Fascicle 8

Qumran Cave 4 (4Q 521-575) Starcky

Table of Contents


ABMC–Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center



DJD–Discoveries in the Judaean Desert


Milik, “Ecrits pr‚ess‚niens de Qumrƒn,” — Milik, J.T., “Ecrits         pr‚ess‚niens de Qumrƒn: d’H‚noch … Amram,” Qumrƒn: Sa pi‚t‚,

     sa th‚ologie et son milieu (BETL 46; ed. M.Delcor; Gembloux: Duculot, 1978) 91-106.

Milik, Enoch, –Milik, J.T., The Books of Enoch: Aramaic               Fragments of Qumrƒn Cave 4 (with the Collaboration of M.        Black; Oxford: Clarendon, 1976)

OL–Old label, indicates contents of old label sometimes found on photographs and museum plates

“PAM”–Palestine Archaeological Museum (original designation       of accession numbers used in Rockefeller Museum for set        of photographs largely taken before 1967) 

pl(s)–plate, plates (can be used for published photographic

     plates or for the museum plates which hold the                   fragments) 


ROC–Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem


 * — Parts of fragments are indicated by asterisk (*) following number.  The unit which became identified as a fragment in the final publication sometimes was composed of more than one fragment fitted together by the editors.  


     A. Acknowledgements for Financial Support

     From March to July 1989 and from August 1990 to the present Dr. Reed has been working with the photographs at the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center and from August 1989 through July 1990 Dr. Reed worked with the fragments and photographs at the Rockefeller Museum.  A Dorot Fellowship made it possible for Dr. Reed to work on the project from March to July 1989 at the ABMC and spend a year in Jerusalem working on revising and updating these lists.  The Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center has provided funding for work at the Center from August 1990 through June of 1991.  Additional funding has been made available since July 1991 by grants from the Dorot Foundation, the Annenberg Institute and the National Endowment for the Humanities.  

     B. Purpose of this fascicle

     Our goal is to produce a computerized database which will include information about photographs, documents and museum plates of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  A computerized database will allow scholars to conduct different searches according to their particular research needs.  

     It is our intention to make the information in the lists available to scholars as quickly as possible.  Since it will be some time before the computerized database is complete, we have decided to compose preliminary lists of each of the particular collections (such as Cave 1, the Minor Caves, Murabba`at and 4Q128-4Q186) and make these lists available to interested people in photocopy form.  We wish to emphasize that these lists are still preliminary.  The final database will include more and updated information.

     Much care has been taken to ensure that the information in these lists is accurate, but inevitably errors enter such a work.  We would appreciate receiving corrections or further information concerning the photographs of 4Q364-4Q481 at the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center, P.O. Box 670, Claremont, CA 91711. Phone (714) 621-6451.  Fax number: (714) 621-1481.

     C. Assistance for Work

     The production of these lists has involved the skills of many people.  Over the years some preliminary and partial lists were produced by the original editors and by museum officials.  The most comprehensive lists before I began my work were prepared by Elisha Qimron in 1981.  Further updates were added in 1985 to these lists by Qimron and John Strugnell.  All of these lists were made available to me by John Strugnell when I began updating the materials.  I wish to acknowledge their contribution without which my work would have been far more difficult.  

     The Israel Antiquities Authority staff at the Rockefeller Museum helped me find appropriate fragmentary and photographic materials at the museum.  Joe Zias, curator, gave me access to the materials.  Ruth Peled, Marcia Sharabani and Donald Ariel also provided assistance.  Ayala Sussmann and Ronny Reich allowed me access to the photographs.  Magen Broshi aided us in finding particular plates that had been moved to the Shrine of the Book for storage or conservation.  The members of the Advisory Committee, composed of Amir Drori, Ayala Sussmann, Jonas Greenfield, Magen Broshi and Shemaryahu Talmon, have provided editorial assistance in the overall preparation of these lists.   

     The staff of the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center helped me obtain access to the materials, and provided administrative help, guidance and advice.  James A. Sanders, president, has provided overall direction for the project.  Former directors, Peter Pettit and Steve Delamarter, as well as the current acting director, Bruce Zuckerman, and Marilyn Lundberg, Associate Director, have provided much support.  

     Editors of the materials have provided a great deal of information.  John Strugnell, international editor-in-chief while I was in Jerusalem, provided help in updating these lists and answering various questions that arose while working on them.  Current editors, Emanuel Tov, Eugene Ulrich, and mile Puech have also provided assistance.  Stephan Pfann has provided editorial assistance and has provided new information for this fascicle.

     Marilyn Lundberg compiled the list of the card concordance sigla and their present day equivalents.  Randall Reed compiled the bibliographic data and provided word processing assistance. 

     Every item of the lists here has been checked and 

verified by us at the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center or 

in Jerusalem at the Rockefeller Museum.  

     D. How to acquire materials 

     For further information about photographic collections 


    1. Photographic Services, Israel Antiquities Authority, P.O.B. 586, Jerusalem 91004, Israel.  Telephone: (02)292614;

Fax number: 292628.

    2. Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center, 1325 N. College Ave., P.O. Box 670, Claremont, CA 91711.  Telephone: (714) 621-6451; Fax Number: (714) 621-1481.

    3. West Semitic Research Project, Bruce Zuckerman, 12 Empty Saddle Rd, Rolling Hills Estates 90274.  Telephone: (310) 541-4573; Fax Number: (310) 541-2361.

     The Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center is an official depository of the Starcky Photographs of the “PAM” collection.  Scholars are welcome to come to the Center and view photographs of these documents.  A number of the PAM photographs inventoried in this fascicle can be found in A Facsimile Edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Prepared with an Introduction and Index by Robert H. Eisenman and James M. Robinson (Washington, D.C.: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1991).  A microfilm prepared by Robert Schlosser of the Huntington Library is available which includes the complete PAM collection as well as photographs from other collections.

I. Introduction

     mile Puech has been very helpful in providing me information concerning the Starcky materials which he is editing.  Puech supplied me with older lists of this material compiled by Jean Starcky. 

     Information concerning the Starcky documents is arranged in three lists in this fascicle: documents, photographs and museum plates.  There are three lists of Starcky documents.  The first is arranged according to the sigla used in the card concordance for these documents.  The second is arranged according to the older sigla of Starcky numbers.  The third is arranged according to the designated numbers given to the Starcky material to be included in 4Q521-4Q575.  Included in the third list are the photographs which pertain to each document, the present location of the fragments in museum plates, the publication status of each document, and a quantitative indication of the extent of each document supplied to me by mile Puech.  In the photograph list the photographs which pertain to Starcky documents are given according to the assigned inventory numbers.  The museum plate list includes a list of the museum plates which contain Starcky materials.  

     Since published photographs are called “plates”, it can be confusing to refer to the fragments placed between plates of glass in the museum as “plates.”  Editor Emanuel Tov prefers that the term “inventory number” be used for what is here called “museum plate.”  

     The document list is cross-referenced to the other two lists.  It is expected that scholars would first refer to this list and then if they want further information about the photographs or museum plates they can refer to the other two lists.  There is some duplication of information in the three lists but because there is often no one-to-one correspondence among documents, photographs and museum plates all three are necessary to provide all of the information that scholars may need in their research.

     Most of the museum plates that contain Starcky materials are housed currently at the Rockefeller Museum.  I have been unable to locate the plate which contains 4Q537 Visions of Amramc.  Plate 158 which according to the older lists contained Sy 18 Aramaic fragment O is missing from the Rockefeller.  This document was probably 4Q551 DanSuz.(?)  I have not been able to locate the Testuz fragment which is a part of 4Q537.  

     The photographs in the “PAM” series do not have dates but since they were assigned inventory numbers soon after they were photographed one can at least differentiate earlier from later photographs by the inventory number.  The latest set of photographs which Starcky had made is found in 43.564-43.607,43.610 and contains a complete set of the Starcky material.  These photographs correspond quite closely to the arrangement of the fragments in the museum plates.  Earlier photographs contain a more mixed grouping of fragments.  These photographs are listed under the category “misc.”  Often fragments have not yet been “reconstructed” and fitted together on these early photographs.  Sometimes it is possible to see joins where fragments were fitted together on later photographs.  The earlier photographs can help one see which fragments have been reconstructed.  

