Fascicle 2

Qumran Minor Caves

Table of Contents


ABMC–Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center

AWS–Amman West Semitic Research Project


DAJ–Department of Antiquities in Amman

DJD–Discoveries in the Judaean Desert


“PAM”–Palestine Archaeological Museum (original designation of accession numbers used in Rockefeller Museum for set      of photographs largely taken before 1967)

pl(s)–plate, plates (can be used for published photographic

      plates or for the museum plates which hold the                 fragments)


ROC–Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem


 * — Parts of fragments are indicated by asterisk (*) following number.  The unit which became identified as a fragment in the final publication sometimes was composed of more than one fragment which were fitted together by the editors. 


A. Purpose of this fascicle

      Our goal is to produce a computerized database which will include information about photographs, documents and museum plates of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  A computerized database will allow scholars to conduct different searches according to their particular research needs.  

      It is our intention to make the information in the lists available to scholars as quickly as possible.  Since it will take some time before the computerized database will be complete, we have decided to compose preliminary lists about each of the particular collections (such as Cave 1, the Minor Caves and Murabbaat) and make these lists available to interested people in photocopy form.  We wish to emphasize that these lists are still preliminary.  The final database will include more information.    

      Much care has been taken to ensure that the information in these lists is accurate, but inevitably errors enter such a work.  We would be appreciative if you would contact us about errors you find or additional information about the Minor Cave photographs at the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center, Box 670, Claremont, CA 91711.  (714) 621-6451.  Fax number: 714-621-1481.

B. Assistance for Work

      The production of these lists has involved the skills of many people.  Over the years some preliminary and partial lists were produced by the original editors and by museum officials.  The most comprehensive lists before I began my work were prepared by Elisha Qimron in 1981.  Further updates were added in 1985 to these lists by Qimron and John Strugnell.  All of these lists were made available to me by John Strugnell when I began updating the materials.  I wish to acknowledge their contribution without which my work would have been far more difficult. 

      A Dorot Fellowship made it possible for me to spend a year in Jerusalem working on revising and updating these lists.  The Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center has provided me funding for my work at the Center this year.  From March to July 1989 and from August 1990 to the present I have been working with the photographs at the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center and from August 1989 through July 1990 I worked with the fragments and photographs at the Rockefeller Museum. 

      The Israel Antiquities Authority staff at the Rockefeller Museum helped me find appropriate fragmentary and photographic materials at the museum.  Joe Zias, curator, gave me access to the materials.  Ruth Peled, Marcia Sharabani and Donald Ariel also provided assistance.  Ayala Sussmann and later Ronny Reich allowed me access to the photographs.  Magen Broshi, curator of the Shrine of the Book, aided us in finding particular plates that had been moved to the Shrine of the Book for storage or conservation.  The members of the Advisory Committee, composed of Amir Drori, Ayala Sussmann, Jonas Greenfield, Magen Broshi and Shemaryahu Talmon, have provided editorial assistance in the overall preparation of these lists.  

      The staff of the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center helped me obtain access to the materials, provided administrative help, guidance and advice.  James A. Sanders, president, has provided overall direction for the project.  Former directors, Peter Pettit and Steve Delamarter, as well as the current acting director, Bruce Zuckerman, and Marilyn Lundberg, associate director, have provided much support. 

      Editors of the materials have provided a great deal of information.  John Strugnell, international editor in chief while I was in Jerusalem, provided help in updating these lists and answering various questions that I had that arose while working on them.   

      Robert Hall spent many hours revising the lists of the Minor Cave photographs at the Manuscript Center.  This often meant tracing the outlines of the fragments on tissue paper and identifying and tagging each fragment on a photograph.   

Eunice Banda, secretary at the ABMC, provided word processing assistance.

      Every item of the lists here has been checked and

verified by us at the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center or

in Jerusalem at the Rockefeller Museum. 

      C. How to acquire materials

      For further information about photographic collections


    1. Photographic Services, Israel Antiquities Authority, P.O.B. 586, Jerusalem 91004, Israel. Telephone: (O2)292614; Fax No.: 292628

    2. West Semitic Research Project, Bruce Zuckerman, 12 Empty Saddle Rd, Rolling Hills Estates 90274. (213) 541-4573

    3. Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center, 1325 N. College Ave., P.O. Box 670, Claremont, CA 91711. (714) 621-6451

      The Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center is an official depository of the Minor Cave photographs of the “PAM” collection.  Scholars are welcome to come to the Center and view the published photographs held here.  Photographs and rights of publication must be obtained from the holding museums. 

I. Introduction

      Information concerning the Minor Cave documents is arranged in three lists in this fascicle: documents, photographs and museum plates.  In the document list the documents are listed sequentially according to their designated numbers in DJD 3.  Included in this list are the photographs which pertain to each document as well as the present location of the fragments.  In the photograph list the photographs which pertain to Minor Cave documents are given according to the inventory numbers assigned in each photographic collection.  The museum plate list includes a list of the museum plates which contain Minor Cave materials. 

      The document list is cross-referenced to the other two lists.  It is expected that scholars would first refer to this list and then if they want further information about the photographs or museum plates they can refer to the other two lists.  There is some duplication of information in the three lists but because there is often no one-to-one correspondence among documents, photographs and museum plates all three are necessary to provide all of the information that scholars may need in their research.

      The Copper Scroll is presently in Amman, Jordan.  The rest of the materials were at one time all in the Rockefeller Museum.  Several museum plates (plates 62,99,100,102,104) are not presently at the Rockefeller but numbers and contents for these plates are found in older lists.  Some of these plates are supposedly now at the Shrine of the Book, but this has not been confirmed. 

      Plates 99,100,102,104 mentioned above as not presently at the Rockefeller contained 5Q materials.  The 5Q fragments in general were not in good condition when they were found and it has often proven to be nearly impossible to identify particular fragments in the museum plates now.  Many of them are quite illegible and crumbling.

      There is some material, largely uninscribed tiny fragments, from the minor caves that was never published.  The earlier system of labeling such items was to indicate the cave number followed by X and then a number (e.g. 3QX1).  This system was not always consistently followed.  Here I will follow that system when possible.  For each cave in the document list these unpublished plates are listed after the published documents.  Often I was not able to find a photograph which matched the fragments of these plates although some of these fragments had been photographed with other fragments.

      Different editors of DJD 3 have used different means for numbering fragments.  Neither M. Baillet nor J. T. Milik number each separate fragment.  Fragment numbers are assigned to “reconstructed fragments” or even clusters of fragments.  This makes it more difficult to inventory material accurately.  This is why sometimes an asterisk (*) is used to designate part of a “fragment”.  Milik also uses another designation of Roman numerals for column numbers.  Columns I-VI of 5Q6 are considered to be part of fragment 1.  When there is only one reconstructed fragment for a document Milik numbers this as fragment 1 for the 5Q materials.  For caves 2-3,6,9,10 when there is only one reconstructed fragment for a document Baillet does not number this fragment.  On pl. XXIII in DJD 3, fragments 6 and 7 are not numbered on the page, but one can tell what fragments should be numbered 6 and 7 by comparing the transcriptions. 

