 pl. III frgs 1-7 (top)

4Q252 pGena part. pub. by Allegro (bottom)

41.586. 4Q286 M85 Berakotha

41.587. 4Q270 De 

41.588. 4Q287 Berakothb 

41.589. 4Q286 M85 Berakotha

41.590. 4Q86 Psd

4Q114 Danc

4Q174 Flor DJD 5 pl. XX frg 11

4Q178 Catenaa DJD 5 pl. XXV frg 13*

4Q242 PrNab ar

4Q244 psDan arb

4Q292 Work Containing Prayers

4Q293 Work Containing Prayers

4Q375 Moses Apoc 2A

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXVII frg 63*

4Q550 Story Set at Persian Court ar

4Q554 New Jer ara

4Q561 Physiognomic Text ar

+ frgs

41.591. 4Q27 Numb

4Q29 Deutb

4Q85 Psc

4Q174 Flor DJD 5 pl. XIX frg 1*

4Q201 Enoch ara Milik, BE pl. I frg b

4Q204 Enoch arc unpub.

4Q209 Enastr arb BE pl. XXVII frg 6*

4Q266 Da

4Q306 “The men of the people who erred…”

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. VII frg 13B*; pl. VIII frg 18

4Q542 Testament of Qahat ar

4Q552 Four Kingdoms ara

41.593. 4Q292 Work Containing Prayers (top center)

4Q408 Sapiential

+ frgs

41.595. 4Q50 Judgb

4Q167 pHosb DJD 5 pl. X frg 3

4Q198 Tob arc

4Q515 Frgs DJD 7 pl. LXXV frg 21

4Q518 Frgs DJD 7 pl. LXXVIII frg 38

4Q548 Visions of Amram? ar

+ frgs

41.636. 4Q346 Sale of Land

4Q185 Fragments DJD 5 pl. XXX frg 2 

4Q481e Fragment

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LVIII frg 2* 

+ frgs

41.637. 4Q72 Jerc 

4Q225 Pseudo Juba

4Q385 PsEzeka

4QM130 Non Literary Text (cf. 43.407)

+ frgs

41.646. 4Q196 papToba M5

41.647. 4Q196 papToba M6

41.648. 4Q196 papToba M7

41.649. 4Q223 papJubh M12

41.650. 4Q223 papJubh M13

4Q224 papJubh?

41.660. 4Q317 Phases of Moon (Cryptic A)

41.661. 4Q317 Phases of Moon (Cryptic A)

41.662. 4Q304 Meditation on Creation 1b(?)

4Q388 PsEzekd 

4Q393 Liturgical Work

4Q453 Prayers

4Q456 Prayers

4Q470 Zedekiah

+ frgs

41.663. 4Q257 papSerekc

41.664. 4Q266 Da

4Q267 Db

4Q271 Df

41.665. 4Q149 Meza DJD 6 pl. XXVI

4Q151 Mezc DJD 6 pl. XXVII frgs 1-2

4Q200 Tob heb (bottom right)

4Q201 En ara BE pl. V frg p

4Q212 En arg BE pl. XXIII frg c*

4Q216 Juba

4Q262 Sh

4Q264 Sj

+ other Milik frgs

41.666. 4Q362 Work in Cryptic B

4Q372 Joseph Apocb 

4Q385 PsEzeka

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. VII frg 11A*

+ Frgs

41.679. 4Q213 TLevi ara

4Q251 Halakah A

4Q254 pGenc

4Q263 Si

4Q288 Bc

4Q390 PsMose

+ frgs

41.686. 4Q344 Debt Acknowlegement

4Q348 Act of Ownership

41.687. 4Q235 Frgs of Book of Kings in Nabatean

4Q343 Letter in Nabatean

41.692. 4Q324c Mishmarot Cf

4Q362 Work in Cryptic B (top)

4Q385 PsEzeka

+ frgs

41.693. 4Q218 Jubc

4Q266 Da

4Q271 Df

4Q274 Toharot A

4Q284 Ritual of Impurity

4QM47A Ps Hist E

+ frgs

41.694. 4Q299 Mysteriesa bottom 

4Q300 Mysteriesb top

+ frgs

41.695. 4Q301 Mysteriesc

+ frgs

41.696. 4Q318 Zodiology and Brontology

41.697. 4Q321 Mishmarot Ba

41.698. 4Q321 Mishmarot Ba

41.699. 4Q320 Mishmarot A

41.700. 4Q320 Mishmarot A

41.701. 4Q321a Mishmarot Bb top 

4Q324 Mishmarot D (bottom)

4Q329 Mish Fa

41.702. 4Q322 Mish Ca

4Q323 Mish Cb

4Q324 Mish cc

4Q324a Mish cd

4Q334 Ordo

+ frgs

41.703. 4Q324a Mish Cd

4Q326 Mish Ea 

4Q327 Mish Eb

4Q329 Mish Fb

4Q330 Mish H

+ frgs

41.704. 4Q270 M74 De upper rght

4Q228 Work with citation of Jubilees 

4Q289 Bd

4Q473 Misc Sap Work – Two Ways

+ frgs

41.705. 4Q202 En arb BE pl. VI frgs a,d,e; pl. VIII frgs w,b’e’,c’, y,u; pl. VII frgs k, parts of p,m,q,j  

+ 3 frgs

41.706. 4Q1 Gen-Exoda 

4QM PsHis frg B

4QMUnid. Frg (cf. 43.400)

4Q178 Fragments DJD 5 pl. XXV frgs 1*,2,4,9

4Q234 Gen 27:20-21 (Exercitium Calami)

4Q364 Pent Para

4Q420 Sap Work IVa

4Q421 Sap Work IVb three frgs upper lft corner

4Q481 Fragment

+ frgs

41.707. 4Q360 M130 Exercitium Calami

4QM130 Non Literary Text

4Q438 Barki Nafshie 10 frgs center

4Q477 Decrees of Sect

+ frgs

41.708. 4Q252 M131 pGen one piece pub. top 2 frgs + frg on bottom lft

4Q285 M48 Serek ha-Milhamah (bottom rht frg)

+ frg in bottom center

41.712. 4Q381 apPss NCP pl. I frgs 1*,10*, pl. II frgs 16,18,19; pl. IV frgs 43,46*, pl. III frg 29, pl. VI frg 69* (top half and rght third)

4Q460 Pseudepigraphic Work (bottom left)

4QM125C Liturg. MS with angelic content (bott. midd.

41.718. 4Q225 M39 Ps Juba enlargement of dark piece on 41.719

41.719. 4Q180 DJD 5 pl. XXVI frg 3

4Q225 M39 Ps Juba

41.774. 4Q67 Isan

4Q261 Sg

4Q291 Work Containing Prayers

4Q292 Work Containing Prayers

4Q329a Mish G

4Q337 frg of Calendar, exercitium calami? 