     For bibliographic information on published Starcky documents see Joseph A. Fitzmyer, The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications and Tools for Study, (Scholars Press, 1990); F. Garc¡a Mart¡nez, “Lista de MSS procedentes de Qumran,” Henoch 11 (1989), 149-232.  For general information see Stephen A. Reed, “Survey of the Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments and Photographs at the Rockefeller,” BA 54 (March 1991) 44-51.

     Changes in titles may well take place as further work of editing continues.  Changes in the order of the documents may also be made.  Users should remember that this fascicle is preliminary and that changes will no doubt need to be made for some time in these lists.

II. Documents

    A. Card Concordance Sigla and Correlation with Starcky              Documents

CCSig. CC Name       QNo.        New Name

ahA  Aharonique A     4Q541      Aharonique ara   

ahC  Aharonique C     4Q549      Mention of Hur and Miriam ar

arA  Aramaic ms. A    4Q540      Aharonique? A (bis) ar

arB  Aramaic ms. B    4Q548      Visions of `Amram? ar

arC  eschatological   4Q536      Birth of Noah ard

        ms. C    

arD  Aramaic ms. D    4Q562      Aramaic D

arE  Aramaic ms. E    4Q563      Aramaic E

arF  Aramaic ms. F    4Q564      Aramaic F

arG  Aramaic ms. G    4Q565      Aramaic G

arH  Aramaic ms. H    4Q566      Aramaic H

arI  Aramaic ms. I    4Q567      Aramaic I

arK  Aramaic ms. K    4Q568      Aramaic K

arL  Aramaic ms. L    4Q569      Aramaic L

arM  Aramaic ms. M    4Q539      Joseph ar

arN  Aramaic ms. N    4Q535      Birth of Noah arc

arO  Aramaic ms. O    4Q551      DanSuz? ar 

arQ  Aramaic ms. Q    4Q557      Vision of Qahat ar

arS Aramaic ms. S      ?

arT  Aramaic ms. T    part of 4Q533   Book of Giants or Pseudo Enoch                                                 ar

arU  Aramaic ms. U    part of 4Q533  Book of Giants or PsEnoch ar

arV Aramaic ms. V    4Q571      Aramaic V

arW  Aramaic ms. W    4Q572      Aramaic W

arX  Aramaic ms. X    4Q573      Aramaic X   

arY  Aramaic ms. Y    4Q574      Aramaic Y

arZ1 Aramaic ms. Z1  part of 4Q575     Aramaic Z

arZ2 Aramaic ms. Z2  part of 4Q575 Aramaic Z

Beat Beatitudes      4Q525      Wisdom Text with Beatitudes

ChrB Chronologie      4Q559      Work in Biblical Chronology ar


DCP  Un devin a la    4Q550      Story Set at Persian Court ar

        cour perse  4Q555?

h`Aa hazut `Amram ms. a    4Q543 Visions of `Amram ara 

h`Ab hazut `Amram ms. b    4Q544 Visions of `Amram arb 

h`Ac hazut `Amram ms. c    4Q545 Visions of `Amram arc 

h`Ad hazut `Amram ms. d    4Q546 Visions of `Amram ard 

h`Ae hazut `Amram ms. e    4Q547 Visions of `Amram are 

Hor ar horoscopique ar      4Q561 Physiognomic Text ar

h`Y  hazu Ya`qob            ?               ?

JNa Jerusalem Nouvelle      4Q554 New Jerusalem ara 

kM ketab Mika`el                4Q529 Words of Michael ar

Mess ar Messianic Aram      4Q534 Elect of God ar

mN molad Noah               4Q535 Birth of Noah ar

OC Oeuvres de la Chair      4Q560 Proverbs? ar

psHenA pseudo-Henoch A      4Q530 EnGiants arb 

psHenB pseudo-Henoch B      4Q531 EnGiants arc 

psHenC pseudo-Henoch C      4Q532 EnGiants ard 

QRa  Vision des quatres 

       Royaumes ms. a      4Q552 Four Kingdoms ara

QRb  Vision des Quatres 

       Royaumes ms. b           4Q553 Four Kingdoms arb 

TB   Testament of Benjamin 4Q538 Judah ar

TQ   Testament of Qahat    4Q542 Testament of Qahat ar 

    B. Old Starcky Numbers 

An asterisk (*) in the following list indicates that a document once assigned to Starcky has been redistributed to another scholar. 


Sy1 Words of Michael         4Q529 Words of Michael ar

Sy2 Pseudo Enocha            4Q530 Book of Giants arb

Sy2B Vision                  4Q556 Vision ar

Sy3,4 Pseudo Enochb          4Q531 Book of Giants arc  

Sy4B Aram Unid. N            4Q535 Birth of Noah arc

Sy5 Pseudo Enochc            4Q532 Book of Giants ard

*Sy6 Letter to Shemazya      4Q203 Enoch Giants ara pub. Milik

                               Enoch 310-317, pls. 30-32

Sy7 Dream of Jacob?          4Q547 Visions of Amram are

Sy7B Testament of Qahat      4Q542 Testament of Qahat ar

Sy8 Story of Joseph          4Q538 Judah ar

Sy9 Visions of Amramc        4Q545 Visions of Amram arc 

Sy10A,10B Visions of Amrama  4Q543 Visions of Amram ara

Sy11, AhA Visions of Amramc  4Q544 Visions of Amram arb

Sy12,13 Aharonique A         4Q541 Aharonique ara    

Sy13B Aharonique C           4Q540 Aharonique? A ar 

Sy14 Aharonique B            4Q546 Visions of Amram ard       

Sy15 Hur and Miriam          4Q549 Mention of Hur and Miriam ar

Sy16 Story of David          4Q522 Work with place names

     (Geographical List)

Sy17,17B,DCP Story Set at Persian Court 4Q550  “

Sy18 Story, son of Jonathon    4Q551 DanSuz? ar

     (Aramaic Narrative)

Sy19 Vision of Four Kingdoms   4Q552 Four Kingdoms ara

Sy20 Vision of Four Kingdoms   4Q553 Four Kingdoms arb

*Sy21 New Jerusalem (Heb)      4Q365 part of Strugnell 1-7′                                                                                            Pent Parb

Sy22-24 New Jerusalem          4Q554 New Jerusalem ara

Sy25 Vision A                  4Q537 Jacob ar

Sy26-28 Vision B               4Q558 papyrus Vision arb

Sy29A Vision C                 4Q557 Vision of Qahat ar

*Sy29B Vision D                Now Milik T. Levib? or tgJob?

Sy30 Biblical Chronology       4Q559 papWork in Bib. Chronology                                                            ar

*Sy31 Ritual Purification      4Q514 Ordinancesc Baillet 2                         

*Sy32 Halachic                 4Q513 Ordinancesb Baillet 1

*Sy33-34 Liturgical Prayers A  4Q504 DibHama Baillet 3

*Sy35 Liturgical Prayers B     4Q508 PrFetesb Baillet 6

Sy36 Proverbs?                 4Q560 Proverbs? ar

Sy37 Apocalyptic               4Q521 On Resurrection

Sy38,39,39B Beatitudes         4Q525 Wisdom Text with                                                                 Beatitudes

*Sy40 Hymn to Zion             4Q88 Psf 

                         pub by Starcky, RB 73 (1966) 353-371

*Sy41-47 Hymnic Collection     4Q511 Songs of Sageb Baillet       

Sy48 Hebrew A                  4Q524 Halachic text

Sy49A Hebrew A?                4Q371 Joseph Apocryphon


Sy49B Heb frg B                4Q523 Hebrew B 

Sy49C Hebrew Frg C             4Q526 Hebrew C  

Sy49C Hebrew Frg D             4Q527 Hebrew D  

Sy49C Hebrew Frg E             4Q528 Hebrew E  

Sy50-51 Aramaic A              4Q534 Elect of God ar

Sy52 Aramaic B                 4Q561 Physiognomic Text ar

Sy53 Aramaic B                 4Q548 Visions of Amram? ar                 

Sy53b                          4Q533 Book of Giants or                                          Pseudo Enoch?