      The photographs in the “PAM” series do not have dates but since they were assigned inventory numbers soon after they were photographed one can at least differentiate earlier from later photographs by the inventory number.  Generally the latest photographs in the PAM series are better organized and closer to the published format in the DJD series than the earliest photographs.  For caves 2-3,6-10 photographs were taken of the plates close to when DJD 3 was ready to be published.  Similar photographs for Cave 5 do not exist. 

      Earlier photographs contain a more mixed grouping of fragments.  Often fragments have not yet been “reconstructed” and fitted together on these early photographs.  Sometimes it is possible to see joins where fragments were fitted together on later photographs.  The earlier photographs can help one see which fragments have been reconstructed.  

    Most of the photographs of the minor cave documents are in the “PAM” photographs taken before 1967.  The West Semitic Research Project possesses photographs of the Copper Scroll and the Dead Sea Scrolls currently in Amman. 

      To understand the nature of the photographs of the Copper scroll one must understand the process of how the Copper Scroll was unrolled and photographed. (See “Introduction” by R. de Vaux, pp. 201-202, “Notes on the Opening of the Copper Scroll from Qumran,” by H. Wright Baker, pp. 203-210, and “Note Liminaire,” by J. T. Milik, pp. 211-212 in DJD 3 and look at pls. XLIII-LXXI).

      Three pieces of “copper-base metal” were riveted together to make one copper scroll.  When the scroll was rolled up one of the seams came apart.  The two pieces were then separately rolled so that two scrolls were found by scholars (Baker p. 203). 

      Because the two scrolls were so fragile and could not be unrolled it was determined that the best way to study the “scrolls” was to cut the scrolls into longitudinal strips.  23 such strips were cut.  These strips were not flat but were shaped like half-cylinders.  Mr. Ashton prepared “nearly 300 photographs” during the entire process of opening the scrolls (Baker, p. 210).

      H. Baker indicates that white paint was used on the back side of each strip to indicate angular positions, along with a letter corresponding to the convolution (Baker, p. 207).  These marks can be seen on the photographs of the back side made by the Zuckermans.  Each of the half-cylinders is marked by a number from 1-23.  The arrangement of the photographs in Milik’s presentation corresponds to this order.  It is difficult to tell, however, in DJD where one section begins and one ends.

      J. Starcky later made several photographs of the strips (Milik, p. 211).  Because the strips were so curved it proved to be impossible to make a composite picture of all of the strips laid next to one another that was very legible.  Pls. XLVI to XLVII represent an attempt made at Manchester to do this of columns IX through XII (Milik, p. 211).  The photographs which follow in DJD pls. XLIX and following pages do not correspond closely with the twenty three sections.  First of all, the photographs were cut horizontally.  Secondly, several shots of one section which are frequently focused on the right side, center and left side of a section are given side by side.  This often leads to duplication of letters on the various photographs of each section.  The following chart helps one to correlate which sections are on which plate.

pl. XLIX  cuts 1-4     col. I

pl. LI    cuts 5-6     col. II

pl. LIII  cuts 7-8     col. III

pl. LV    cuts 9-10*   col. IV

pl. LVII  cuts 10*-11  col. V

pl. LIX   cut  12      col. VI

pl. LXI   cuts 13-14   col. VII

pl. LXIII cut  15      col. VIII

pl. LXV   cuts 16-17*  col. IX

pl. LXVII cuts 17*-18  col. X

pl. LXIX  cuts 19-20   col. XI

pl. LXXI  cuts 21-23   col. XII

      The photographs in the PAM collection are largely either of the unrolled “scrolls” or of the final plates found in DJD.  This collection does not contain either the photographs made by Mr. Ashton at Manchester or the earlier photographs made by Starcky which were used for these final photographic plates in DJD.  The whereabouts of these last two collections are unknown. 

      A new edition of the Copper Scroll is being prepared under the joint sponsorship of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan (Fawzi Zayadine), the West Semitic Research Project (Bruce Zuckerman), Princeton Theological Seminary (James Charlesworth) and Johns Hopkins University (P. K. McCarter).  On behalf of the above consortium, in 1988 Bruce and Kenneth Zuckerman took new photographs of the sections of the Copper Scroll in Amman, Jordan.  They made a complete set of black and white and color photographs of both the front and back of each strip.  Furthermore, generally six shots were made for the inscribed side of each strip.  The strips were rotated so that shots could be taken of the right side, center and left side.  Separate shots were made with light from the top and light from the bottom.  In a few cases where feasible side lighting was also used.

II. Documents

      The document list is largely based on the numbering of

documents found in DJD 3.  For bibliographic information on the Minor Cave documents see Joseph A. Fitzmyer, The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications and Tools for Study, Scholars Press, 1990; F. Garc¡a Mart¡nez, “Lista de MSS procedentes de Qumran,” Henoch 11, 1982, pp. 149-232.  For general information see Stephen A. Reed, “Survey of the Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments and Photographs at the Rockefeller,” BA 54 (March 1991) 44-51.

    A. Cave 2

Q NO.  TITLE                      MUSEUM PLATE     

2Q1   Genesis                                  643

40.555 DJD 3 pl. X frg 2

40.556 DJD 3 pl. X frg 2 frg 1

42.510 DJD 3 pl. X frg 2

42.957 DJD 3 pl. X frgs 1-2

2Q2   Exodusa                                 643

40.553 DJD 3 pl. X frgs 8,10

40.555 DJD 3 pl. X frgs 4,5*,6

40.557 DJD 3 pl. X frgs 1-3,5*,7,9

42.957 DJD 3 pl. X frgs 1-2

2Q3   Exodusb                                 739

40.555 DJD 3 pl. X frg 2

40.556 DJD 3 pl. X frgs 1,3-13

40.557 DJD 3 pl. XII frg 2

42.958 DJD 3 pl. XI frgs 1-13

2Q4   Exodusc                           742

40.557 DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

42.960 DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

2Q5   PaleoLev                                742

40.555 DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

42.960 DJD 3 pl. XXX one frg

2Q6   Numbersa                                 742

40.555 DJD 3 pl. XII frg 1

40.557 DJD 3 pl. XII frg 2

42.554 DJD 3 pl. XII frg 1

42.960 DJD 3 pl. XXX frgs 1-2

2Q7   Numbersb                                742

40.557 DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

42.960 DJD 3 pl. XXX one frg

2Q8   Numbersc                                742

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

41.391 DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

42.960 DJD 3 pl. XXX one frg

2Q9   Numbersd?                          742

40.557 DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

42.960 one frg

2Q10  Deuteronomya                           742

40.555 DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

42.960 DJD 3 pl. XXX one frg

2Q11  Deuteronomyb                            742

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

42.960 DJD 3 pl. XXX one frg

2Q12  Deuteronomyc                            742

40.556 DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

42.960 DJD 3 pl. XXX one frg

2Q13  Jeremiah                                 741

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XIII frgs 2,6,12,13,15

40.555 DJD 3 pl. XIII frgs 8,9*

40.557 DJD 3 pl. XIII frgs 1,5*,9,16

40.640 DJD 3 pl. XIII frg 8

40.641 DJD 3 pl. XIII frg 9

41.390 DJD 3 pl. XIII frgs 17,20

41.391 DJD 3 pl. XIV frgs 1-2,6,21

42.595 DJD 3 pl. XIII frg 13

42.952 DJD 3 pl. XIII frgs 1-27

2Q14  Psalms                                   741

40.639 DJD 3 pl. XIII frg 1

40.640 DJD 3 pl. XIII frg 2

42.952 DJD 3 pl. XIII frgs 1-2

2Q15  Job                                      741

40.556 DJD 3 pl. XIII one frg

42.952 DJD 3 pl. XIII one frg

2Q16  Rutha                              62 (missing)