+ frgs

41.775. 4Q221 Jubf

4Q275 Teharot Ba

4Q380 apPss NCP pl. VIII frgs 6,7*

4Q403 ShirShabbd SSS pl. IV frg 2 

+ frgs

41.776. 4Q298 M113 Midrash le kol bne sahar

41.777. 4QCryptic C

4Q363 Text in Cryptic B

41.780. 4Q227 Pseudo Jubc

4Q394 MMTa

4Q423 Sap Work on Tree of Knowledge

4Q442 Misc. (center left)

4Q429 Hodc center top

+ frgs

41.789. 4Q460 Pseudo Work rght 3 frgs

4Q462 Narr. Work (bottom left)

4Q342 M129 Letter in Judaeo-Aramaic 

41.797. 4Q167 pHosb DJD 5 pl. X frg 2*; pl. XI frgs 5,7,8,10-14,16-23,36

4Q168 pMic DJD 5 pl. XII frgs 1,4

4Q183 A Historical Work DJD 5 pl. XXVI frgs 1-3

4Q305 Meditation on Creation 2

+ 5 frgs

41.802. 4Q162 pIsab DJD 5 pl. VI

4Q165 pIsae DJD 5 pl. IX frgs 1*,5,6

4Q180 AgesCreat DJD 5 pl. XXVI frg 6

4QMilik Unid. E

+ 1 frg

41.809. 4Q161 pIsaa DJD 5 pl. IV frg 6

4Q167 pHosb DJD 5 pl. XI frg 38*

4Q172 pUnid DJD 5 pl. XVIII frgs 4,5

4Q215 TNaph (top) 

4Q534 Elect of God

label: 4QWisdome

+ many others

41.816. 4Q252 pGena

41.823. 4Q226 PsJubb 

4Q374 Mosaic Apoca (top)

4Q379 Pss of Joshb

4Q399 Mf

4Q403 ShirShabbd SSS pl. IV frg 1*

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. VII frgs 8A,9

4Q414 Baptismal Liturgy

4Q459 Pseud. Work

+ Frgs

41.846. 4Q276 Rule of Purity Bb 

4Q491 Ma DJD 7 pl. V frgs 4,7,8,9*; pl. VI frgs 11*,12,20,21,23,24 

41.849. 4Q225 Ps Juba 

4Q401 ShirShabbb SSS pl. II frgs 1-7,12-14; pl. III frgs 15-17,22-24,26,29,34-37

4Q402 ShirShabbc SSS pl. III frgs 1-3,4*,5-7,11

4Q471 War Text

+ frgs

41.856. 4Q422 Sap Work

4Q434 Barki Nafshia 

4Q435 Barki Nafshib

4Q441 Prayer

4Q443 Prayer

4Q461 Narrative

4QM Leqet

+ Misc. frgs

41.862. 4Q372 Joseph Apocb

4Q350 Account of Cereal Greek (Verso of 4Q460)

+ frgs

41.867. 4Q463 Narrative

+ frgs including cryptic

41.886. 4Q215 M43A Testament of Naphtali One frg 

41.887. 4Q197 Tob arb

4Q258 Sd

4Q266 Da

4Q271 Df

4Q275 Teharot Ba

4Q291 Work With Prayers

4Q363 Text in Cryptic B

+ frgs

41.895. 4Q242 PrNab ar RB 1956, p. I frgs 1*-4

41.913. 4Q102 SN 45 Prova (center) 

4Q215 M43 Testament of Naphtali (bott right 4 frgs)

4Q242 PrNab ar (upper rght) Milik pub RB 1956 pl. 1

4Q266 M65 Da 

+ tiny frgs

41.914. 4Q198 Tob arc 

4Q216 Juba


4QM127 Unid frg (cf. 43.399)

+ frgs

41.915. 4Q215 M43A Test. of Naphtali (one frg) Milik (unpub)

41.916. 4Q84 Psb 102:10-13,18-22,26-28,103:4-6,12? (tp rgt) 

4Q258 M52 Serekd (top lft) 

4Q370 Flood Apocryphon (bott. midd.) 

4Q381 apPss NCP pl. VI frg 77* (lft midd) 

4Q400 ShirShabba SSS pl. I frg 2 (bott. rght)  

4Q418 Sap. Work Ia (bott. lft) 

+ tiny frg with 2 letters

41.931. 4Q196 M6 papTob ara frgs 7-9,24-26,32,41-43,49 (top) 

4Q223 M22 Jubh one frg (bott) 

+ papyrus frgs (bott)

41.939. 4Q30 Deutc

4Q40 C32b Deutm 3 frgs bottom right Deut 3:18-21

4Q243 PsDan ara

4Q245 M46A PsDan arc (lft) 

4Q381 apPss NCP pl. III frg 33* (midd rght)

4Q510 Shira SSS pl. LV frg 7

+ frgs

41.942. 4Q276 Rule of Purity Bb 

4Q375 Moses Apoc 2 

4Q417 Sap Work Ic

4Q508 PrFetesc DJD 7 pl. LIV frgs 39,40

4Q510 Shira DJD 7 pl. LV frgs 3,11,12

+ frgs

41.944. 4Q205 Enoch ard Enoch pl. XVII frg b

4Q523 Sy49B Hebrew B (center)

4Q531 Book of Giants arc

4Q541 Aharonique ara

4Q551 Sy18 DanSuz? ar pub (center left)

4Q557 Sy29A Vision of Qahat ar (upper left)

4Q561 Physiognomic Text ar

4Q564 Aramaic F

+ frgs

41.945. 4Q157 tgJob DJD 6 pl. XXVIII frg 1

4Q199 Tob ard

4Q214 TLevi arb

4Q532 Book of Giants ard

4Q536 Aramaic C

4Q538 Judah ar

4Q569 Aramaic L

+ frgs

41.952. 4Q156 tgLev DJD 6 pl. XXVIII frg 1

4Q204 En arc BE pl. XIII frg m

4Q211 Enastr ard BE pl. XXIX cols. i-ii

4Q244 psDan arb

4Q543 Visions of Amram ara

4Q550 Story Set at Persian Court ar (left middle and bottom right

+ frgs

41.956. 4Q211 Enastr ard pub. Milik, Enoch pl. XXIX frg iii

4Q531 Sy3 Book of Giants arc upper right

4Q534 Elect of God

4Q536 Aramaic C

4Q544 Sy11 Visions of Amram arb top center

4Q549 Sy15 Mention of Hur and Miriam ar (center right)

4Q550 Sy17B Story Set at Persian Court ar bottom left

4Q552 Four Kingdoms ara

4Q567 Aramaic I

+ frgs

41.964. 4Q82 XIIg portions of small scroll rolled around a stick with little writing plus other small pieces. Skehan mentions in BA 19 (1956) 88.

4Q259 Sereke (upper left)

41.974. 4Q179 apLam DJD 5 pl. XXVI frg 3

4Q201 En ara DJD 5 pl. I frg b; pl. V frg p

4Q267 Db

4Q381 apPsb NCP pl. VI frg 69

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. XII frg 66

+ frgs

41.975. 4Q302 M122-123 papPraise of God And Parable of Tree 

41.978. 4Q302 M122-123 papPraise of God and Parable of Tree

41.979. 4Q252 M131 pGena (upper left corner)

4Q319 Otot

41.981. 4Q362 Work in Cryptic B

+ frgs

41.984. 4Q249 M108? papMidrash Sepher Moshe  cryptic

41.985. 4Q249 Verso of 41.984. papMidrash Sepher Moshe, almost totally uninscribed

41.986. 4Q249 M109 papMidrash Sepher Moshe  cryptic label: 4Qm104   Astr. Crypt

41.987. 4Q249 Verso of 41.986, title MSM written in square characters as indicated in BA 19 (1956) 90.

41.989. 4QM130A pap non literary frgs bottom right 

4Q330 papCalendars H

4Q391 papPsEzeke left side

4Q478 papHeb frg (rght cent.)

4Q485 papProph DJD 7 pl. II frg 3

4Q486 papSapa DJD 7 pl. I one frg 

4Q559 papWork in Biblical Chronology

+ pap frgs 

41.990. 4Q249 papMidrash Sepher Moshe cryptic Hebrew 

41.993. 4Q249 papMidrash Sepher Mosheh in Cryptic

41.994. 4Q163 pappIsac DJD 5 pl. VIII frgs 21-26,28-30,32,34,36-40,42,47-49,57; pl. VII frgs 2,4-19; RevQ pl.III frgs 58-61

4Q223 papJubh

4Q503 papPrQuot DJD 7 pl. XLVII frgs 216,217

+ frgs

41.995. 4Q249 M105 papMidrash Sepher Mosheh in Cryptic A

42.007. 4Q242 PNab ar All but 5 small frgs pub. Milik RB 63 (1966) 407-415.