Sy54 Aramaic C                 4Q536 Birth of Noah ard

Sy54b Aramaic D                4Q562 Aramaic D

Sy55a Aramaic E                4Q563 Aramaic E

Sy55b Aramaic F                4Q564 Aramaic F        

Sy55b Aramaic G                4Q565 Aramaic G

Sy55b Aramaic H                4Q566 Aramaic H        

Sy55b Aramaic I                4Q567 Aramaic I        

Sy55b Aramaic K                4Q568 Aramaic K        

Sy55b Aramaic L                4Q569 Aramaic L        

Sy55b Aramaic M                4Q539 Joseph ar        

Sy55c Aramaic R                4Q570 Aramaic R   

Sy56 Aramaic V                 4Q571 Aramaic V   

Sy56 Aramaic W                 4Q572 Aramaic W   

Sy56 Aramaic X                 4Q573 Aramaic X   

Sy56 Aramaic Y                 4Q574 Aramaic Y   

Sy56 Aramaic Z                 4Q575 Aramaic Z   

Sy57 New Jerusalemb            4Q555 New Jerusalem arb   

    C. Document List of Starcky materials 

Editors: J. Starcky, E. Puech



4QNo. Sy No. Title          Plate No.   Photograph No.


4QNo. Sy No. Title          Plate No.   Photograph No.

4Q521 Sy37 On Resurrection   pl. 330       43.604

Misc.: 41.676,41.948

pub. Puech, Dissertation; photo and English translation of one fragment pub. R. Eisenman, BAR Nov/Dec (1991) 65 RQ 15 (1992) in forthcoming

Quantity: 13 frgs; 1 museum plate

4Q522 Sy16 Work with Place Names pl. 425   43.606

Misc.: 40.584,41.948,42.441 

Pub.: partly pub. Puech, E., “Fragments du Psaume 122 dans un manuscrit h‚breu de la grotte iv,” RevQ 9 (1977-78) 547-54.

partly pub. by Milik, DJD 3, 5Q9

Quantity: 15 frgs; 1 plate

4Q523 Sy49B Hebrew frg B     pl. 288       43.594 bottom 

Puech Title: non identifi‚ B

Misc.: 41.944,42.081

Quantity: 4 frgs; 1/6 museum plate

4Q524 Sy48 Halachic text     pl. 320       43.605 

Misc.: 41.438,41.948,42,439

Quantity: 29 frgs; 1 museum plate

4Q525 Sy38 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes pl. 423  43.600 

Sy39                          pl. 424  43.595 

Sy39B                              pl. 432  43.596 

Misc.: 40.611,40.614,40.617,40.969,41.520,41.678,41.788, 41.917,41.949,42.441,42.511,42.908

Pub.: in part by Puech, E., “Un hymne ess‚nien en partieretrouv‚ et les b‚atitudes: 1QH V 12-VI 18 (= col. XIII-XIV 7) et 4QB‚at.,” RevQ 13 (M‚morial Jean Carmignac, 1988) 59-88;

Puech, E., “4Q525 et les p‚ricopes des B‚atitudes en Ben Shira et Matthieu, RB 138 (1991) 80-106.

Quantity: 27 frgs; 3 museum plate

4Q526 Sy49C Hebrew Frg C     pl. 252       43.575 bottom

Puech Title: non identifi‚ C

Quantity: 1 frg; 1/12 museum plate

4Q527 Sy49C Hebrew Frg D     pl. 252       43.575 bottom

Misc.: 41.210,41.947 

Puech Title: non identifi‚ D

Quantity: 1 frg; 1/12 museum plate

4Q528 Sy49C Hebrew Frg E     pl. 252       43.575 bottom

Misc.: 40.596,42.079 

Puech Title: non identifi‚ E

Quantity: 1 frg; 1/12 museum plate


4Q529 Sy1 Words of Michael ar  pl. 164     43.572 Top

Misc.: 42.014 

Quantity: 1 frg; 1/4 museum plate

4Q530 Sy2 Book of Giants arb  pl. 437      43.568

Misc.: 40.585,41.444,41.512,41.941,42.028,42.439,42.496

Pub.: nearly totally pub. in Milik, Enoch, 304-307 

Quantity: 17 frgs; 1 museum plate

4Q531 Sy3 Book of Giants arc  pl. 328      43.569 

Sy4                                  43.570 

Misc.: 40.607,40.622,41.361,41.678,41.941,41.944,41.949, 41.956,42.028,42.030,42.032,42.079,42.495

nearly totally pub. by Milik, Enoch, 307-309 

Quantity: 48 frgs; 2 museum plates

4Q532 Sy5 Book of Giants ard  pl. 148      43.573 Top 

Misc.: 40.965,41.945

cf. Milik, Enoch, p. 309

Quantity: 6 frgs; 1/2 museum plate

4Q533 Sy53B Book of Giants or Pseudo Enoch ar pl. 428  43.601 

Misc.: 41.444,41.512,42.440

Quantity: 12 frgs; 2/3 museum plate

4Q534 Sy50-51 Elect of God ar  pl. 1006    43.590-43.591 

Misc.: 40.592,40.618,40.621,41.809,41.917,41.941,41.956,          42.435

Pub.: pub. Starcky, J., “Un texte messianique aram‚en de la grotte 4 de Qumrƒn,” Ecole des langues orientales anciennes de l’Institut Catholique de Paris: M‚morial du cinquantenaire 1914-1964 (Travaux de l’Institut Catholique de Paris 10; Paris: Bloud et Gay, 1964) 51-66.

 Photo published in Cross, Scrolls from the Wilderness of the Dead Sea plate 11.

Quantity: 7 frgs; 2 museum plates

4Q535 Sy4B Birth of Noah arc     pl. 348       43.572 (Bottom) 

Quantity: 4 frgs; 1/4 museum plate

Pub: description of text in Milik, “Les ModŠles Aram‚ens du Livre d’Esther dans la Grotte 4 de Qumrƒn,” RQ 15/59 (1992) as Birth of Noahc 

4Q536 Sy54A Birth of Noah ard    pl. 451       43.575 (top) 

Misc.: 41.945,41.956

Pub: 3 lines transliterated by Milik, “Les ModŠles Aram‚ens du Livre d’Esther dans la Grotte 4 de Qumrƒn,” RQ 15/59 (1992) as Birth of Noahd

Quantity: 3 frgs; 1/2 museum plate

4Q537 Sy25 Jacob ar       pl. 260       43.599

Misc.: 40.622,41.951,41.954,41.955,41.966 

Pub.:pub. in part by Testuz, M., “Deux fragments in‚dits des manuscrits de la Mer Morte,” Sem 5 (1955) 37-38.

Milik, “Ecrits pr‚ess‚niens de Qumrƒn” called Visions de Jacob, 4QAJa; one fragment pub. by Milik, RQ 15/59 (1992) as Proto Esther Aramaicf;

. Puech “Fragments d’un apocryphe de L‚vi et le personnage eschatologique 4Q Test L‚vic-d? et 4QAJa”  largely published in Acts of Congress of Madrid (May 1991) forthcoming

Quantity: 27 frgs; 1/2 museum plate

4Q538 Sy8 Judah ar               pl. 450     43.573 Bottom 

Misc.: 41.890,41.945,42.081

Pub.: 2 frgs pub by Milik, “Ecrits pr‚ess‚niens de Qumrƒn”as Testament de Juda (4QAJu) frgs 1a,1b

Quantity: 4 frgs; 1/3 museum plate

4Q539 Sy55b Joseph ar            pl. 433       43.593 

Formerly Aramaic M

Misc.: 42.081,42.443

Pub.: 3 frgs pub by Milik, “Ecrits pr‚ess‚niens de Qumrƒn,” pl. 1 frgs 2a,2b, as Testament of Joseph 4QAJo

Quantity: 5 frgs; 1/7 museum plate

4Q540 Sy13B Aharonique? A (bis) ar pl. 150      43.603 (Middle) 

= Testament of Levic

Misc.: 41.888

Quantity: 3 frgs; 1/4 museum plate

Pub.:. Puech, “Fragments d’un apocryphe de L‚vi et le personnage eschatologique 4Q Test L‚vic-d? et 4QAJa” 3 frgs pub but no photo published in Acts of Congress of Madrid (May 1991) by E. Puech, forthcoming.