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XIV frgs 2,8

40.554 DJD 3 pl. XIV frgs 1,3-7

41.391 DJD 3 pl. XIV frgs 2,8

42.510 DJD 3 pl. XIV frg 1

42.964 DJD 3 pl. XIV frgs 6*,7,8

42.965 DJD 3 pl. XIV frgs 1-5,6*

2Q17  Ruthb                              644

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 2

40.554 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1*

42.959 DJD 3 pl. XV frgs 1-2

2Q18  Ecclesiasticus (Heb)              644

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1

40.557 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 2

42.959 DJD 3 pl. XXX frgs 1-2

2Q19. Jubileesa                          644

40.640 DJD 3 pl. XV one frg

41.390 DJD 3 pl. XV one frg*

42.595 DJD 3 pl. XV one frg

42.959 DJD 3 pl. XXX one frg

2Q20  Jubileesb                         644

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1

40.640 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 2

41.390 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1

42.554 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 2

42.959 DJD 3 pl. XXX frgs 1-3

2Q21  Apocryphon of Moses ?             644

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 2

40.557 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1

41.390 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1

42.959 DJD 3 pl. XXX frgs 1-2

2Q22  Apocryphon of David ?             644

40.556 DJD 3 pl. XV one frg

42.959 DJD 3 pl. XXX one frg

2Q23  Prophetic apocryphon              645

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XV frgs 4-6

40.556 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1

40.557 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 2

41.391 DJD 3 pl. XV frgs 4-6

42.554 DJD 3 pl. XV frg 5

42.959 DJD 3 pl. XXX frgs 1-6

2Q24  Descrip. of New Jer.              645

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XVI frg 2

40.555 frgs 2,10

40.558 DJD 3 pl. XVI frgs 1*,3-7,11

42.755 DJD 3 pl. XVI frgs 1-10

43.948 DJD 3 pl. XVI frgs 1-11

2Q25  Juridical document              740

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1,3

41.390 DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 1

41.391 DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 3

42.954 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-3

2Q26  Fragment of ritual?               740

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XVII one frg

42.954 DJD 3 pl. XVII one frg

2Q27  Texts…                                 740

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XVII one frg

41.391 DJD 3 pl. XVII one frg

42.954 DJD 3 pl. XVII one frg

2Q28  Texts…                                 740

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-3

41.391 DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 3

42.555 DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 3

42.954 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-3

2Q29  Groups                                   740

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-4

41.391 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-4

42.954 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-4

2Q30  Groups                                   740

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 2

42.954 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-2

2Q31  Groups                                   740

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-2

41.391 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-2

42.954 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-2

2Q32  Groups                                   740

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 2

40.558 DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 1

41.391 DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 2

42.954 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-2

2Q33  Isolated Fragments                740

40.553 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 3-8

41.391 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 2,4,6

42.954 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-10

43.755 DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 4

2QX1  Debris, piece of cloth and tiny frgs in box 749

B. Cave 3

3Q1   Ezekiel                                  648

41.565 DJD 3 pl. XVIII one frg

42.554 DJD 3 pl. XVIII one frg

42.955 DJD 3 pl. XVIII one frg

3Q2   Psalm 2                                  648

41.566 DJD 3 pl. XVIII one frg

42.955 DJD 3 pl. XVIII one frg

3Q3   Lamentations                            648

41.564 DJD 3 pl. XVIII frg 1

42.955 DJD 3 pl. XVIII frgs 1-2

3Q4   Isaiah pesher                           648

40.406 DJD 3 pl. XVIII one frg

40.406 (A) DJD 3 pl. XVIII one frg

42.576 DJD 3 pl. XVIII one frg

42.955 DJD 3 pl. XVIII one frg

3Q5   Prophetic apocrypho               648

41.564 DJD 3 pl. XVIII frg 4-7

41.566 DJD 3 pl. XVIII frgs 1-3

42.577 DJD 3 pl. XVIII frgs 1-7

42.955 DJD 3 pl. XVIII frgs 1-7

3Q6   Hymn of praise                    648

41.563 DJD 3 pl. XVIII frg 1

41.564 DJD 3 pl. XVIII frg 2

42.955 DJD 3 pl. XVIII frgs 1-2

3Q7   Apocryphon …                    648

41.563 DJD 3 pl. XIX frg 1-2

41.564 DJD 3 pl. XVIII frgs 3-5

42.955 DJD 3 pl. XVIII frgs 1-6

3Q8   Text…                                  745

41.563 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-2

42.956 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-2

3Q9   Sectarian Text ?                  756

41.563 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-3

42.593 DJD 3 pl. XIX frg 2

42.956 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-3

3Q10  Groups of frgs in Hebrew          756

41.564 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-4

42.956 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-4

3Q11  Groups of frgs in Hebrew          756

41.563 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-2

42.576 DJD 3 pl. XIX frg 2

42.956 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-2

3Q12  Groups of frgs in Aramaic         756

41.566 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-2

42.577 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-2

42.956 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-2

3Q13  Group of frgs in Aramaic          756

41.564 DJD 3 pl. XIX frg 5

41.565 DJD 3 pl. XIX frg 1

42.956 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-5

3Q14  Isolated Fragments                      756

41.563 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 2,7,12,14,20

41.564 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1,3,4,6,8-10,16,21

41.565 DJD 3 pl. XIX frg 15

42.576 DJD 3 pl. XIX frg 2