42.038. 4Q72 Jerc

4Q293 Work Contains Prayers By (cf. 43.326)

4Q452 Prayers

4QM127 Unid frg (cf. 43.400)

(OL: 4QUnid 9)

42.039. 4Q341 M130 List of proper names  Therapeia top center pub.

4Q89 Psg bottom middle frg a

4Q121 LXXNum

4Q266 M65 Dam Doca right side

4Q392 Liturgical work (upper left)

+ frgs

42.050. 4Q60 Isaf frg 27

4Q339 List of False Prophets (upper left)

+ frgs (OL: 4QUnid 19)

42.064. 4Q217 papJubb

4Q483 papGen or papJub? DJD 7 pl. I frg 1*

4Q509 PrFetesc DJD 7 pl. XVII frg 115

4Q515 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXV frgs 11,19

4Q516 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXV frgs 3,4 

(4QPap Unid. 4)

+ frgs

42.069. 4Q163 pappIsac frgs 27,31

4Q196 papToba

4Q217 papJubb

4Q330 M95a papCalendars H 

4QM130 Unid. pap. frgs (non lit.)

4Q361 Doodles, on Papyrus

4Q482 papJub? DJD 7 pl. I frgs 4-6

4Q484 papJud? DJD 7 pl. I frg 8

4Q498 papHymSap DJD 7 pl. XXVI frg 1

4Q500 papBen DJD 7 pl. XXVII frg 4

4Q502 papRitMar DJD 7 pl. XXXII frg 119

4Q509 PrFetesc DJD 7 pl. XXI frgs 198,205

4Q517 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXVI frg 18

4Q553 papVisionb 

(4QPap Unid. 9)

+ frgs

42.074. 4Q196 papTob ara

4Q483 papGen or papJub? DJD 7 pl. I frg 1*

4Q489 papApocar DJD 7 pl. II frg 1

4Q515 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXV frg 3

4Q518 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXVIII frgs 43,44

4Q519 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXIX frgs 11,13,23,50 

4Q559 papWork in Bib. Chronology ar (upper right)

+ frgs

42.078. 4Q338 Genealogical List (Verso of Ena)

4Q343 M129a Letter in Nabatean (Verso)

+ frg

42.082. 4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXX frg 134

4Q543 Visions of Amram ara

4QM126A Unid frg (cf. 43.398)

42.143. 4Q350 Account of cereal, Greek on Verso of 4Q460

+ 3 frgs

42.181. 4Q166 pHos DJD 5  pl. X one frg (right)

4Q274 Toharot A (upper left)

4Q299 Mysteriesa (lower lft)

42.185. 4Q252 M38 pGena (top)

4Q418 Sap Work Ia

42.211. 4Q196 M5 papTob ara 

42.212. 4Q196 M6 papTob ara 

42.213. 4Q196 M7 papTob ara 

42.214. 4Q196 M8 papTob ara 

42.215. 4Q196 papTob ara

4Q482 papJub? DJD 7 pl. I frg 4

4Q500 papBen DJD 7 pl. XXVII frg 4

42.216. 4Q197 M10 Tob arb 

42.217. 4Q197 M11 Tob arb 

42.218. 4Q200 M13 Tob Hebrew

42.219. 4Q216 M15 Juba

42.220. 4Q216 M16-17 Juba

42.221. 4Q219 M18 Jubd

42.222. 4Q218 M19 Jubc

42.223. 4Q221 M20 Jubf

42.224. 4Q223 M23 Jubh

42.225. 4Q223 M22 Jubh

42.226. 4Q224 M24 Jubh?

42.227. 4Q201 En ara BE pls. I, II frg c, III

42.228. 4Q201 M26 En ara BE pl. IV frgs f,h,k; pl. V frgs l-p

+ 9 frgs 

42.229. 4Q204 En arc BE pl. XII frgs g-i; pl. XIII frgs i,l; pl. XI frg f-i; pl. X frgs c*,d*; pl. IX frgs a,b;

+ 1 frg

42.230. 4Q204 En arc BE pl. XIII frg n; pl. XIV frg a, pl. XV frg b*

4Q203 EnGiants ara BE pl. XXXII frgs 9,10

42.231. 4Q202 En arb BE pl. VI frgs a-i; pl. VII frgs j-m,p-r; pl., VIII frgs a’,b’-e’,u,w,x,y,z; pl. IX frgs g’,f,i’

+ 3 tiny frgs

42.232. 4Q206 En are BE pl. XVIII a,b,d; pl. XIX frgs f,g*; pl. XX frg a,b,d; pl. XXI frg e

4Q203 En Book of Giants (?) BE frgs 2,3–all pub pl. XIX

42.233. 4Q205 En ard 2 i-iii BE pl. XVII; pl. XVI 1 xi and xii.

42.234. 4Q209 Enastr arb BE pl. XXVII frg 6 (1/2 pub)

+ frgs

42.235. 4Q209 Enastr arb BE pl. XXV; pl. XXVI 

+ unpub frgs

42.236. 4Q209 Enastr arb BE pl. XXVII frgs 23*,25,26; pl. XXX frg 28* 

+ unpub frgs

42.237. 4Q212 En arg BE pl. XXI frg a; pl. XXII frg b; pl. XXIII frg d; pl. XXIV frg e–all pub

 + 1 frg

42.238. 4Q212 En arg BE pl. XXIII frg c; pl. XXIV frg c all pub; pl. XXII frg c;

42.260. 4Q285 M48 Serek ha-Milhamah 

42.264. 4Q244 Ps Dan arb

42.265. 4Q242 PNab ar pub by Milik RB 1956

42.324. 4Q200 M14 Tobit Hebrew

42.325. 4Q198 M12 Tob arc

42.326. 4Q222 Jubg M21

42.327. 4Q321 M88 Mish Ba

42.328. 4Q321 M89 Mish Ba (other photo with 5Q15 not in Rockefeller collection)

42.329. 4Q320 M91 Mish A

42.330. 4Q320 M90 Mish A

42.331. 4Q321a M92A Mish Bb

4Q328 M92B Mish Fa

42.332. 4Q325 M93A Mish D

4Q329 M93B Mish Fb

42.333. 4Q323 Mish Cb

4Q329a Mish G

4Q330 Mish H

4Q334 Order of Divine Office

42.334. 4Q322 Mish Ca

4Q324 Mish Cc

4Q324a Mish Cd

42.335. 4Q326 Mish Ea 

4Q327 Mish Eb

4Q337 Frg of Calendar (exercitium calami)

42.360. 4Q253 M38a pGenb right half of photo

4Q254 M38 pGenc unpub left half of photo

42.361. 4Q225 M39 PseudoJuba 

42.362. 4Q226 M40 PseudoJubb top of photo

4Q Ps Hist A

4Q Ps Hist B

42.363. 4Q263 M41 Test Levi ara bottom piece pub SWDS

42.364. 4Q263 M42 Test Levi ara

42.365. 4Q263 M42A Test. Levi ara

42.366. 4Q243 Ps Dan ara

42.367. 4Q244 Ps Dan arb right

4Q245 Ps Dan arc left

42.369. 4Q165 pIsae DJD 5 pl. IX frgs 1*,8,9

4Q247 M47A Apoc Weeks in Hebrew (middle) 

4QM47B Pseudo historical MS E (top)