4Q541 Sy12 Aharonique ara    pl. 149       43.588 

= Testament of Levid 

Sy13                   pl. 147       43.587 

Misc.: 40.594,41.677,41.888,41.917,41.938,41.944,42.033, 42.442

Pub.:in part pub by Puech, Dissertation; Starcky, J., “Les quatre ‚tapes du messianisme … Qumrƒn,” RB 70 (1963) 492;

. Puech, “Fragments d’un apocryphe de L‚vi et le personnage eschatologique 4Q Test L‚vic-d? et 4QAJa” frgs pub with photo. published in Acts of Congress of Madrid (May 1991) forthcoming.

Quantity: 26 frgs; 2 museum plates

4Q542 Sy7B Testament of Qahat ar pl. 193   43.565 

Misc.: 40.625,41.407,41.591,41.613,41.941?,42.442,42.600

Pub.: partly pub by Milik RB 79 (1972) 97; col. II lines 9-12, pub. by Puech M‚morial Starcky RQ fasc. 57-58, 1991

Quantity: 8 frgs; 1 museum plate

4Q543 Sy10A Visions of Amram ara  pl. 347  43.577 

Sy10B                       pl. 343  43.578 

Misc.: 41.444,41.512,41.952,42.079,42.082,42.440

Pub.: partly pub. by Milik, J.T., “4Q Visions de ‘Amram et une citation d’OrigŠne,” RB 79 (1972) 77-97 

       (+ pl. I ).

Puech, Dissertation

Quantity: 51 frgs; 2 museum plates

4Q544 Sy11 Visions of Amram arb  pl. 431   43.571 

Misc.: 40.609,40.617,41.677,41.956,42.436

Pub.: pub Milik, J.T., “4Q Visions de ‘Amram et une citation d’OrigŠne,” RB 79 (1972) 77-97 (+ pl. I ).

Puech, Dissertation  

Quantity: 3 frgs; 1/2 museum plate

4Q545 Sy9 Visions of Amram arc  pl. ?      43.566

Misc.: 40.608,40.965,41.512,42.079,42.440 

Pub.: pub. in part by Milik, J.T., “4Q Visions de ‘Amram et une citation d’OrigŠne,” RB 79 (1972) 77-97        (+ pl. I ).

Puech, Dissertation 

Quantity: 14 frgs; 1 museum plate

4Q546 Sy14 Visions of Amram ard  pl. 434   43.586

Misc.: 41.946,41.954,42.439,42.442

pub. in part by Milik, J.T., “4Q Visions de ‘Amram et une citation d’OrigŠne,” RB 79 (1972) 77-97 (+ pl. I ).

Puech, Dissertation

Quantity: 25 frgs; 1 museum plate

4Q547 Sy7 Visions of Amram are  pl. 144    43.567 

Misc.: 40.594,41.282,41.405,41.890,41.948,42.028,42.440, 42.859

Quantity: 8 frgs; 1/2 museum plate

4Q548 Sy53 Visions of Amram? ar  pl. 427   43.597

Misc.: 41.595,41.821,41.892,41.954,41.955,42.081 

Pub.: in part pub by Milik, J.T., “4Q Visions de ‘Amram et une citation d’OrigŠne,” RB 79 (1972) 77-97 

        (+ pl. I ). and in large part by Puech, Dissertation

Quantity: 18 frgs; 1 museum plate

4Q549 Sy15 Mention of Hur and Miriam ar pl. 447 43.574 (Top) 

Misc.: 41.956,42.031

Quantity: 2 frgs; 1/4 museum plate

4Q550 Sy17 Story Set at Persian Court ar pl.426  43.584 

Sy17B                                      43.585 

Misc.: 40.585,41.444,41.512,41.590,41.952,41.956,42.081, 42.439,42.443

Pub.: Milik, “Les ModŠles Aram‚ens du Livre d’Esther dans la Grotte 4 de Qumrƒn,” M‚morial Starcky, RQ 15/59 (1992) as proto Esther Aramaica-e

Quantity: 17 frgs; 2 museum plates

4Q551 Sy18 DanSuz.? ar                     43.594 top 

Misc.: 41.944,42.443

Pub.: pub by Milik, J.T., “Daniel et Susanne … Qumrƒn?” De la T“rah au Messie: Etudes d’ex‚gŠse et d’herm‚neutique bibliques offertes … Henri Cazelles… (ed. M. Carrez et al.; Paris: Descl‚e, 1981) 337-59 (+ PAM 43.594).

Quantity: 3 frgs; 1/6 museum plate

4Q552 Sy19 Four Kingdoms ara  pl. 278      43.576 

Misc.: 41.407,41.444,41.512,41.591,41.956,41.966

Quantity: 6 frgs; 1 museum plate

4Q553 Sy20 Four Kingdoms arb  pl. 353      43.579 

Misc.: 41.946,42.028,42.442

Quantity: 15 frgs; 1 museum plate

4Q554 Sy22 New Jerusalem ara  pl. 319      43.564 

Sy23-24                   pl. 318      43.589 

Misc.: 40.608,41.590,41.940,41.946,41.954,42.439

Pub.:in part pub by Starcky, J., “J‚rusalem et les manuscrits de la Mer Morte,” Le Monde de la Bible 1 (1977) 38-40 (photo).

Puech, Dissertation

PPUB: Milik DJD 3  pp. 184-193

Quantity: 15 frgs; 2 museum plates

4Q555 Sy57 New Jerus arb     pl. 205       43.594 (rght midd) 

Misc.: 41.512,41.941,42.081,43.610

Quantity: 3 frgs; 1/8 museum plate

4Q556 Sy2B Vision ar         pl. 446       43.574 (Bottom)

Misc.: 41.951

Quantity: 6 frgs; 1/4 museum plate

4Q557 Sy29A Vision of Qahat ar pl. 313     43.594 (lft midd) 

Misc.: 41.944,42.081

Quantity: 2 frgs; 1/6 museum plate

4Q558 Sy26 papVision arb     pl. 448     43.580 

Sy27                   pl. 452       43.581 

Sy28a                  pl. 449       43.583 

Sy28b                  pl. 440       43.582 

Misc.: 40.600,40.632,40.972,42.069,42.075-42.077

Pub.: in part pub by Puech, Dissertation

Quantity: 146 frgs; 4 museum plates

4Q559 Sy30 papWork in Biblical Chronology ar pl. 438  43.603 Top 

Misc.: 41.989,42.074

Quantity: 13 frgs; 1/3 museum plate

4Q560 Sy36 Proverbs? ar      pl. 445       43.602 

Sy36                   pl. 445       43.574 Middle 

Misc.: 40.602,41.954,42.079,42.081

Quantity: 2 frgs; 1/3 museum plate

4Q561 Sy52 Physiognomic Text including Aramaic translation                   of Horoscope 4Q186 pl. 439       43.598 

Misc.: 41.590,41.944,41.954,42.438

Quantity: 13 frgs; 1/2 museum plate

4Q562 Sy54B Aramaic D        pl. 332       43.592 (bottom)

Misc.: 41.677,41.941,42.441,42.495

Quantity: 12 frgs; 1/2 museum plate

4Q563 Sy55a Aramaic E        pl. 159       43.592 (top) 

Misc.: 41.890,42.443,42.495,43.610

Quantity: 3 frgs; 1/6 museum plate

4Q564 Sy55b Aramaic F        pl. 433       43.593

Misc.: 41.944

Quantity: 1 frg; 1/7 museum plate

4Q565 Sy55b Aramaic G        pl. 433       43.593 

Misc.: 42.081

Quantity: 1 frg; 1/7 museum plate

4Q566 Sy55b Aramaic H        pl. 433       43.593 

Quantity: 2 frgs; 1/7 museum plate

4Q567 Sy55b Aramaic I        pl. 433       43.593 

Misc.: 41.956,42.081

Quantity: 1 frg; 1/7 museum plate

4Q568 Sy55b Aramaic K        pl. 433       43.593 

Misc.: 40.625,42.079

Quantity: 1 frg; 1/7 museum plate

4Q569 Sy55b Aramaic L        pl. 433       43.593 

Misc.: 40.579,41.945

Quantity: 4 frgs; 1/7 museum plate

4Q570 Sy55c Aramaic R        pl. 429       43.607 

Misc.: 41.512,42.081

Quantity: 40 frgs; 1 museum plate

4Q571 Sy56 Aramaic V         pl. 435       43.602             

Misc.: 41.512

Quantity: 1 frg; 1/6 museum plate

4Q572 Sy56 Aramaic W         pl. 435       43.602             

Misc.: 41.946

Quantity: 1 frg; 1/12 museum plate

4Q573 Sy56 Aramaic X         pl. 435       43.602             

Misc.: 40.580,41.946

Quantity: 1 frg; 1/10 museum plate

4Q574 Sy56 Aramaic Y         pl. 435       43.602             

Misc.: 41.938

Quantity: 1 frg; 1/12 museum plate

4Q575 Sy56 Aramaic Z         pl. 435       43.602             

Misc.: 41.372,42.438,42.443

Quantity: 2 frgs; 1 museum plate

III.  PAM photographs of Starcky documents

     Sometimes the location of particular fragments on a photograph will be indicated in parentheses following a document.