42.577 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 5,11,18,19

42.956 DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-21

3Q15  Copper Scroll                           DAJ

40.096-40.111 rolled scroll cf. DJD 3 pl. XLIII

41.958 scroll in situ

42.112-42.115 Scholar working on cutting Copper Scroll in trays

42.116 similar to DJD 3 pl. LXI and LXIII

42.117 Copper Scroll lined up in trays after cut

42.977 DJD 3 pl. XLIX

42.978 DJD 3 pl. LI

42.979 DJD 3 pl. LIII

42.980 DJD 3 pl. LV

42.981 DJD 3 pl. LVII

42.982 DJD 3 pl. LIX

42.983 DJD 3 pl. LXI

42.984 DJD 3 pl. LXIII

42.985 DJD 3 pl. LXV

42.986 DJD 3 pl. LXVII 

42.987 DJD 3 pl. LXIX 

42.988 DJD 3 pl. LXXI 

42.989 DJD 3 pl. XLVIII hand copy

42.990 DJD 3 pl. L hand copy

42.991 DJD 3 pl. LII hand copy

42.992 DJD 3 pl. LIV hand copy

42.993 DJD 3 pl. LVI hand copy

42.994 DJD 3 pl. LVII hand copy

42.995 DJD 3 pl. LX hand copy

42.996 DJD 3 pl. LXII hand copy

42.997 DJD 3 pl. LXIV hand copy

42.998 DJD 3 pl. LXVI hand copy

42.999 DJD 3 pl. LXVIII hand copy

43.000 DJD 3 pl. LXX hand copy

Cut 1  AWS 12

Cut 2  AWS 13

Cut 3  AWS 14

Cut 4  AWS 15 

Cut 5  AWS 16

Cut 6  AWS 17

Cut 7  AWS 18

Cut 8  AWS 19

Cut 9  AWS 20

Cut 10 AWS 21

Cut 10 AWS 22   7 loose frgs from lower right edge  

Cut 11 AWS 23

Cut 12 AWS 24

Cut 13 AWS 25

Cut 14 AWS 26

Cut 15 AWS 27

Cut 16 AWS 28

Cut 16 AWS 29  4 frgs 

Cut 17 AWS 30

Cut 18 AWS 31

Cut 19 AWS 32

Cut 20 AWS 33

Cut 21 AWS 34

Cut 22 AWS 35

Cut 23 AWS 36

3QXI  largely uninscribed frgs          743

3QX2  uninscribed frgs                  744

3QX3  uninscribed frgs                  746

3QX4  Leather knot in box               747

3QX5  Debris in box                           748

3QX6  Squeeze of 3Q15 made of clay            1009

C. Cave 5 (material is in very bad shape)

5Q1   Deuteronomy                             97

41.034 DJD 3 pl. XXXVI cols. I,II, frg 1

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frgs 2-5

42.322 DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frg 1

5Q2   Kings                              98

41.033 DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frgs 1a,1c*

41.034 DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frg 1c*

41.035 DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frg 1b*

42.316 DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frgs 1a,b*

42.318 DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frg 1b*

42.319 DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frg 1c   

5Q3   Isaiah                                   99 (Shrine)

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frgs 1-2

5Q4   Amos                               100 (Shrine)

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frgs 1*,2-14

42.321 DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frg 1

5Q5   Psalm 119                          98

41.034 DJD 3 pl. XXXVII frg 2

42.316 DJD 3 pl. XXXVII frg of col. I

42.319 DJD 3 pl. XXXVII frgs 1,2, col. II

                                               100 (Shrine)

                                               104 (Shrine)

5Q6   Lamentationsa                     100 (Shrine)

41.033 DJD 3 pl. XXXVII frg 1*

42.316 DJD 3 pl. XXXVII 3 frgs of col. VI, 3 frgs of col. IV, frgs 7-12,14

42.318 DJD 3 pl. XXXVII 3 frgs of col. III, 2 frgs of col. IV, 1 frg of col. II, 1 frg of col. VI, frgs 3-  6,13

42.321 pls. XXXVIII, XXXVII col. I,II*,III*,IV*,V*,VI* frg 2

5Q7   Lamentationsb                     100 (Shrine)

41.036 DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frg 1

42.321 DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frg 1

5Q8   Phylactery                         100 (Shrine)

42.318 DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII one frg

5Q9   Work with place names

41.035 DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frgs 4-6

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frgs 1-7

5Q10  With citations of Malachi

42.316 DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frgs 1-3

5Q11  Rule of Community                       101

41.033 DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frg 1

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frg 1

5Q12  Damascus document                       101

42.318  DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frg 1

5Q13  Rule of sect

41.037 DJD 3 pl. XXXIX frgs 1*,2*, 22-24

42.316 DJD 3 pl. XXXIX frgs 1*,4*,5*,7*,10,12-16

42.318 DJD 3 pl. XXXIX frgs 1*,2,3,4*,5*,6,7*,8,9,11,17-20,22-26; DJD 3 pl. XL frgs 27-29

Missing: one frg of frg 1*, frg 21

5Q14  Writing containing                      101


41.033 DJD 3 pl. XL frg 1

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XL frg 1

5Q15  Description of New Jerusalem

41.033 DJD 3 pl. XL one frg, DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs, + frg 8

41.034 pls. XL,XLI frgs 2,4,5,9,10

41.035 DJD 3 pl. XLI three frgs

41.037 DJD 3 pl. XL frg 1*

42.320 DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs 1*,2, DJD 3 pl. XL

42.323 DJD 3 pl. XL frg 1*, DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs 1*,3-21

Missing: 2 frgs of frg 1

5Q16  Non characterized Groups

41.033 DJD 3 pl. XLI frg 4

41.034 DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs 1-3,5

41.036 DJD 3 pl. XLI frg 6*

42.316 DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs 4,6

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs 1-5

5Q17  Non characterized Groups

41.033 DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 4

41.035 DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 1,3

42.316 DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 4,6

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 1-6

5Q18  Non characterized Groups          102 (Shrine)

42.316 DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 1-4

42.318 DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 5-8

5Q19  Non characterized Groups          102 (Shrine)

42.316 DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 1-4

5Q20  Non characterized Groups          102 (Shrine)

42.316 DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 2-3

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

5Q21  Non characterized Groups          102 (Shrine)

42.316 DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 3

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 1-2

5Q22  Non characterized Groups          102 (Shrine)

41.033 DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

5Q23  Non characterized Groups

41.033 DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

5Q24  Non characterized Groups

41.033 DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

5Q25  Unclassified fragments            102 (Shrine)