42.370. 4Q285 M48 Serekh Ha-Milhamah

42.371. 4Q255 M49 papSa

42.372. 4Q256 M50 Sb

42.373. 4Q256 M50A Sb

42.374. 4Q257 papSc

42.375. 4Q258 M52 Sd

42.376. 4Q258 M52 Sd

42.377. 4Q259 M54 Se

42.378. 4Q260 M55 Serekh Hayyahadf

42.379. 4Q261 M56 Sg

42.380. 4Q262 M57 Sh top 3 frgs

4Q263 M57A Si frg on bottom right

4Q264 M57B Sj frg on bottom left

42.381. 4Q266 M58 Dama top

4Q268 Dc

4Q288 Berc bottom 3 frgs

42.382. 4Q266 M59A Da

42.383. 4Q266 M66 Da large piece pub

42.384. 4Q266 M60 Da

42.385. 4Q266 M63 Da

4Q266 M62 Da

42.386. 4Q266 M60 Da

42.387. 4Q266 M61 Da

42.388. 4Q266 M63 Da

42.389. 4Q266 M64 Da

42.390. 4Q266 M65 Da

42.391. 4Q266 M65 Da

42.392. 4Q266 M66 Da

42.393. 4Q271 M68 Df

42.394. 4Q271 M68 Df

42.395. 4Q267 M69,70 Db

42.396. 4Q267 M70 Db

42.397. 4Q270 M73 De

42.398. 4Q270 M71 De

42.399. 4Q270 M72 De

42.400. 4Q270 M74 De

42.401. 4Q270 M74 De

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LVII frg 1

42.402. 4Q269 M75 Dd

42.403. 4Q269 M75A Dd

42.404. 4Q272 M76 Dg right side

4Q278 M76B Toharot C left top

4Q280 M76C Toharot Db left hand corner

42.405. 4Q273 M77 pap Dh

42.406. 4Q265 M78 S & D

42.407. 4Q265 M78A S & D

42.408. 4Q265 M79 S & D

42.409. 4Q251 M80 Halachic

42.410. 4Q251 M81 Halachic

42.411. 4Q251 M81 Halachic

4Q165 pIsac DJD 5 pl. IX frg 2

42.412. 4Q274 M82A Toharot A Purity Laws top of photo

4QM82B Serek Z bottom of photo

42.413. 4Q277 M82A Toharot Bc top

4Q279 M82B Toharot Da (Sy) bottom

42.414. 4Q284 M83 Ritual of Impurity 

42.415. 4Q286 M84 Berakhota

42.416. 4Q286 M85 Berakhota

42.417. 4Q286 M85A Berakhota

42.418. 4Q287 M86 Berakhotb

42.419. 4Q289 M87A Bd Liturgical MS (top)

4Q291 M87B Work Containing Prayers (bottom)

4Q292 M87C Work Containing Prayers (middle) 

42.420. 4Q319 M97 Otot

42.421. 4Q319 M98 Otot

42.422. 4Q319 M97A Otot

42.423. 4Q318 M100 Zodiology and Brontology

42.424. 4Q317 M101,M101A  Phases of Moon, Cryptic A

42.425. 4Q317 M102,M103 Phases of Moon, Cryptic A

42.426. 4Q317 M104 Phases of Moon, Cryptic A

42.427. 4Q317 M105 Phases of Moon, Cryptic A

42.428. 4Q317 M105 Phases of Moon, Cryptic A

42.429. 4Q324c M106 Mish Cf in Cryptic A

42.430. 4Q324c M107 Mish Cf in Cryptic A

42.431. 4Q362 M114 Work in Cryptic B

42.436. 4Q203 Enoch Giants ara Milik BE pl. XXXI frg 7ii; pl. XXX frgs 2,3; pl. XXXII frgs 8,11,12 (left) 

4Q204 Enoch arc BE pl. XV frg g; pl. XIII frg m

4Q544 Sy11 Visions of Amram arb frgs 1*,2 (right)

42.440. 4Q203 Enoch Giants ara BE pl. XXX frgs 4,6

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXXI frg 191

4Q531 Sy3 Book of Giants arc

4Q533 Book of Giants or Pseudo Enoch? ar

4Q543 Sy10A Visions of Amram ara

4Q547 Sy7 Visions of Amram are

+ frgs

42.446. 4Q345 Sale of Land in Aramaic

        + frgs

42.470. 4Q260 Sf

4Q371 Joseph Apoca (right side)

4Q443 Prayer (upper left)

4Q404 ShirShabbe SSS pl. V frgs 1,4*,5*,6,10 (bottom left)

42.557. 4Q177 Catenaa DJD 5  pl. XXV frg 19,14*,26

4Q275 Toharot Ba formerly Sx

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. VII frgs 11A,11B,12,13B;  pl. VIII frg 14,15*; pl. IX frg 19B,19C; pl. XI frgs 43,44

 + frgs

42.559. (OL: 4Q Un. 32)

4Q172 pUnid DJD 5  pl. XVIII frg 5

4Q174 Flor DJD 5 pl. XX frg 7

4Q305 Meditation on Creation 2

42.585. 4Q161 pIsaa bottom DJD 5  pl. IV frgs 5,6

4Q252 pGena (Gen 49 pub. Allegro JBL LXXV 1956)

42.601. 4Q246 Aramaic Apocalypse 

4Q501 Lamentation DJD 7 pl. XXVIII (upper right)

4Q274 M82A Toharot A (upper left hand corner)

4Q246 M132 Aramaic Apocalypse (bottom)

42.607. 4Q181 Fragments DJD 5  pl. XVIII frgs 1-2 (top) 

4Q252 pGena Patriarchal Blessings (bottom)

42.609. 4Q252 pGena Pat. Blessings. One frg pub JBL 75  (1956) document 1, pl. 1.

42.610. 4Q167 pHosb DJD 5  pl. XXIV frgs 2,5,7,8,10,11; pl. XXV frgs 13,15-23

4Q305 M124-126 Meditation on Creation 2

42.719. 4Q60 Isaf frg b

4Q62 Isah frgs 8,9

4Q65 Isal frg 8*

4Q84 Psb

4Q86 Psd

4Q87 Pse frg 2

4Q89 Psg frg e

4Q91 Psj frgs c,d

4Q98b Pss frg b

4QM Cryptic C

42.761. 4QMUnid F

+ frgs (OL: 4QUnid 1)

42.762. 4QM127A Unid Frg (cf. 43.400)

+ frgs (OL: 4QUnid 2)

42.763. 4QM126A Unid frg (cf. 43.398)

4QM127A Unid frg (cf. 43.400)

4Q153 Mezuzot E DJD 6 pl. XXVI

4Q480 Fragment

+ frgs (OL: 4QUnid 3)

42.819. 4Q276 Toharot Bb

4Q375 Moses Apocryphon 2A middle

4Q378 Pss of Josha (bottom left)

4Q417 Sap Work Ic

4Q464 Apocryphon b (top)

4Q481c Fragment

+ frgs

42.830. 4Q275 Toharot Ba (Sx)

4Q440 SL77 Hodayot Like

4Q441 SL78 Misc.

4Q442 SL79 Misc.

4Q461 Narrative

+ frgs

42.834. 4Q369 Apoca 

4Q408 Sapiential

4Q434 Barki Nafshia

4Q438 Barki Nafshie

4Q444 Prayer (bottom middle)

4Q459 Pseud. Work

4Q453 Prayer

4Q456 Prayers

4Q469 One Ms

4Q471 War Text (upper right)

4QM127A Unid Frg (cf. 43.400)

+ more frgs

42.860. 4QM Sap Work (cf. 43.397)

4QM127B Unid frgs (cf. 43.400)

4Q458 Narrative

(OL: 4QUnid)

42.863. Pieces labelled A1 to A7, B1-B7 glass plates are separated by sticks to allow chunks of small scroll, few visible letters 

4Q319 Otot

42.908. 4Q427 Hodayota 

4Q436 Barki Nafshic

4Q451 Prayers

4Q460 Pseudepigraphic work

4Q525 Wisdom text with Beatitudes

4QM Unid Frg (cf. 43.399)

+ frgs

42.915. 4QM126 Unid Frg

4Q167 pHosb DJD 5 pl. X frg 3

4Q437 Barki Nafshid

4QM Unid frg (cf. 43.407)

(OL: 4QUnid frgs.)