40.579. 4Q72 Jerc 

4Q88 Psf 

4Q172 pUnid DJD 5  pl. XVIII frg 4 (upper rght)

4Q197 Tob arb 5:13-6:3 (bottom lft)

4Q228 Work with Citation of Jubilees

4Q270 De 1 frg

4Q320 Mishmarot A

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LIX frg 8*

4Q569 Aramaic L

+ frgs

40.580. 4Q22 paleoExodm

4Q109 Qoha

4QM Unid A

4Q381 apPs NCP pl. IV frg 46*

4Q388 PsEzekd

4Q573 Aramaic X

+  frgs

40.584. 4Q22 paleoExodm 

4Q47 C33b Josha 8:34-35 +;  

4Q81 XIIf Jon 1:8,16-2:1   

4QLeqet upper left

4Q522 Work with place names (bottom)

40.585. 4Q171 pPsa DJD 5 pl. XVI frg 4 (center)

4Q348 Act of Ownership (left)

4Q417 Sap Work Ic 

4Q530 Book of Giants arb

4Q550 Story Set at Persian Court ar

+  4 frgs

40.592. 4Q11 paleoGen-Exodl 

4Q299 Mysta

4Q381 ap Pss NCP pl. VI frg 76*

4Q418 Sapiential Work Ia

4Q491 Ma DJD 7 pl. V frg 9*

4Q534 Elect of God ar

+ frgs

40.594. 4Q22 paleoExodm 

4Q285 Serek ha-milhamah

4Q418 Sap Work Ia

4Q439 Work Similar to Barki Nafshi

4Q541 Aharonique ara

4Q547 Visions of Amram are

+ frgs

40.596. 4Q88 Psf

4Q177 Catenaa DJD 5 pl. XXIV frg 5*

4Q258 Serek Hayyahadd

4Q265 Serek and Dam 

4Q400 ShirShabba SSS  pl. I frg 3*

4Q428 Hodb

4Q528 Hebrew E

+ 5 frgs

40.600. 4Q196 papToba

4QM130 Unid. pap. frgs

4Q382 papTehillot Haavot

4Q498 papHymSap DJD 7 pl. XXVII frg 15

4Q500 papBen DJD 7 pl. XXVII frg 1*

4Q517 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXVI frg 20

4Q558 papVision arb

+ frgs

40.602. 4Q23 Lev-Numa

4Q27 Numb  13:17-24, 11:35-12:9 (center right)

4Q35 Deuth

4Q47 Josha

4Q55 Isaa most of frg h (upper left) 

4Q58 Isad

4Q71a Jerd lower right

4Q77 XIIb Zeph 1:19-Hag 1:2  top right  

4Q78 XIIc lower left second in

4Q109 Qoha top center

4Q121 LXXNum 

4Q200 Tob heb (lft middle) 10:7-8

4Q206 En are BE pl. XX frg b* (bottom left)

4Q343 Letter in Nabatean

4Q418 Sap Work Ia

4Q560 Proverbs? ar

+ 1 frg  

40.607. 4Q12 Exodb

4Q47 Josha

4Q109 Qoha (left center)

4Q184 Wiles DJD 5 pl. XXVIII frg 1* (top center)

4Q213 TLevi ara

4Q286 Bera

4Q365 PentParb

4Q400 ShirShabba SSS

4Q531 Book of Giants arc

40.608. 4Q10 Genk DJD Pentateuch (forthcoming) frg 2

4Q23 Lev-Numa

4Q55 Isaa frg k

4Q111 Lam 

4Q160 VisSam DJD 5 pl. III frg 1*

4Q181 Frgs DJD 5 frg 1*

4Q183 HistWork DJD 5 frg 1

4Q364 Pent Para

4Q414 Baptismal Liturgy

4Q460 Pseudepigraphic Work

4Q545 Visions of Amram arc

4Q554 New Jer ara

40.609. 4Q23 Lev-Numa

4Q176 Tanh DJD 5 pl. XXII frg 1*

4Q213 TLevi ara (center)

4QMilik Unid. D

4Q431 He

4Q510 Shira DJD 7 pl. LV frg 2

4Q544 Visions of Amram arb

+ 3 frgs 

40.611. 4Q1 Gen-Exoda DJD Pentateuch (forthcoming) frg 25*

4Q267 Db

4Q320 Mishmarot A

4Q365 Pent Parb

4Q390 Ps Mose

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LIX frg 10*

4Q525 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes

40.613. 4Q21 Exodk

4Q53 Samc 

4Q57 Isac frg 14*

4QM40B Pseudo Hist B

4Q107 Cantb

4Q112 Dana BASOR 268 p. 22 frg 3i*

4Q184 Wiles DJD 5  pl. XXVIII frg 1*

4Q202 En arb BE pl. VII frg k 

4Q215 TNaph

4Q267 Db bottom center

4Q286 Bera

4Q323 Mish Cb

4Q402 ShirShabbc SSS pl. III frg 3*

4Q416 Sap Work

4Q428 Hodb

4Q429 Hodc

4Q458 Narrative

4Q542 TQahat ar (top center)

+ frgs

40.614. 4QM Ps Hist D

4Q112 Dana frg 14

4Q158 BibPar DJD 5  pl. I frg 1*

4Q171 pPsa DJD 5  pl. XV-XVI frg 1*

4Q177 Catenaa DJD 5  pl. XXIV frg 6 (top right)

4Q209 Enastr arb BE pl. XXV-XXVI frg 7

4Q339 List of False Prophets

4Q418 Sap Work Ia

4Q463 Narrative

4Q525 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes

+ 5 frgs

40.617. 4Q23 Lev-Numa

4Q35 Deuth

4Q65 Isal

4Q156 tgLev DJD 6  pl. XXVIII frg 1 (center)

4Q159 Orda DJD 5  pl. II frg 1*

4Q177 Catenaa DJD 5  pl. XXIV frgs 2*,11*

4Q203 En Giants ara

4Q258 Sd col. vii 13-15 (rght center)

4Q321a Mish Bb

4Q416 Sap Work 

4Q424 Sap Work II

4Q429 Hodc

4Q437 Barki Nafshid

4Q459 Pseudepigraphic Work

4Q465 Pent Apoc

4Q525 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes

4Q544 Visions of Amram arb

+ 7 frgs

40.618. 4Q87 Pse frg i

4Q159 Orda DJD 5  pl. II frg 1*

4Q160 VisSam DJD 5  pl. III frg 7

4Q213 TLevi ara

4Q251 Halakah a

4Q266 Da 16:8-13 (center)

4Q325 Mishmarot D  left center

4Q342 Letter? in Judeo-Aramaic

4Q363 Text in Cryptic B

4Q365 PentParb

4Q394 MMTa

4Q413 Sap. Work

4Q417 Sap. Work Ic

4Q418 Sap. Work Ia

4Q423 Sap Work on Tree of Knowledge

4Q458 Narrative

4Q476 Misc. Sap. Work

4Q534 Elect of God ar

+ 4 frgs

40.621. 4Q27 Numb

4Q32 Deute

4Q83 Psa frg q

4Q171 pPssa DJD 5  pl. XVII frg 8*

4Q387 PsEzekc

4Q416 Sap Work Ib

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LX frg 18* 

4Q534 Elect of God ar

+ frgs

40.622. 4Q26 Levd

4Q37 Deutj 

4Q53 Samc frg 2*

4Q58 Isad

4Q179 apLama DJD 5  pl. XXVI frg 2*

4Q203 En Giants ara BE pl. XXXI frg 7ii

4Q209 Enastr arb BE pl. XXVII frg 23 (upper left)

4Q222 Jubg

4Q245 psDan arc bottom left

4Q268 Dc

4Q477 Decrees of Sect

4Q531 Book of Giants arc

4Q537 Jacob ar

+ 8 frgs

40.625. 4Q174 Flor DJD 5 pl. XIX frg 1*

4Q197 Tob arb bottom left  6:6 

4Q256 Sb upper left

4Q542 Testament of Qahat ar

4Q568 Aramaic K

+  frgs

40.632. 4Q163 pIsac DJD 5 pl VII frg 14 

4Q196 papTob ara 

4Q382 papTehillot Haavot

4Q432 papHodf

4Q558 papVision arb

+ pap frgs 

40.965. 4Q111 Dana 2:20-23,33-35 (upper right)

4Q204 En arc middle and top left, BE pl. XII frgs g,i, pl. XIII frg n

4Q532 Book of Giants ard

4Q545 Visions of Amram arc

40.969. 4Q270 De

4Q379 Pss of Joshb

4Q440 Hodayot-Like

4Q525 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes

+ frgs

40.972. 4Q163 pappIsac DJD 5 pl. VIII frgs 23*,25

4Q255 M49 papSereka rght cent. 