41.033 DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

42.316 DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 4,6,8,9

42.317 DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 1,5,12

42.318 DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 2-3,7,11

42.322 DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 10

5QXI Blancs leather pieces, mostly very fragmentary   50

D. Cave 6

6Q1   paleoGen                                 894

41.510 DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

41.734 DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

42.576 DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

42.945 DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

6Q2   paleoLev                                 894

41.511 DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

42.577 DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

42.945 DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

6Q3   Deuteronomy (?)                   894

41.738 DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

42.945 DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

6Q4   Kings                              895

41.737 DJD 3 pl. XX frgs 1-3,5*,10,11; DJD 3 pl. XXI frgs 16-26; DJD 3 pl. XXII frgs 42,50,64

41.738 DJD 3 pl. XXI frgs 5*,28

41.739 DJD 3 pl. XX frgs 4,6-9,10*; DJD 3 pl. XXI frgs 15,27,29,33,54,59,63,73,76,78,80,82,84,91

41.741 DJD 3 pl. XXI frgs 37-40, DJD 3 pl. XXII frgs 35,36

42.593 DJD 3 pl. XX frgs 1,5,10-12 DJD 3 pl. XXI frg 15

42.945 DJD 3 pl. XX frgs 1-14

42.946 DJD 3 pl. XXII frgs 41-94

42.950 DJD 3 pl. XXI frgs 15-40

6Q5   Psalm                              646

41.738 DJD 3 pl. XXIII one frg

42.943 DJD 3 pl. XXIII one frg

6Q6   Song of Songs                           646

41.510 DJD 3 pl. XXIII one frg*

41.734 DJD 3 pl. XXIII one frg*

42.943 DJD 3 pl. XXIII one frg

6Q7   papDaniel                          646

41.736 DJD 3 pl. XXIII frgs 2-6,8,9,12,13

42.943 DJD 3 pl. XXIII frgs 1-13

6Q8   Apocryphon of Genesis             785

41.736 DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-4,6,9,10,12,14-16,30,32

41.740 DJD 3 pl. XXIV frg 26

42.942 DJD 3 pl. XXIV frgs 1-33

6Q9   Apocryphon of Samuel-Kings        785 frgs 1-20

                                        892 frgs 21-72

41.735. 6Q9 DJD 3 pl. XXIV frg 1.  DJD 3 pl. XXV frgs 21,22*,23*, 24*,27,30,32,33,36,38,40,44*,45,71,72.  

41.737 DJD 3 pl. XXV frgs 42,67

41.738 DJD 3 pl. XXV frg 69

41.741 DJD 3 pl. XXV frg 68

41.742 DJD 3 pl. XXV frg 62

42.593 DJD 3 pl. XXV frg 32

42.942 DJD 3 pl. XXIV frgs 1-20

42.944 DJD 3 pl. XXV frgs 21-72    

6Q10  Prophecy                                 649

41.738 DJD 3 pl. XXVI frg 4

41.740 DJD 3 pl. XXVI frgs 1,9-11,26

42.949 DJD 3 pl. XXVI frgs 1-26

6Q11  Allegory of vine                  649

41.510 DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

42.949 DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

6Q12  Prophetic apocryphon              649

41.511 DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

42.595 DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

42.949 DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

6Q13  Priestly prophecy                       649

41.510 DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

42.949 DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

6Q14  Apocalyptic text                  649

41.510 DJD 3 pl. XXVI frgs 1-2

41.734 DJD 3 pl. XXVI frg 1

42.949 DJD 3 pl. XXVI frgs 1-2

6Q15  Damascus document                       649

41.510 DJD 3 pl. XXVI frgs 1-3,5*

41.734 DJD 3 pl. XXVI frg 5

42.595 DJD 3 pl. XXVI frg 4

42.949 DJD 3 pl. XXVI frgs 1-5

6Q16  Benedictions                            737

41.738 DJD 3 pl. XXVII frgs 1-5

42.947 DJD 3 pl. XXVII frgs 1-5

6Q17  Calendar fragment                       737

41.734 DJD 3 pl. XXVII one frg

42.947 DJD 3 pl. XXVII one frg

6Q18  Hymnic composition                      737

41.735 DJD 3 pl. XXVII frg 9

41.738 DJD 3 pl. XXVII frgs 1,3,5,6,8,10,11,13-27

42.595 DJD 3 pl. XXVII frgs 6,7

42.947 DJD 3 pl. XXVII frgs 1-27

6Q19  Text similar to Genesis? (Aram.) 893

41.510 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

42.953 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

6Q20  Text similar to Deut?             893

41.511 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII enlarged of one frg*

41.734 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

42.595 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

42.953 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

6Q21  Prophetic fragment?               893

41.510 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

42.595 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

42.953 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

6Q22  Hebrew text                             893

41.740 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

42.953 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

6Q23  Aramaic text                            893

41.740 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII frgs 1-4

42.953 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII frgs 1-4

6Q24  Groups in calligraphy             893

42.740 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII frgs 3-6

42.953 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII frgs 1-7

6Q25  Groups in calligraphy             893

41.734 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII frgs 1-2

42.953 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII frgs 1-2

6Q26  Groups in cursive                       784

41.740 DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-7,9

42.963 DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-9

6Q27  Groups in cursive                       784

41.740 DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1,2,7,8

42.963 DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-10

6Q28  Groups in cursive                       784

41.740 DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-2,5,7

42.963 DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-7

6Q29  Groups in cursive                       784

41.740 DJD 3 pl. XXIX frg 2

42.963 DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-2

6Q30  Fragment in cursive               784

41.736 DJD 3 pl. XXIX one frg

42.963 DJD 3 pl. XXIX one frg

6Q31  Diverse Fragments                       784

41.738 DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1*,6

41.740 DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1*,7,8,12,16,19

42.963 DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-21

Missing: frg 21 verso

6QXI  Unid. pap. frgs                   786

6QX2  Unid.                                    787

6QX3  Unpub frg of 6Q18                 29

E. Cave 7

7Q1   LXXExodus                          789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.593 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q2   LXXLetter of Jeremiah             789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q3   Biblical Text?                    789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q4   Biblical Text?                    789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q5   Biblical Text                           789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q6   Diverse Fragments                       789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q7   Diverse Fragments                       789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q8   Diverse Fragments                       789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q9   Diverse Fragments                       789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q10  Diverse Fragments                      789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q11  Diverse Fragments                       789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q12  Diverse Fragments                       789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q13  Diverse Fragments                       789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q14  Diverse Fragments                789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q15  Diverse Fragments                       789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q16  Diverse Fragments                       789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q17 Diverse Fragments                  789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q18  Diverse Fragments                       789

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.961 DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q19  Papyrus imprint                   789A

42.433 Recto and Verso frgs 1-3

F. Cave 8

8Q1   Genesis                                  788

42.357 DJD 3 pl. XXXI frgs 1-4

42.594 DJD 3 pl. XXXI frgs 1-4

42.951 DJD 3 pl. XXXI frgs 1-4

8Q2   Psalter                                  788

42.357 DJD 3 pl. XXXI frgs 1,4-7,9-12,14

42.594 DJD 3 pl. XXXI frgs 1-14

42.951 DJD 3 pl. XXXI frgs 1-14

8Q3   Phylactery                         914

42.359 pls. XXXII, XXXIII

42.494 pls. XXXII, XXXIII

8Q4   Mezouza                                  916

42.357 DJD 3 pl. XXXIV frgs 1-2,4

42.596 DJD 3 pl. XXXIV frgs 1-4

8Q5   Hymnic passage                    917

42.357 DJD 3 pl. XXXV frgs 1-2

42.594 DJD 3 pl. XXXV frgs 1-2

42.962 DJD 3 pl. XXXV frgs 1-2

8QX1  Reinforcing tabs                  56

8QX2  Thongs                                   57

8QX3  Thongs                                   58

G. Cave 9

9Q    Fragment of papyrus               917

42.358 DJD 3 pl. XXXV

42.962 DJD 3 pl. XXXV

H. Cave 10

10Q   Ostracon                           918

42.434 DJD 3 pl. XXXV

III.  Minor Cave Photographs

A. List of photographs of each cave

2Q photographs: 40.553-40.558, 40.639-40.641, 41.390-41.391, 42.554-42.555, 42.595, 42.948, 42.952, 42.957-42.960, 42.964-42.965