42.916. 4QM126A Unid. Frg

4Q404 ShirShabbe SSS pl. V frg 9

4Q408 SL 84 Prayers (top half)

4Q411 Sap Work

4Q412 Sap Work

4Q427 Hodayota (bottom left)

4Q449 Prayers 

4Q471 War Text 

+ frgs

42.927. 4Q222 Jubg

4Q476 Misc Sap. Work

4QM127 Unid Frg (cf. 43.399)

4QM127A Unid Frgs (cf. 43.400) 3 frgs

+ frgs

42.928. 4Q339 List of False Prophets

+ frgs

42.929. 4QM127a Unid frgs (cf. 43.400)

+ frgs

42.930. 4QM127a Unid frgs (cf. 43.400)

+ frgs

42.933. 4Q451 Prayers

4Q452 Prayers

4Q491 Ma DJD 7 pl. VI frg 35

4Q507 PrFetesa DJD 7 pl. XXVIII frgs 2,4

4QM127a Unid frg (cf. 43.400)

+ frgs

42.934. 4Q179 apLam DJD 5 pl. XXVI frgs 3,4

4Q304 Meditation on Creation 1b?

4Q455 Prayers

4Q479 Fragments

4QM126a Unid frg (cf. 43.398)

4QM127a Unid frg (cf. 43.400)

+ frgs

43.175. 4Q196 M5 papTob ara  

43.176. 4Q196 M6 papTob ara 

43.177. 4Q196 M7 papTob ara 

43.178. 4Q196 M8 papTob ara

43.179. 4Q196 M9 papTob ara 

43.180. 4Q197 M10 Tob arb 

43.181. 4Q197 M11 Tob arb 

43.182. 4Q198 M12 Tob arc (right)

4Q199 M12 Tob ard (left)

43.183. 4Q200 M13 Tob heb 

43.184. 4Q200 M14 Tob heb 

43.185. 4Q216 M15-16 Juba 

43.186. 4Q216 M17 Juba 

43.187. 4Q219 M18 Jubd 

43.188. 4Q221 M20 Jubf

43.189. 4Q222 M21 Jubg top  

4Q218 M19 Jubc bottom 

4Q220     Jube bottom 

43.190. 4Q223 M22 papJubh 

43.191. 4Q223 M23 papJubh 

43.192. 4Q224 M24 papJubh? 

43.197. 4Q201 En ara BE pl. ii, iii (all published)

43.198. 4Q201 En ara BE pls. i, iv, v, 

+ 10 frgs not pub.

43.199. 4Q204 En arc BE pl. XII frgs g,h,i; pl. XI frgs e,f; pl.XIII frg m (+i)

43.200. 4Q204 En arc BE pl. X frgs c,d; pl. ix frgs a,b 

+ 1 frg not pub.

43.201. 4Q203 En Giants ara BE pl. XXXII frgs 8,11-13; pl. XXXI frgs i,ii; pl. XXX frgs 2-6  

4Q204 En arc BE pl. xv frgs e-i; pl. xiii frgs l,k; pl. xii frg j  

+ 3 unpub frgs

43.202. 4Q203 En Giants ara BE pl. xxxii frgs 9,10 

4Q204 En arc BE pl. xv frg b; pl. xiv frgs 4,5ia; pl. xiii frg n  all pub

43.203. 4Q202 En arb BE pl. viii frgs t-z,a’-e’; pl. vii frgs j-s; pl. vi frgs a-h; pl. ix frgs. f’-i’ 

+ unpub. frgs

43.204. 4Q206 En are BE pl. XVIII frgs a-d; pl. XIX frgs e-g; pl. XX frg a,c

4QBook of giants (?)  BE pl. XIX frgs 2,3    

+ 2 frgs

43.205. 4Q206 En are BE pl. XX frgs b,d; pl. XXI frgs e,f

43.206. 4Q205 En ard BE pl. XVI frgs a-e; pl. XVII frgs a-c

43.207. 4Q209 Enastr arb  BE pl. XXVII frg 6 (1/2 of actual frg) 

+ unpub. frgs

43.208. 4Q209 Enastr arb BE pls. XXV, XXVI  

+ 4 frgs

43.209. 4Q209 Enastr arb BE pl. XXVII frgs 23-26; pl. XXX one frg  + 16 frgs

43.210. 4Q208 Enastr ara 

43.211. 4Q208 Enastr ara 

43.212. 4Q211 Enastr ard BE pl. XXIX

43.213. 4Q210 Enastr arc BE pl. XXVIII; pl. XXX frg

43.214. 4Q207 En arf BE pl. XXI frg 1

4Q212 En arg BE pl. XXI frg 1; pl. XXII frg b

43.215. 4Q212 En arg BE pl. XXII frg c; pl. XXIII frgs c,d; pl. XXIV frgs c,e 

+ 2 frgs

(2 Mislabelled 43.216 on photo at Rockefeller) 

43.228. 4Q319 M97 Otot 

43.229. 4Q319 M97A Otot 

43.230. 4Q319 M98 Otot

43.231. 4Q319 M99 Otot

43.232. 4Q228 M40b cit Jub

43.233. 4Q254 M125 pGenc 

43.234. 4Q226 M40 Pseudo Jubb 

43.235. 4Q209 Enastr arb BE part of one piece pub pl. xxvii

43.236. 4Q246 M132 Aramaic Apocalypse (Ps Danield)

43.237. 4Q215 M43 Testament of Naphtali 

43.238. 4Q227 M40A psJubc trans BE p.12 

43.239. 4Q254 M38 pGenc   

43.240. 4Q256 M50A Sb 

43.241. 4Q213 M42 TLevi ara 

43.242. 4Q213 M41 TLevi ara one frg pub. 

43.243. 4Q213 M42A TLevi ara 

43.244. 4Q258 M52 Sd

43.245. 4Q215 M43A Testament of Naphtali 

43.246. 4Q258 M52 Sd 

43.247. 4Q243 M45A psDan ara 

43.248. 4QM Ps Hist E M47B

4QM40A Pseudo Historical MS A  (top right) frgs

4QM40B Ps Historical MS B  (top left)

4Q247 ApocWeeks left middle (Ps Hist C M47B)

4Q339 List of False Prophets (M130B Ps Hist D)

43.249. 4Q244 M46 psDan arb 

43.250. 4Q256 M50 Sb 

43.251. 4Q225 M39 psJuba 

43.252. 4Q243 M45 psDan ara 

43.253. 4Q252 M38 pGena cf. A4

43.254. 4Q255 M49 papSa Verso 

43.255. 4QM papHodayot Like (Recto of 43.254) 

43.256. 4Q257 M51 papSc (Recto) 

43.257. 4Q257 M51 papSc (Verso)  

43.258. 4Q253 M38a pGenb  

43.259. 4Q245 M46A psDan arc 4 frgs  

43.260. 4Q214 M42B TLevi arb 

43.261. 4Q217 M126 Jubb  

43.262. 4Q257 M51′ papSc  

43.263. 4Q259 M54 Se 

43.264. 4Q259 M54 Se 

43.265. 4Q260A M55 Sf 

43.266. 4Q261 M56 Sg 

43.267. 4Q262 Sh top 3 frgs

4Q263 Si frg second from bottom       

4Q264 Sj bottom frg 

43.268  4Q268 Dc published 

43.269. 4Q266 M59A Da 

43.270. 4Q266 M60 Da 

43.271. 4Q266 M60 Da 

43.272. 4Q266 M61 Da  

43.273. 4Q266 M62 Da 

43.274. 4Q266 M63 Da 

43.275. 4Q266 M65? Da 

43.276. 4Q266 M64 Da 

43.277. 4Q266 M65 Da 

43.278. 4Q266 M66 Da 

43.279. 4Q271 M67 Df 

43.280. 4Q271 M68 Df 

43.281. 4Q266 M65 Da Recto of 43.282 part pub DJD 6 pl. IV  

43.282. 4Q266 M65 Da Verso of 43.281 part pub DJD 6 pl. IV  

43.283. 4Q319a M97 Otot 

43.284. 4Q319a M97A Otot 

43.285. 4Q319a M98 Otot 

43.286. 4Q319a M99 Otot 

43.293. 4Q267 M69 Db 

43.294. 4Q267 M70 Db  

43.295. 4Q270 M71 De 

43.296. 4Q270 M72 De 

43.297. 4Q270 M73 De 

43.298. 4Q270 M74 De 

43.299. 4Q270 M74 De 

43.300. 4Q269 M75 Dd 

43.301. 4Q269 M75 Dd 

43.302. 4Q272 M76a Dg 

43.303. 4Q273 M77 papDh 

43.304. 4Q265 M78 Serekh Hayyahad and Dam Doc 

43.305. 4Q265 M78A? Serekh Hayyahad and Dam Doc. 