4Q391 papSecEzekg

4Q432 papHodf

4Q558 papVis arb

+ pap frgs (Recto of 40.973)

41.210. 4Q57 Isac frg 48

4Q118 Chr

4Q216 Juba

4Q247 Apoc Weeks

4Q374 Moses Apoca

4Q423 Sap Work on Tree of Knowledge

4Q434 Barki Nafshia

4Q443 Hodayot-Like

4Q457 Misc Narr. (mythological)

4Q481 Fragment

4Q527 Hebrew Frg D

+ 12 frgs (OL: Sample plate S)

41.282. 4Q26 Levd

4Q57 Isac frg 48

4Q247 Apoc Weeks

4Q285 M48 Berakhot-Milhamah

4Q547 Visions of Amram are

+ frgs

41.361. 4Q531 Book of Giants arc 

41.372. 4Q469 One MS

4Q575 Aramaic Z

+ frgs

41.405. 4Q213 TLevi ara

4Q547 Visions of Amram are

+ 1 frg

41.438. 4Q218 Jubc

4Q222 Jubg

4Q236 Psalm 89

4Q524 Halachic Text

+ frgs

41.444. 4Q203 EnGiants ara pub. Milik, Enoch pl. XXXII frg 8

4Q243 psDan ara

4Q362 Work in Cryptic B

4Q530 Book of Giants arb

4Q533 Book of Giants or Pseudo Enoch? ar

4Q543 Visions of Amram ara

4Q550 Story Set at Persian Court ar

4Q552 Four Kingdoms ara

+ frgs

41.512. 4Q204 Enoch arc pub. Milik, Enoch pl. XIV frg a

4Q530 Book of Giants arb

4Q533 Book of Giants or Pseudo Enoch ar

4Q543 Visions of Amram ara

4Q545 Visions of Amram arc

4Q548 Aramaic R

4Q550 Story Set at Persian Court ar

4Q552 Four Kingdoms ara

4Q555 New Jerusalem arb

4Q571 Aramaic V 

+ frgs

41.520. 4Q56 Isab 51:16, 51:2. 48:17-21//49:1-2,4-6; 53:8-54:2 frgs 7*,11*,28,32*,35,36,38,40

4Q57 Isac frg 18

4Q58 Isad frgs 1*,2-6*,7,8*,10-12*,13

4Q61 Isag frg 4

4Q64 Isak frg 2

4Q525 Wisdom text with Beatitudes

4QM126a Unid frg

41.590. 4Q86 Psd

4Q114 Danc

4Q174 Flor DJD 5 pl. XX frg 11

4Q178 Catenaa DJD 5 pl. XXV frg 13*

4Q242 Prayer of Nabonidus ar

4Q244 psDan arb

4Q292 Work Containing Prayers

4Q293 Work Containing Prayers

4Q375 Moses Apoc 2A

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXVII frg 63*

4Q550 Story Set at Persian Court ar

4Q554 New Jer ara

4Q561 Physiognomic Text ar

+ frgs

41.591. 4Q27 Numb

4Q29 Deutb

4Q85 Psc

4Q174 Flor DJD 5 pl. XIX frg 1*

4Q201 Enoch ara Milik, BE pl. I frg b

4Q204 Enoch arc unpub.

4Q209 Enastr arb BE pl. XXVII frg 6*

4Q266 Da

4Q306 “The men of the people who erred…”

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. VII frg 13B*; pl. VIII frg 18

4Q542 Testament of Qahat ar

4Q552 Four Kingdoms ara

41.595. 4Q50 Judgb

4Q167 pHosb DJD 5 pl. X frg 3

4Q198 Tob arc

4Q515 Frgs DJD 7 pl. LXXV frg 21

4Q518 Frgs DJD 7 pl. LXXVIII frg 38

4Q548 Visions of Amram? ar

+ frgs

41.676. 4Q521 On Resurrection

41.677. 4Q443 Prayer

4Q504 DibHama DJD 7 pl. L frgs 1,2*; pl. LII frg 3 

4Q541 Aharonique ara

4Q544 Visions of Amram arb

4Q562 Aramaic D 

+ frgs

41.678. 4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LVIII frg 3*; pl. LX frg 18; pl. LXII frgs 35,37; pl. LXIII frg 42* 

4Q525 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes

4Q531 Book of Giants arc

+ 4 frgs

41.679. 4Q213 TLevi ara

4Q251 Halakah A

4Q254 pGenc

4Q263 Si

4Q288 Bc

4Q390 Pseudo Mosese

+ frgs

41.788. 4Q410 Sap. Work

4Q439 Work Sim. to Barki Nafshi (2 frgs bott lft)

4Q473 Sap. Work

4Q525 Wisdom Work with Beatitudes (top lft 4 frgs)

+ frgs

41.809. 4Q161 pIsaa DJD 5 pl. IV frg 6

4Q167 pHosb DJD 5 pl. XI frg 38*

4Q172 pUnid DJD 5 pl. XVIII frgs 4,5

4Q215 TNaph (top) 

4Q534 Elect of God ar

label: 4QWisdome

+ many others

41.821. 4Q372 Joseph Apocb bottom right

4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. VI frg 6*; pl. VII frgs 7C,12; pl. XI frg 40; pl. XII frg 67

4Q414 Baptismal Liturgy

4Q433 Hodayot-Like frag

4Q548 Visions of Amram? ar

+ frgs

41.888. 4Q84 Psb 

4Q126 or 4Q127 Greek

4Q418 Sap Work I A

4Q540 Aharonique? A ar

4Q541 Aharonique ara

+ frgs

41.890. 4Q1 Gen-Exoda Exod 3:13-19//13:8+ 4:3-7//5:5-14 DJD Pentateuch (forthcoming) frg 5*

4Q6 Genf DJD Pentateuch (forthcoming) frg 1*

4Q27 Numb

4Q538 Judah ar

4Q547 Visions of Amram are

4Q563 Aramaic E 

+ II Sam 18:12 

41.892. 4Q56 Isab 

4Q57 Isac frg 27

4Q174 Flor DJD 5 pl. XX frg 9

4Q182 Catenab DJD 5 pl. XXVII frg 1 (upper right)

4Q377 Thora-like text

4Q548 Visions of Amram ar?