3Q photographs: 40.096-40.111, 40.406, 40.406A, 41.563-41.566, 41.958, 42.112-42.117, 42.554, 42.576-42.577, 42.955-42.956, 42.977-43.000

5Q photographs: 41.033-41.037, 42.316-42.323

6Q photographs: 41.510-41.511, 41.734-41.744, 42.576-42.577, 42.593, 42.595, 42.942-42.947, 42.949-42.950, 42.953, 42.963

7Q photographs: 42.358, 42.433, 42.593, 42.961

8Q photographs: 42.357, 42.359, 42.494, 42.594, 42.596, 42.951, 42.962

9Q photographs: 42.358, 42.962

10Q photograph: 42.434

B. List of contents of all photographs:

1. “PAM” Collection

40.096-40.111. 3Q15 rolled scroll cf. (DJD3) DJD 3 pl. XCIII

40.406. 3Q4 Pesher Isaiah (DJD3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII

40.406A.3Q4 Pesher Isaiah (DJD3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII

+ frgs largely uninscribed

40.553. 2Q2 (DJD3) DJD 3 pl. X frgs 8,10

2Q8 (DJD3) DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

2Q11 (DJD3) DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

2Q13 (DJD3) DJD 3 pl. XIII frgs 2,6,12,13,15

2Q16 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIV frgs 2,8

2Q17 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 2

2Q18 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1

2Q20 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1

2Q21 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 2

2Q23 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frgs 4-6

2Q24 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVI frg 2

2Q25 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1,3

2Q26 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII one frg

2Q27 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII one frg

2Q28 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-3

2Q29 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-4

2Q30 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 2

2Q31 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-2

2Q32 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 2

2Q33 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 3-8

+ Mur frg unpub?

40.554. 2Q16 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIV frgs 1,3-7

2Q17 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV most of frg 1

+ frgs

40.555. 2Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. X frg 2

2Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. X 4,5*,6

2Q3 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XI frg 2

2Q5 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

2Q6 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XII frg 1

2Q10 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

2Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIII frgs 8,9*

40.556. 2Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. X frg 1

2Q3 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XI frgs 1,3-13

2Q12 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

2Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIII one frg

2Q22 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV one frg

2Q23 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1

2Q33 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 1

Mur 163 DJD 2 DJD 3 pl. CII frgs a-c

+ papyrus and leather frgs

40.557. 2Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. X frgs 1-3,5*,7,9

2Q4 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

2Q6 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XII frg 2

2Q7 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

2Q9 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

2Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIII frgs 1,5*,9,16

2Q18 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 2

2Q21 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1

2Q23 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 2

+ 2 frgs

40.558. 2Q24 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVI frgs 1*,3-7,11

2Q32 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 1

40.639. 2Q14 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIII frg 1

40.640. 2Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIII frg 8

2Q14 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIII frg 2

2Q19 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV

2Q20 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 2

40.641. 2Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIII frg 9

41.033. 5Q2  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frgs 1a,1c*

5Q5  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVII frg of col. IV

5Q6  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVII frg 1*

5Q11 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frg 1

5Q14 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XL frg 1

5Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XL one frg; DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs, DJD 3 pl. XLI frg 8

5Q16 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLI frg 4

5Q17 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 4

5Q22 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

5Q23 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

5Q24 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

5Q25 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

+ frgs

41.034. 5Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVI cols. I,II, frg 1

5Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frg c*

5Q5 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frg 2

5Q15 frgs of (DJD 3) pls. XL, XLI DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs 2,4,5,9,10

5Q16 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs 1-3,5

41.035. 5Q2  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frg 1b*

5Q9 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frgs 4-6

5Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLI three frgs of col. II

5Q17 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 1,3

+ frgs

41.036. 5Q7  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frg 1

5Q16 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLI frg 6

+ misc. frgs

41.037. 5Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXIX frgs 1*,2*, 22-24

5Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XL  frg 1*

+ frgs

41.390. 2Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIII frgs 17,20

2Q19 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV part of one frg

2Q20 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1

2Q21 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1

2Q25 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 1

+ frgs 

41.391. Mur 163 (DJD 2) DJD 3 pl. CII frgs a-c

2Q8 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XII one frg

2Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIII frgs 1-2,6,21

2Q16 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIV frgs 2,8

2Q23 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frgs 4-6

2Q25 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 3

2Q27 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII one frg

2Q28 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 3

2Q29 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-4

2Q31 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 1-2

2Q32 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 2

2Q33 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 2,4,6

one frg

41.510. 6Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

6Q6 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIII one frg*

6Q11 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

6Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

6Q14 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI frgs 1-2

6Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI frgs 1-3,5*

6Q19 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

6Q21 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

41.511. 6Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

6Q12 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

6Q20 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg* 

41.563. 3Q6 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII frg 1

3Q7 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII frgs 1-2,6

3Q8 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-2

3Q9 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-3

3Q11 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-2

3Q14 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 2,7,12-14,20

+ uninscribed frgs

41.564. 3Q3 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII frg 1

3Q5 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII frgs 4-7

3Q6 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII frg 2

3Q7 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII frgs 3-5

3Q10 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-4

3Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frg 5

3Q14 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1,3,4,6,8-10,16-19,21

+ uninscribed frgs

41.565. 3Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII

3Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frg 1

3Q14 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frg 15

+ uninscribed frgs

41.566. 3Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII one frg

3Q5 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII frgs 1-3

3Q12 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-2

+ uninscribed frgs

41.734. 6Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

6Q6 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIII one frg*

6Q14 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI frg 1

6Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI frg 5

6Q17 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVII one frg

6Q20 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

6Q25 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII frgs 1-2

+ many other tiny frgs

41.735. 6Q9 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIV frg 1; DJD 3 pl. XXV frgs 21,22*,23*,24*, 27,30,32,33,36,38,40,44*,45,71,72.  

6Q18 (DJD3) DJD 3 pl. XXVII frg 9  

+ 8 frgs

41.736. 6Q7 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIII frgs 2-6,8,9,12,13

6Q8 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-4,6,9,10,12,14-16,30,32

6Q30 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX one frg

41.737. 6Q4 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XX frgs 1-3,5*,10,11; DJD 3 pl. XXI frgs 16-26; DJD 3 pl. XXII frgs 42,50,64

6Q9 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXV frg 67

+ 2 frgs

41.738. 6Q3 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

6Q4 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXI frgs 5*,28

6Q5 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIII one frg

6Q9 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXV frgs 42,69

6Q10 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI frg 4

6Q16 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVII frgs 1-5

6Q18 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVII frgs 1,3,5,6,8,10,11,13-27

6Q31 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1*,6

+ frgs

41.739. 6Q4 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XX frgs 4,6-9,10*; DJD 3 pl. XXI frgs 15,27,29,33,54,59,63,73,76,78,80,82,84,91