43.306. 4Q265 M79 Serekh Hayyahad and Dam Doc 

43.307. 4Q251 M80 Halakah A  

43.308. 4Q251 M81 Halakah A 

43.309. 4Q274 M82A Toharot A 

43.310. 4QM Serek ms. z top 1/4 of photo 

4Q284 M83 Serek ha niddut  bottom 3/4 of photo

43.311. 4Q296 M84 Bera 

43.312. 4Q296 M85 Bera 

43.313. 4Q296 M85A Bera partly pub in JJSt 

43.314. 4Q287 M86 Berb 

43.315. 4QM79A Leqet top

4Q275 M79B Toharot Ba middle, 3 frgs, 1 frg trans. in Melkiresha and Melkisedeq p. 130 (Sx formerly)

4Q279 M82B Toharot Da bottom (formerly Sy)

43.316. 4Q276 Toharot Bb (upper right two frgs)

4Q277 Toharot Bc (bottom)

4Q278 Toharot C (upper left)

43.325. 4Q285 M48 Serek ha-milhamah pl. 301

43.326. 4Q288 M58B Berc (Bc) upper right hand corner – 3 fragments 

4Q289 M87A (Bd) Liturgical MS 2 frgs right middle

4Q291 M87D (Bw) Work Containing Prayers bottom 3 frgs

4Q293 M87B (By) Work Containing Prayers 2 frgs in left middle

43.327. 4QM125C Liturgical MS bottom 

4Q280 M76C Toharot Db middle 2 frgs pub. M&M

4Q292 M87C Work Containing Prayers (top 2 frgs)

43.328. 4Q321 M88 Mishmarot Ba 

43.329. 4Q321 M89 Mishmarot Ba 

43.330. 4Q320 M90 Mishmarot A 

43.331. 4Q320 M91 Mishmarot A 

43.332. 4Q321a M92A Mishmarot Bb 

43.333. 4Q324 M107 Mishmarot Cc bottom   

4Q325 M93A Mishmarot D top 

43.334. 4Q329 M93B Mishmarot Fb top 3 frgs 

4Q329a M94B Mishmarot G one frg center 

4Q330 M94C Mish H three frgs

4Q334 M94D Ordo 9 frgs?

4Q337 M96C Mishmarot (bottom lower rht corner) 

43.335. 4Q324b M95A papMishmarot 2MSS 

43.336. 4Q323 M94A Mishmarot Cb middle 

4Q324 M95A Mishmarot Cc bottom

4Q322 M95B Mishmarot Ca top

(Recto of 43.337)

43.337. Verso of 43.336

4Q323 M94, 4Q324 M95A, 4Q322 M95B

43.338. 4Q324a M95C Mishmarot Cd 

43.339. 4Q328 M92B Mishmarot Fa bottom

4Q327 M96A Mishmarot Eb 2 middle frgs also on 43.521 MMTa?

4Q326 M96B Mishmarot Ea (top)

43.340. 4Q324c M106 Mishmarot Cf 

43.374. 4Q318 M100 Zodiac ar

43.375. 4Q317 M101 Astr. Crypt 

43.376. 4Q317 M101A Astr. Crypt 

43.377. 4Q317 M102 Astr. Crypt 

43.378. 4Q317 M103 Astr. Crypt 

43.379. 4Q317 M104 Astr. Crypt 

43.380. 4Q317 M105 Astr. Crypt 

43.381. 4Q252 pGena 49 one frg pub in JBL LXXV 1956 

43.382. 4Q350 Account of Cereal gr on verso of piece of 4Q460

43.383. 4QMisc. unid. frgs

43.384. 4Q298 M113 Words of Sage to Sons of Aaron (Cryptic A)  

43.385. 4Q362 M114 Work in Cryptic B + Cryptic A 

43.386. 4Q363 M115a Text in Cryptic B 

43.387. 4QM115b Cryptic C (bottom) 

4Q363 M115 Text in Cryptic B (top) 

43.388. 4Q300 M116 Mystb 

43.389. 4Q299 M117 Mysta pl. 605

43.390. 4Q299 M117A Mysta pl. 604

43.391. 4Q299 M118 Mysta pl. 594

43.392. 4Q299 M119 Mysta pl. 595

43.393. 4Q299 M120 Mysta pl. 592

43.394. 4Q301 M121 Mystc pl. 586

43.395. 4Q302 M122 papSapa pl. 356 

43.396. 4Q302 M123 papSap Worka pl. 333 

43.397. 4Q303 M124b Meditation on Creation 1a

4Q304 M125 Meditation on Creation 1b?

4Q305 M126 Meditation on Creation 2

4Q306 “The men of the people who erred… ” 

4QM sap work on bottom

top on pl. 350, bottom on pl. 295 

43.398. 4QM126A Misc. Milik pl. 202 Unid frgs 

43.399. 4QM Unid A

4QM Unid D

4QM Unid E

4QM Unid F

4Q236 Ps 89 pub  Milik RB 73 (1966) 105 

+ 3 Mss (OL: 4QM127 8MSS)  pl. 304   

43.400. 4QM127A 16 MSS pl. 303

43.401. 4QM128 Text on papyrus backing of 4QSama pl. 588

43.402. (Recto of 43.403)

4Q235 M129a Frgs of Book of Kings (top two frgs)

4Q343 M129a Letter in Nabatean

43.403. 4QM129a Texts in Nabatean Script 

Verso of 43.402

43.404. (Recto of 43.405)

4Q342 Letter in Judeao-Aramaic

4Q344 Debt Acknowledgement

4Q345 Sale of Land ar

4Q348 Act of Ownership

43.405. 4QM129a? Verso of 43.404

43.406. 4Q347 Act on Papyrus, Aramaic

4Q361 Doodles on Papyrus

4QM130? papyrus fragments

+ frgs

43.407. 4Q234 Gen 27,20-21 (exercitium calami)

4Q340 List of Netinim

4Q341 M130b List of proper names “Therapeia” pl. 603

4Q346 Acts of Sale of land in Aramaic

4Q355 Account of Money (Aramaic) on Verso of Mish Cc

4Q356 Account of Money, Hebrew

4Q360 M130 C Exercitia Calami   pl. 346

+ frgs

43.408. 4Q249 M108 papMidrash Sepher Mosheh pl. 589

43.409. 4Q249 M109 papMidrash Sepher Mosheh pl. 590

43.410. 4Q249 M110 papMidrash Sepher Mosheh pl. 598

43.411. 4Q249 M111 papMidrash Sepher Mosheh pl. 597

43.412. 4Q249 M112 papMidrash Sepher Mosheh pl. 596

43.413. 4Q249 M113 papMidrash Sepher Mosheh pl. 593

43.414. Verso of 43.413  pl. 593

4Q250 Text of verso of MSM in Cryptic A

43.521. 4Q327 Mish Eb M96A or is this part of MMT?