+ frgs

41.917. 4Q470 Zedekiah

4Q525 Sy39 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes (bott. rght)          

4Q534 Sy50-51 Elect of God ar (top) 

4Q541 Sy12 Aharonique ara (bott.lft)  

+ tiny frg

41.938. 4Q541 Sy12 Aharonique ara 

4Q574 Aramaic Y

41.940. 4Q554 Sy22-24 New Jerusalem ara  

41.941. 4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXI frg 25*

4Q530 Sy2 Book of Giants arb (bott rght) 

4Q531 Sy4 Book of Giants arc (upper lft)  

4Q534 Sy 50 Elect of God ar (bott rght cent) 

4Q545 Sy 9 Vision of Amram arc (lower lft to upper rgt)

4Q555 Sy 57 New Jerusalem arb 

4Q562 Sy 54B Aramaic D (lft cent) 

+ frgs

41.944. 4Q205 Enoch ard pub. Milik, Enoch pl. XVII frg b

4Q523 Sy49B Hebrew B (center)

4Q531 Book of Giants arc

4Q541 Aharonique ara

4Q551 Sy18 DanSuz? ar pub (center left)

4Q557 Sy29A Vision of Qahat ar (upper left)

4Q561 Physiognomic Text ar

4Q564 Aramaic F

+ frgs

41.945. 4Q157 tgJob DJD 6 pl. XXVIII frg 1

4Q199 Tob ard

4Q214 TLevi arb

4Q532 Sy5 Book of Giants ard  (upper left)

4Q536 Sy54A Book of Noah ard (bottom middle)

4Q538 Sy8 Judah ar (lower left)

4Q569 Aramaic L

+ frgs

41.946. 4Q156 tgLev pub. Milik DJD 6 pl. XXVIII frg 2 

4Q404 ShirShabbe SSS pl. V frg 8

4Q526 Hebrew C

4Q546 Visions of Amram ard

4Q553 Sy20 Four Kingdoms arb (lower left)

4Q554 Sy23-24 New Jerusalem ara upper left

4Q572 Aramaic W

4Q573 Aramaic X

+ frgs

41.947. 4Q511 Shirb DJD 7  pl. LVII frg 2*; pl. LIX frg 8*; pl. LX frgs 15*,16*; pl. LXI frgs 26*,27; pl. LXII frg 41; pl. LXIII frgs 42*,43; pl. LXVII frg 65*; pl. LXVIII frgs 65,68,81,85; pl. LXIX frgs 96,109; pl. LXX frgs 121, 128,133

4Q527 Hebrew Frg D

41.948. 4Q170 pZeph DJD 5 pl. XIV frg 1*

4Q371 Joseph Apoca 

4Q521 On Resurrection

4Q522 Sy16 Work with place names (bottom) 

4Q524 Halachic text

4Q547 Visions of Amram are

+ frgs

41.949. 4Q27 Numb  

4Q525 Sy39 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes

4Q531 Book of Giants arc

41.950. 4Q88 Psf Hymn to Zion (left side) pub.

4Q474 Misc. Sap. Work (upper middle)

4Q508 Prfetesb DJD 7 pl. LIV frg 41

4Q513 Ordb DJD 7 pl. LXXII frgs 1-6,10-13*,14*,15; pl. LXXIII frgs 16-26,28,35,36 (right side)

41.951. 4Q481a Fragment

4Q504 DibHama DJD 7 pl. LIII frg 18; pl. LII frg 3*

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LIX frg 10* (upper rght) 

4Q537 Jacob ar

4Q556 Vision? ar

+ frgs

41.952. 4Q156 tgLev DJD 6 pl. XXVIII frg 1

4Q204 En arc BE pl. XIII frg m

4Q211 Enastr ard BE pl. XXIX cols. i-ii

4Q244 psDan arb

4Q543 Visions of Amram ara

4Q550 Story Set at Persian Court ar (left middle and bottom right

+ frgs

41.954. 4Q537 Sy25 Jacob ar bottom center

4Q546 Sy14 Visions of Amram ard upper left

4Q548 Sy53 Vision of Amram? ar (upper right)

4Q554 New Jerusalem ara one frg upper lft

4Q560 Sy 36 Proverbs? ar

4Q561 Sy52 Physiognomic Text including Aramaic trans. of Horoscope

+ frgs

41.955. 4Q451 Prayers

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXVIII frgs 69,71,73*,74,83,86,91; pl. LXIX frgs 95,97,120; pl. LXX frg 136; pl. LXXI frgs 172,181

4Q513 Ordb DJD 7 pl. LXXIII frg 31

4Q537 Jacob ar 

41.956. 4Q211 Enastr ard pub. Milik, BE pl. XXIX frg iii

4Q531 Sy3 Book of Giants arc upper right

4Q534 Elect of God ar

4Q536 Birth of Noah ard

4Q544 Sy11 Visions of Amram arb top center

4Q549 Sy15 Mention of Hur and Miriam ar (center right)

4Q550 Sy17B Story Set at Persian Court ar bottom left

4Q552 Four Kingdoms ara

4Q567 Aramaic I

+ frgs

41.966. 4Q82 XIIg Micha + Jonah upper rght hand corn. 

4Q414 Baptismal Liturgy

4Q421 Sap Work IVb

4Q537 Jacob ar

4Q552 Four Kingdoms ara

+ frgs

41.989. 4QM130A pap non literary frgs bottom right 

4Q330 papCalendars H

4Q391 papPsEzeke left side

4Q478 papHeb frg (rght cent.)

4Q485 papProph DJD 7 pl. II frg 3

4Q486 papSapa DJD 7 pl. I one frg 

4Q559 papWork in Biblical Chronology

+ pap frgs 

42.014. 4Q22 paleoExodm (top)

4Q529 Sy1 Words of Michael (lft corner)

+ misc. square and paleoHeb frgs

42.028. 4Q53 Samc p. 4 frg 11*

4Q90 Psh

4Q91 Psj top right frgs a-f,h

4Q103 Provb bottom center

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXII frg 38*; pl. LXI frg 22

4Q513 Ordb DJD 7 pl. LXXIII frg 32

4Q530 Book of Giants arb

4Q531 Book of Giants arc

4Q547 Visions of Amram are

4Q553 4 Kingdoms arb

+ frgs

42.030. 4Q172 pUnid DJD 5 pl. XVIII frg 10

4Q469 One MS

4Q531 Book of Giants arc (top row)

4QM Unid F (center)

+ frgs (OL: 4QUnid 1)

42.031. 4Q549 Mention of Hur and Miriam ar (bottom rght corner)

+ frgs (OL: 4QUnid 2)

42.032. 4Q531 Book of Giants arc (left edge)

+ frgs (OL: 4QUnid 3)

42.033. 4Q504 DibHama DJD 7 pl. LIII frg 14

4Q541 Aharonique ara one frg bottom left

+ frgs (OL: 4QUnid 4)

42.069. 4Q163 pappIsac DJD 5 frgs 27,31

4Q196 papToba

4Q217 papJubb

4Q330 M95a papMish H

4QM130 Unid. pap. frgs (non lit.)

4Q482 papJub? DJD 7 pl. I frgs 4-6

4Q484 papJud? DJD 7 pl. I frg 8

4Q498 papHymSap DJD 7 pl. XXVI frg 1

4Q500 papBen DJD 7 pl. XXVII frg 4

4Q502 papRitMar DJD 7 pl. XXXII frg 119

4Q509 PrFetesc DJD 7 pl. XXI frgs 198,205

4Q517 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXVI frg 18

4Q558 papVision arb 

+ frgs (OL: 4QPap Unid. 9)

42.074. 4Q196 papTob ara

4Q483 papGen or papJub? DJD 7 pl. I frg 1*

4Q489 papApocar DJD 7 pl. II frg 1

4Q515 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXV frg 3

4Q518 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXVIII frgs 43,44

4Q519 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXIX frgs 11,13,23,50

4Q559 Work in Bib. Chronology ar (upper right)

+ frgs

42.075. 4Q558 Sy26 papVision arb

42.076. 4Q484 papJud? DJD 7 pl. I frg 9

4Q558 papVision arb

42.077. 4Q558 Sy26 papVision arb 

42.079. 4Q513 Ordb  DJD 7 pl. LXXIII frgs 30,38,41

4Q528 Sy 4C Hebrew Fragment E

4Q531 Sy4 Book of Giants arc

4Q543 Sy10A Visions of Amram ara

4Q545 Visions of Amram arc

4Q560 Sy 36 Proverbs ar

4Q568 Sy55B Aramaic K

+ frgs

42.081. 4Q523 Hebrew B

4Q538 Judah ar

4Q539 Joseph ar

4Q548 Vision of Amram? ar

4Q550 Story Set at Persian Court ar

4Q555 New Jerus arb

4Q557 Vision of Qahat ar

4Q560 Proverbs? ar

4Q565 Aramaic G

4Q567 Aramaic I

4Q570 Aramaic R

+ misc. frgs (cf. 43.610)

42.082. 4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXX frg 134

4Q543 Visions of Amram ara

+ frgs

42.435. 4Q513 Ordb DJD 7 pl. LXXII frg 8

4Q534 Sy50 Elect of God ar

42.436. 4Q203 Enoch Giants ara pub. Milik BE pl. XXXI frg 7ii; pl. XXX frgs 2,3; pl. XXXII frgs 8,11,12