+ frgs

41.740. 6Q8 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIV frg 26

6Q10 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI frgs 1,9-11,26

6Q22 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

6Q23 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII frgs 1-4

6Q24 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII frgs 3-6 (frg 5 upside down)

6Q26 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-7,9 (frg 5 upside down)

6Q27 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1,2,7,8

6Q28 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-2,5,7

6Q29 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX frg 2

6Q31 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1*,7,8,12,16,19

+ frgs

41.741. 6Q4 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXI frgs 37-40, DJD 3 pl. XXII frgs 35,36

6Q9 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXV frg 68

41.742. 6Q9 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXV frg 62

+ many more pap. frgs

41.743. 6Q Papyrus frgs largely uninscribed

41.744. 6Q Papyrus frgs largely uninscribed

41.958. 3Q15 Copper Scroll   in situ

42.112-42.115 Scholar working on cutting Copper Scroll into strips in trays

42.116. 3Q15 Copper Scroll  similar to DJD 3 pl. LXI and LXIII

42.117. 3Q15 Copper scroll lined up in trays after cut into strips

42.316. 5Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frgs 1a,1b*

5Q5 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVII col. I

5Q6 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVII 2 frgs of col. IV; DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frgs 7-12,14; 3 frgs of col. VI

5Q10 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frgs 1-3

5Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXIX frgs 1*,4*,5*,10,12-16

5Q16 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs 4,6

5Q18 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 1-4

5Q19 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 1-4

5Q20 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 2-3

5Q21 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 3

5Q25 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 4,6,8,9

+ tiny frgs

42.317. 5Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frgs 2-5

5Q3 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frgs 1-2

5Q4 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frgs 1*,2-14

5Q9 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frgs 1-7

5Q11 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frg 1

5Q14 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XL frg 1

5Q16 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs 1-5

5Q17 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 1-6

5Q20 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

5Q21 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 1-2

5Q22 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

5Q23 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

5Q24 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 1

5Q25 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 1,5,12

+ frgs

42.318. 5Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frg 1b*

5Q6 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVII 2 frgs of col. II, 3 frgs of col.III, 2 frgs of col. IV, DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII 1 frg of col. V, 1 frg of col. VI; frgs 3-6,13

5Q8 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frg 1

5Q12 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frg 1

5Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXIX frgs 1*,2,3,4*,6*,8,9,11,17-20,22-26; DJD 3 pl. XL frgs 27-29

5Q18 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 5-8

5Q25 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frgs 2-3,7,11

+ frgs

42.319. 5Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frg c

5Q5 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVII frgs 1,2, col. II

42.320. 5Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs 1*,2, DJD 3 pl. XL

42.321. 5Q4 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frg 1

5Q6 (DJD 3) pls. XXXVIII, XXXVII cols. I,II*,III*,IV*,V*,VI*, frg 2

5Q7 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frg 1

42.322. 5Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXVI frg 1

5Q25 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLII frg 10

42.323. 5Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XL frg 1*, DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs 1*,3-21

42.357. 8Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXI frgs 1-4

8Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXI frgs 1,4-7,9-12,14

8Q4 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXIV frgs 1-2,4

8Q5 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXV frgs 1-2

+ uninscribed frgs

42.358. 7Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q3-18 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXX

9Q (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXV

42.359. 8Q3 (DJD 3) pls. XXXII, XXXIII

42.433. 7Q19 Recto and Verso frgs 1-3

42.434. 10Q DJD 3 pl. XXXV

42.494. 8Q3 (DJD3) pls. XXXII, XXXIII

42.510. 2Q1 Genesis DJD 3 DJD 3 pl. X frg 2

2Q16 Rutha DJD 3 DJD 3 pl. XIV frg 1

4Q179 apLam DJD 5 DJD 3 pl. XXVI frg 3

4Q455 Prayers

4Q479 Fragments

+ frgs (cf. 42.934)

42.554. 2Q6 frg 1 (see other side of photo) (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XII

2Q20 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 2

2Q23 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 3

3Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII

+ 2 uninscribed frgs

42.555. 2Q10 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XII

2Q12 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XII

2Q17 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 1-2

2Q18 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 2

2Q23 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV frg 5

2Q24 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVI frgs 2,10

2Q28 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 3

+ 2 tiny frgs

42.576. 3Q4 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII one frg

3Q11 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frg 2

3Q14 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frg 2

6Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

+ 1 frg

42.577. 3Q5 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII frgs 1-7

3Q12 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 1-2

3Q14 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX frgs 5,11,18,19

6Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

+ 3 frgs and one leather strap

42.593. 3Q9 frg 2

6Q4 frgs 1,5,10-12,15

6Q9 frg 32

6Q18 DJD 3 pl. XVII frgs 2,20

6Q31 DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 12,21

7Q1 DJD 3 pl. XXX

+ others

42.594. 8Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXI frgs 1-4

8Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXI frgs 1-14

8Q5 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXI frgs 1-2

42.595. 2Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIII frg 13

2Q19 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV one frg

2Q24 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVI frg 8

6Q12 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

6Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI frg 4

6Q18 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVII frgs 6,7

6Q20 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

6Q21 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

+ tiny frg

42.596. 8Q4 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXIV frgs 1-4

42.942. 6Q8 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIV frgs 1-33

6Q9 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIV 1-20

42.943. 6Q5 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIII one frg

6Q6 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIII one frg

6Q7 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIII frgs 1-13

42.944. 6Q9 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXV frgs 21-72

42.945. 6Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

6Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

6Q3 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XX one frg

6Q4 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XX frgs 1-14

42.946. 6Q4 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXII frgs 41-94

42.947. 6Q16 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVII frgs 1-5

6Q17 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVII one frg

6Q18 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVII frgs 1-27

42.948. 2Q24 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVI

42.949. 6Q10 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI frgs 1-26

6Q11 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

6Q12 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

6Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI one frg

6Q14 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI frgs 1-2

6Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVI frgs 1-5

42.950. 6Q4  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXI frgs 15-40

42.951. 8Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXI frgs 1-4

8Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXI frgs 1-14

42.952. 2Q13 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIII

2Q14 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIII

2Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIII

42.953. 6Q19 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

6Q20 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

6Q21 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

6Q22 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII one frg

6Q23 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII frgs 1-4

6Q24 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII frgs 1-7

6Q25 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXVIII frgs 1-2

42.954. 2Q25-2Q33  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVII

42.955. 3Q1-3Q7  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XVIII

42.956. 3Q8-3Q14  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIX

42.957. 2Q1,2Q2  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. X

42.958. 2Q3  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XI

42.959. 2Q17-2Q23  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XV

42.960. 2Q4-2Q12 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XII 

42.961. 7Q1 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q2 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXX

7Q3-18 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXX

42.962. 8Q5 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXV frgs 1-2 

9Q  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXXV

42.963. 6Q26 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-9

6Q27 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-10

6Q28 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-7

6Q29 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-2

6Q30 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX one frg

6Q31 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XXIX frgs 1-21

42.964. 2Q16  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIV frgs 6*,7,8

42.965. 2Q16  (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XIV frgs 1-5,6*