4Q392 Doubtfully identified work pl. 126  top

4Q394 MMTa bottom (cont. of piece in 43.492)

B. West Semitic Research Collection of Jerusalem Photographs

JWS 9.  4QM130 Therapeia

JWS 10. 4QM130A Unid. frg (also on center right of 43.407; right of 4QTherapeia) List of Netinim? (with yellow filter)

IV. Museum Plates at Rockefeller

105. 4Q262 M57 Serekh Hayyahadh 43.267

106. 4Q267 M69 Db 43.293

107. 4Q267 M70 Db

108. 4Q273 M77 papDh 43.303

110. 4QM82B Serek ms z 43.310 top three frgs only of 43.310 

111. 4Q276 M82A Toharot Bb 43.316 upper right two frgs

4Q277 Toharot Bc bottom half

4Q278 Toharot C 43.316 bottom right

112. 4QM115B Crypt C 4 frgs on bottom of 43.387

113. 4Q254 M125 pGenc 43.233

114. 4QM125A Of Angelogical Content Liturgical Ms bottom half of 43.327

131. 4QPsHist A M40B (Patriarchal Stories) 

4QPsHist B (Patriarchal Stories) cf. 43.248

132. 4Q197 M10 Tobit arb  43.180 7 frgs 

133. 4Q197 M11 Tobit arb  43.181 9 frgs

134. 4Q223 M22 papJubh 43.190

135. 4Q223 M23 papJubh 43.191

136. 4Q224 M24 Jubh 43.192

140. 4Q258 M52 Serekh Hayyahadd 43.244  6 frgs    

141. 4Q258 M53 Serekh Hayyahadd 11 frgs 43.246

142. 4Q205 En ard BE pl. XVI frgs a-e;  pl. XVII frgs a-c  all pub. 

143. 4Q207 En arf BE pl. XXI frg 1   all pub.

177. 4Q255 M49 papSa Recto and Verso 43.254-43.255

182. 4Q274 M82A Purity Laws MS A  5 frgs  43.309        

184. 4QM130 Non literary papyri 43.406

4Q347 Act on papyrus Aramaic

4Q361 Doodles, on papyrus

188. 4Q203 En Giants ara BE  pl. XXXII frgs 9,10 all pub

4Q204 En arc BE pl. XIV frgs 4a and 5ia; pl. XV frg b

189. 4Q203 En Giants ara BE pl. XXX frg 6 ; pl. XXXII frg 8* 

4Q204 En arc BE pl. XII frg j; pl. XIII frgs k,l;  pl. XV frgs e-i

+ 2 frgs.  note: frgs at top of pl. 43.201  

190. 4Q321a M92 Mishmarot Bb 43.332   7 frgs     

191. 4Q204 En arc BE pl. XIII frg n

199. 4Q204 En arc BE pl. IX frgs a,b; pl. X frgs c,d + 2 frgs

200. 4Q204 En arc BE pl. XII frgs g-h,j;  pl. XIII frgs m,i*;  pl. XI 

frg f

202. 4QM126A Unid. frgs 43.398

209. 4Q246 M132 Apocalypse ar (formerly psDan ard) 43.326

219. 4Q272 M76A Dg 43.302 20+ frgs

220. 4Q269 M75 Dd 43.300  12 frgs   

221. 4Q269 M75 Dd 43.301   14 frgs

222. 4Q288 Bc

4Q289 Bd 

4Q291 Work Containing Prayers

4Q293 Work Containing Prayers

223. 4Q280 M76C Toharot Db  43.327   5 frgs for plate    

4Q292 M87C Work Containing Prayers 43.327

226. 4Q325 M93A Mishmarot D 43.333

227. 4Q212 En arg BE pl. XXI frg a; pl. XXII frg b all pub

228.  4Q212 En arg BE pl. XXII frg c; pl. XXIII frgs c,d; pl. XXIV frg c all pub

229. 4Q210 Enastr arc 3 frgs BE pl. XXVIII 1ii; pl. XXX liii 

230. 4Q222 M21 Jubileesg top of 43.189    

231. 4Q198 M12 Tobit arc 43.182

4Q199 Tobit ard 43.182

239. 4Q284 Serekh haniddot M83  bottom 2/3 of 43.310  15+ frgs    

240. 4Q324c M107 Mishmarot Cf 43.333    

241. 4Q324c M106 Mishmarot Cf 43.340   

247. 4Q245 M46A Ps Dan arc 43.259  4 frgs   

248. 4Q242 M44 PrNab ar 2 frgs pub. by Milik frgs 3-4, cf. pl. 665 

249. 4Q213 M41 TLevi ara  cf. 43.242 

251. 4Q263 M57A Serekh Hayyahadi 43.267

254. 4Q350 Account of Cereal (Greek) Verso of frg of 4Q460 43.382

4Q459 Pseudepigraphic Work

4Q460 Pseudepigraphic Work 43.542

295. 4Q304 Meditation on Creation 1b 43.397

4Q305 M124b Meditation on Creation 2 43.397

+ 4QSap Doc on bottom

12 frgs on whole plate

297. 4Q264 M57B Serekh Hayyahadj 43.267

301. 4Q285 M48 Serek Ha-milhamah 43.325  10 frgs

302. 4Q324b M95A papMish Ce 2MSS?  43.335  16 papyrus frgs  

303. 4QM127A 16MSS 43.400

304. 4QM127 8MSS   43.399

4QMUnid A

4QMUnid D

4QMUnid E

4QMUnid F

4Q236 Ps 89 pub in RB

+ 3 mss

306. 4Q265 M79 Serekh Hayyahad and Dam Doc 43.306  12 frgs

307. 4Q265 M78 S & D 43.304  3 frgs       

308. 4Q265 M78A? S & D 43.305  10 frgs      

309. 4Q228  M40B Patriarchal Stories  43.232

311. 4Q225 M39 Ps Jubileesa  43.251   4 frgs        

333.  4Q302 papPraise of God and Parable of Tree M123 Sapa 43.396  Papyrus 18 frgs 

346. 4Q340 M130A Netinim (middle of 43.407) both frgs on middle of 43.407

4Q341 M130 List of proper names “Therapeia”

350. 4Q303 M124 Meditation on Creation 1a 43.397 

4Q306 “The men of the people who erred…” 43.397

6 frgs on whole plate

356. 4Q302 papPraise of God and Parable of Tree M122 Sapa  43.395 5 frgs

357. 4Q271 M67 Df 43.279      

358. 4Q206 En are BE pl. XVIII frg d 

359. 4Q206 En are BE pl XVIII frgs a,c; pl. XIX frgs e-g; pl. XX frgs a,c

      4QBook of Giants (?) BE pl. XIX frgs 2,3 

+ 2 frgs?

361. 4Q221 M20 Jubileesf 43.188  22 frgs          

362. 4Q271 M68 Df 11 frgs   43.280

364. 4Q363 M115a Crypt B  43.386

365. 4Q321 M89 Mishmarot Ba 43.329  15+ frgs         

366. 4Q260 M55 Serekh Hayyahadf 43.265  6 frgs      

367. 4Q363 Text in Crypt Bb M115  43.387  11 frgs

368. 4Q215 M43 Testament of Naphtali  43.237  One frg     

369. 4Q211 Enastr ard BE pl. XXIX frgs i, ii*, iii      

370. 4Q214 10 frgs TLevi arb  43.260

371. 4Q215 M43A Testament of Naphtali 43.245  7 frgs      

372. 4Q321 M88 Mishmarot Ba 43.328 3 frgs

373. 4Q268 M58 Dc 43.268  9 frgs none pub. 

377. 4Q247 Apoc Weeks 3 frgs  43.248

4Q339 List of False Prophets

380.  4Q202 En arb BE pl. viii frgs t,u,w,x,y,z,t, a’-e’; pl. VI frgs a-h; pl. VII frgs j-l,n-s; pl. ix frgs f’,g’,h’ + about 6 frgs      

381. 4Q287 M86 Berakhotb 43.314

384. 4Q216 M17 Jubileesa 43.186  5 frgs

385. 4Q216 M15-16 Jubileesa 43.185  14 frgs      

386. 4Q206 En are BE pl. XX frgs b,d; pl. xxi frgs e,f     

582. 4Q301 M121 Mystc 43.394

586. 4Q217 M126 papJubb  43.261  15 frgs

588. 4QM128 Text on papyrus backing of 4QSama 43.401

589. 4Q249 M108 papMidrash Sepher Moshe 43.408

590. 4Q249 M109 papMidrash Sepher Moshe 43.409

591. 4Q300 M116 Mystb 43.388  15 frgs 

592. 4Q299 M120 Mysta 43.393  40 frgs

593. 4Q249 M113 papMidrash Sepher Mosheh  43.413,43.414    

594. 4Q299 M118 Mysta 43.391  29 frgs

595. 4Q299 M119 Mysta 43.392  20 frgs   

596. 4Q249 M112 papMidrash Sepher Moshe 43.412

597. 4Q249 M111 papMidrash Sepher Moshe 43.411

598. 4Q249 M110 papMidrash Sepher Moshe 43.410

601. 4Q235 Frgs of Book of kings in Nabatean top 2 frgs

4Q343 Letter in Nabatean (bottom) 43.402-43.403

602. 4QM129a 43.404-43.405

4Q342 Letter in Judeao Aramaic

4Q344 Debt Acknowledgement

4Q345 Sale of Land (Aramaic)

4Q348 Act of Ownership

603. 4Q234 Gen 27:20-21 (Exercitium Calami)

4Q346 Acts of sale of land in Aramaic

4Q356 Account of money, Hebrew

4Q360 M130B Exercitia Calami 43.407   14 misc. frgs  top 1/4 of 43.407 and bottom half of 43.407

604. 4Q299 M117A Mysta 43.390  9 frgs

605. 4Q299 M117 Mysta 43.389  

665. 4Q242 PNab ar frgs 1-2 (Israel Museum)

666. 4Q196 M5 papTob ara 43.175

668. 4Q252 M38 pGena 43.253

670. 4Q252 M131 pGena 43.381 4 frgs 1 frg pub by  Milik in JBL LXXV 1956 

679. 4QM79A 43.315  Leqet 

4Q275 M79B Toharot Ba 1 frg pub M & M p. 130 43.315 

4Q279 M82B Toharot Da (Sy) 43.315 

680. 4Q266 M60 Dam Doca 43.271

681. 4Q320 M90 Mishmarot A 43.330

682. 4Q320 M91 Mishmarot A 43.331

683. 4Q319 M97 Otot 43.283, 43.228

684. 4Q324a M95C Mishmarot Cd 43.338 

685. 4Q270 M72 Damascus Doc.e 43.296

686. 4Q266 M63 Dam Doca 43.274

687. 4Q266 M65? Dam Doca 43.275 6 frgs   

688. 4Q266 M65 Dam Doca 43.281, 43.282  2 frgs 

689. 4Q266 M66 Dam Doca 43.278

690. 4Q270 M73 Dam Doce 43.297

691. 4Q286 M85 Berakhota 43.312

692. 4Q286 M85 Berakhota 43.313 most pub in M & M, Milik pl. II

693. 4Q326 M96A Mishmarot Eb 43.399

4Q327 M96B Mishmarot Ea 43.399

4Q328 M92B Mishmarot Fa 43.339

694. 4Q322 M94A Mishmarot Ca 43.336-43.337

4Q323 M95A Mishmarot Cb”

4Q324 M95B Mishmarot Cc”

695. 4Q319 M97A Otot 43.284, 43.229

696. 4Q319 M98 Otot 43.285    

697. 4Q270 M74 De 43.298

698. 4Q270 M71 De 43.295

699. 4Q266 M60 Da 43.270

700. 4Q266 M62 Da 43.273

701. 4Q266 M59A Da 43.269

702. 4Q251 M80 Halakah A 43.307

703. 4Q270 M74 De 43.299

704. 4Q266 M61 Da 43.272  large piece missing

705. 4Q261 M56 Serekh Hayyahadg 43.266

706. 4Q266 M65 Da 43.277

707. 4Q266 M64 Da 43.276

708. 4Q319 M99 Otot 43.286

709. 4Q286 M84 Berakota 43.312

710. 4Q329 M93B Mishmarot Fb 43.334

4Q329a M94B Mish G

4Q329b M94C Mish H

4Q334 M94D Ordo    “

4QM95A Mishmarot “

4Q337 M96C Mishmarot?

711. 4Q251 M81 Halakah 43.308

805. 4Q318 M100 Zodiology and Brontology 43.374

808. 4Q196 M9 papTobit ara  43.179

810. 4Q259 M54 Serekh Hayyahade 43.263

811. 4Q226 M40 PseudoJubb

812. 4Q238 M40A PseudoJubc trans in BE p. 12 43.238  

814. 4Q208 M35A Enastaa 43.211

815. 4QM47B PsHist E 43.248

816. 4Q213 M42A Test of Levia 43.243

817. 4Q213 M42 Test of Levia 43.241

818. 4Q259 M54 Serekh Hayyahade 43.264 

819. 4Q253 M38A Pesher on Genesisb 43.258

820. 4Q254 M38 pGenc VI 43.239 unpublished

821. 4Q201 M25 En ara BE pl. II, III 43.197 (recto)

4Q338 Genealogical List (Verso side) 42.078

822. 4Q196 M8 papTobit ara 43.178

823. 4Q208 M35 Enastr ara 43.210 

846. 4Q208 M32 Enastr ara 43.235

847. 4Q209 M33 Enastr arb BE pl. XXV, XXVI 43.208 + 6 frgs

848. 4Q200 M13 Tob Heb 43.183

849. 4Q218 M19 Jubc bottom of 43.189

850. 4Q200 M14 Tobit Hebrew 43.184

851. 4Q196 M6 papTobit ara 43.176

852. 4Q196 M7 pap Tobit ara 43.177

853. 4Q244 M46 Ps Danielb 43.249

854. 4Q243 M45 PsDan ara 43.252

855. 4Q243 M45B Pseudo Daniela

856. 4Q209 M34 Enastr arb BE pl. XXVII frgs 25, 26 + frgs 43.209

857. 4Q209 M34 Enastr arb BE pl. XXVII frg 23 43.209

858. 4Q257 M51 papSerekh Hayyahadc 43.256-43.257

859. 4Q257 M51’papSerekh Hayyahadc 43.262

896. 4Q317 M101 Astr. Crypt 43.375 2 frgs

897. 4Q317 M104 Astr. Crypt 43.379

898. 4Q298 M113 Words of Sage to Sons of Aurora in Cryptic A 43.384

899. 4Q317 M101A Astr. Crypt 43.376

900. 4Q317 M105 Astr. Crypt 43.385

901. 4Q362 Work in Cryptic B 43.385,43.378

902. 4Q317 M103 Astr. Crypt 43.378

903. 4Q317 M102 Astr. Crypt 43.377

904.  4Q201 En ara BE pl. IV frgs f-k; pl. V frgs 1-p; pl. II frgs d; pl. 1 frgs a, b + 6 frgs

905. 4Q256 M50A Serekhb 43.240

906.  4Q203 En Giants ara BE pl. XXXII frgs 8,11-13; pl. XXX frgs 2-5; pl. XXXI frgs 7i, 7ii

907. 4Q256 M50 Serekhb 43.250

908. 4Q245 M45A PsDan arc 43.247

997. 4Q213 M41 Test of Levi ara pub. cf. 43.242.