42.977. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLIX

42.978. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LI

42.979. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LIII

42.980. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LV

42.981. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LVII

42.982. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LIX

42.983. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LXI

42.984. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LXIII

42.985. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LXV

42.986. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LXVII

42.987. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LXIX

42.988. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LXXI

42.989. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. XLVIII hand copy

42.990. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. L hand copy

42.991. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LII hand copy

42.992. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LIV hand copy

42.993. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LVI hand copy

42.994. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LVIII hand copy

42.995. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LX hand copy

42.996. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LXII hand copy

42.997. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LXIV hand copy

42.998. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LXVI hand copy

42.999. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LXVIII hand copy

43.000. 3Q15 (DJD 3) DJD 3 pl. LXX hand copy 

43.322. 8Q thongs, reinforcing tabs, thong knots, pub DJD 6 DJD 3 pl. V

43.323. 8Q thongs, reinforcing tabs, thong knots pub DJD 6 DJD 3 pl. V

43.324. 8Q reinforcing tabs pub DJD 6 DJD 3 pl. V

43.441. 8QThongs pub. DJD 6 DJD 3 pl. V [a]

43.442. 8QThongs, reinforcing tabs, and triangular tab DJD 6 DJD 3 pl. V [d]

43.444. 8Q thongs DJD 6 DJD 3 pl. V [b]

43.755. 2Q24 (DJD3) DJD 3 pl. XVI frgs 1-10

2Q33 (DJD3) DJD 3 pl. XVII frg 4

+ frgs

2. West Semitic Research Project Collection of Amman Photographs of the Copper Scroll.

      This collection of photographs includes color and black and white of both sides of each cut.  Separate shots were taken of the right side, center, and left side when necessary.  Separate shots were also taken with light from the top and light from the bottom.  AWS 1-11 were of 1Q photographs shot in Amman. 

AWS 12. Cut 1

AWS 13. Cut 2

AWS 14. Cut 3

AWS 15. Cut 4

AWS 16. Cut 5

AWS 17. Cut 6

AWS 18. Cut 7

AWS 19. Cut 8

AWS 20. Cut 9

AWS 21. Cut 10

AWS 22. Cut 10    7 loose frgs from lower right edge

AWS 23. Cut 11

AWS 24. Cut 12

AWS 25. Cut 13

AWS 26. Cut 14

AWS 27. Cut 15

AWS 28. Cut 16

AWS 29. Cut 16   4 frgs

AWS 30. Cut 17

AWS 31. Cut 18

AWS 32. Cut 19

AWS 33. Cut 20

AWS 34. Cut 21

AWS 35. Cut 22

AWS 36. Cut 23

IV. Museum Plates at Rockefeller

A. List of plates of each cave

2Q plates: 62, 643-645, 739-742, 749

3Q plates: 648, 743-748, 1009

5Q plates: 50, 97-104

6Q plates: 29, 646, 649, 737-738, 784-787, 892-895

7Q plates: 789, 789A

8Q plates: 56-58, 788, 914-917

9Q plate: 917 (part)

10Q plate: 918

B. List of contents of plates in order:

29.   6QX3  6Q18 unpub frg

50.   5QX1  Blancs leather pieces, mostly very fragmentary

56.   8QX1  Reinforcing tabs, see photo in DJD 6 DJD 3 pl.V a

57.   8QX2  thongs, reinforcing tabs and a triangular tab DJD 6, DJD 3 pl.V d

58.   8QX3  thongs (loosely within glass plates) DJD 6 DJD 3 pl.V b

62.   2Q16 Missing at Rockefeller possibly at Shrine of Book

97.   5Q1 DJD 3 pl.XXXVI col.I, most of II frg 1*, and other tiny frgs, crumbling

98.   5Q2 DJD 3 pl. XXXVI most of frg c but quite decomposed

5Q5 DJD 3 pl. XXXVII part of frg 1, most of frg 2 part of II,  crumbling, bad shape

99.   5Q3 Missing at Rockefeller possibly at Shrine of Book

100.  5Q4-5Q8 Missing at Rockefeller possibly at Shrine of Book

101.  5Q11 DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frg 1

5Q22 DJD 3 pl. XLII

5Q14 DJD 3 pl. XL frg 1

5Q16 DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs 2,3*,5

+ frgs (based on photo–frgs are small, crumbling, and illegible, difficult to tell what is on them. New photo of DJD 3 pl. 101 X84-3843, X84-3844 Israel Museum)

102.  5Q18-5Q22 Missing at Rockefeller possibly at Shrine of Book

103.  5Q15 DJD 3 pl. XL most pieces are here; DJD 3 pl. XLI some pieces are here

104.  5Q5 Missing at Rockefeller possibly at Shrine of Book

643.  2Q1 Genesis = DJD 3 pl. X

2Q2 Exodusa = DJD 3 pl. X

644.  2Q17 frgs 1,2

2Q18 frgs 1,2


2Q20 frgs 1-3

2Q21 frgs 1-2


2Q23 frgs 1-6 DJD 3 pl. XV  frgs in separate envelopes 

645.  2Q24 DJD 3 pl. XVI

646.  6Q5-7 = DJD 3 pl. XXIII

648.  3Q1-7  = DJD 3 pl. XVIII

649.  6Q10-15= DJD 3 pl. XXVI

737.  6Q16-18 = DJD 3 pl. XXVII   

738.  6Q4 = DJD 3 pl. XXI  

739.  2Q3 = DJD 3 pl. XI

740.  2Q25-33 = DJD 3 pl. XVII  

741.  2Q13 =DJD 3 pl. XIII

2Q14 (Red ink on frg 1)


742.  2Q4-12 = DJD 3 pl. XII

743.  3QX1  largely uninscribed frgs

744.  3QX2  uninscribed frgs

745.  3Q8-3Q14 = DJD 3 pl. XIX

746.  3QX3  Uninscribed frgs (matchsticks separate plates)

747.  3QX4  leather knot in box

748.  3QX5  Debris in box

749.  2QX1  Debris–piece of cloth and tiny frgs in box

784.  6Q26-31= DJD 3 pl. XXIX

785.  6Q8-9 = DJD 3 pl. XXIV

786.  6QX1  Unid. pap. frgs

787.  6QX2  Unid. frgs

788.  8Q1-2 = DJD 3 pl. XXXI   

789.  7Q1-18 DJD 3 pl. XXX

789A. 7Q19 DJD 3 pl. XXX frgs 1-3

892.  6Q9 = DJD 3 pl. XXV frgs 21-72

893.  6Q19-25 DJD 3 pl. XXVIII

894.  6Q1-4 DJD 3 pl. XX

895.  6Q4 = DJD 3 pl. XXII frgs 41-94

914.  8Q3 DJD 3 pl. XXXII, DJD 3 pl. XXXIII

915.  8Q unid. frgs

916.  8Q4 DJD 3 pl. XXXIV

917.  8Q5 DJD 3 pl. XXXV

9Q Papyrus DJD 3 pl. XXXV

1009. 3QX6 3Q15 Squeeze of Copper Scroll made of clay