4Q204 Enoch arc BE pl. XV frg g; pl. XIII frg m

4Q544 Sy11 Visions of Amram arb frgs 1*,2 (right)

+ frgs (left) 

42.438. 4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LVIII frg 3*; pl. LX frg 12; pl. LXI frgs 19*,20*; pl. LXVIII frg 87; pl. LXIX frgs 111*,114,117; pl. LXX frgs 130,133,144; pl. LXXI frg 178 

4Q561 Physiognomic Text ar

4Q575 Aramaic Z

 + frgs

42.439. 4Q365 Pent Parb center

4Q504 DibHama DJD 7 pl. L frg 2*; pl. LII frg 6*; pl. LIII frgs 8,21,22,24,25 bottom left

4Q513 Ordb DJD 7 pl. LXXII frgs 9*,13*,14*; pl. LXXIII frgs 27,33

4Q522 Work with Place Names

4Q524 Halachic Text

4Q530 Book of Giants arb

4Q546 Visions of Amram ard 

4Q550 Story Set at Persian Court ar

4Q554 New Jer ara

+ frgs

42.440. 4Q203 Enoch Giants ara BE pl. XXX frgs 4,6

4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXXI frg 191

4Q531 Sy3 Book of Giants arc

4Q533 Book of Giants or Pseudo Enoch? ar

4Q543 Sy10A Visions of Amram ara

4Q547 Sy7 Visions of Amram are

+ frgs

42.441. 4Q502 papRitMar DJD 7 pl. XXXXII frg 120

4Q508 PrFetesb DJD 7 pl. LIV frgs 3-5*,8,9,13*-15, 18,32,33

4Q514 Ordc DJD 7 pl. LXXIV frgs 1-2 bott. rght

4Q522 Work with Place Names  (upper right)

4Q525 Sy39B Wisdom Text with Beatitudes

4Q562 Aram D (bottom left) 

+ frgs

42.442. 4Q365 Pent Parb 

4Q541 Sy13 Aharoniquea

4Q542 Sy7B TQahat ar middle

4Q546 Sy14 Visions of Amram ard

4Q553 Sy20 Four Kingdoms arb  lower lft hand corner


42.443. 4Q371 Joseph Apoca  Sy49e 

4Q539 Sy55B Joseph ar

4Q550 Sy17B Story Set at Persian Court ar

4Q551 Sy18 DanSuz.? ar

4Q563 Sy56A Aram E

4Q575 Sy56 Aram Z

+ frgs

42.495. 4Q531 Sy4 Book of Giants arc

4Q562 Sy54B Aram D

4Q563 Sy55A Aram E

+ frgs

42.496. 4Q530 Sy2 Book of Giants arb

42.511. 4Q434 Barki Nafshia

4Q451 Prayers

4Q452 Prayers

4Q481a Frg

4Q507 PrFetesa DJD 7 pl. XVIIII frgs 2,4

4Q525 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes

+ frgs

42.600. 4Q542 Sy7B Test. Qahat ar

42.859. 4Q434 Barki Nafshia

4Q547 Visions of Amram are

+ 3 frgs

42.908. 4Q427 Hodayota 

4Q436 Barki Nafshic

4Q451 Prayers

4Q460 Pseudepigraphic work

4Q525 Wisdom text with Beatitudes 

4QM Unid Frg C (cf. 43.399)

+ frgs

43.564. 4Q554 Sy22 New Jerusalem ara  pl. 319

43.565. 4Q542 Sy7B Test. Qahat ar  pl. 193

43.566. 4Q545 Sy9 Visions of Amram ara  pl. ?

43.567. 4Q547 Sy7 Visions of Amram are  pl. 144

43.568. 4Q530 Sy2 Book of Giants arb  

43.569. 4Q531 Sy3 Book of Giants arc  pl. 328

43.570. 4Q531 Sy4 Book of Giants arc 

43.571. 4Q544 Sy11 Visions of Amram arb pl. 431, frgs 2,3, and part of 2 pub. RB 1972 pl. I Milik

43.572. 4Q529 Sy1 Words of Michael to Angels ar (Top) 

4Q535 Sy4B Birth of Noah arc pl. 348 (Bottom) 

43.573. 4Q532 Sy5 Book of Giants ard  pl. 148 (Top) 

4Q538 Sy8 Judah ar  pl. 450 (Bottom) 

43.574. 4Q549 Sy15 Mention of Hur and Miriam pl. 447 (Top) 

4Q556 Sy2B Vision ar  pl. 446 (Bottom) 

4Q560 Sy36 Proverbs? ar  pl. 445 (Middle) 

43.575. 4Q526 Sy49C Hebrew Frg C  pl. 252 (bottom) 

4Q527 Sy49C Hebrew Frg D  pl. 252

4Q528 Sy49C Hebrew Frg E  pl. 252

4Q536 Sy54A Birth of Noah ard pl. 451 (top) 

43.576. 4Q552 Sy19 Four Kingdoms ara  pl. 278

43.577. 4Q543 Sy10a Visions of Amram ara  pl. 347

43.578. 4Q543 Sy10b Visions of Amram ara pl. 343

43.579. 4Q553 Sy20 Four Kingdoms arb  pl. 353

43.580. 4Q558 Sy26 papVision arb  pl. 448

43.581. 4Q558 Sy27 pap Vision arb  pl. 452

43.582. 4Q558 Sy28b papVision arb  pl. 440

43.583. 4Q558 Sy28a pap Vision arb  pl. 449

43.584. 4Q550 Sy17B Story Set at Persian Court ar 

43.585. 4Q550 Sy17 Story Set at Persian Court ar  pl.426

43.586. 4Q546 Sy14 Visions of Amram ard pl. 434

43.587. 4Q541 Sy13 Aharonique ara pl. 147

43.588. 4Q541 Sy12 Aharonique ara pl. 149

43.589. 4Q554 Sy23-24 New Jerusalem ara  pl. 318

43.590. 4Q534 Sy50-51 Elect of God ar (overlap with 43.591)

43.591. 4Q534 Sy50-51 Elect of God ar (overlap with 43.590)

43.592. 4Q562 Sy54B Aram D pl. 147 (bottom) 

        4Q563 Sy55a Aram E pl. 159 (top) 

43.593. 4Q539 Sy55b Joseph ar pl. 433  

4Q564 Sy55b Aram MS F pl. 433  

4Q565 Sy55b Aram MS G pl. 433  

4Q566 Sy55b Aram MS H pl. 433  

4Q567 Sy55b Aram MS I pl. 433  

4Q568 Sy55b Aram MS K pl. 433  

4Q569 Sy55b Aram MS L pl. 433  

43.594. 4Q523 Sy49B Hebrew B pl. 288 (bottom) 

4Q551 Sy18 DanSuz.? ar (top) 

4Q555 Sy57 New Jerusalem arb  pl. 205 (rght midd.) 

4Q557 Sy29A Vision of Qahat ar  pl. 313 (lft midd.)

43.595. 4Q525 Sy39 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes pl. 424

43.596. 4Q525 Sy39B Wisdom Text with Beatitudes pl. 432

43.597. 4Q548 Sy53 Visions of Amram? ar pl. 427

43.598. 4Q561 Sy52 Physiognomic Text including Aram. trans. of Horoscope 4Q186 pl. 439

43.599. 4Q537 Sy25 Jacob ara pl. 260

43.600. 4Q525 Sy38 Wisdom Work with Beatitudes pl. 423

43.601. 4Q533 Sy53B Book of Giants or Pseudo Enoch ar  pl. 428

43.602. 4Q560 Sy36 Proverbs? ar (top) pl. 445

4Q571-575 Sy56 Unid Aramaic frgs V,W,X,Y,Z (Bottom)      

43.603. 4Q88 Psf Sy40 Hymn to Zion pub by Starcky, RB 83 (1966) 353-371. pl. 436 (Bottom) 

4Q540 Sy13B Aharonique? A ar pl. 150 (Middle) 

4Q559 Sy30 papWork in Biblical Chronology ar pl. 438 (Top) 

43.604. 4Q521 Sy37 On Resurrection pl. 330

43.605. 4Q524 Sy48 Halachic text  pl. 320

43.606. 4Q522 Sy16 Work with Place Names pl. 425, partly pub. Starcky RQ 33 (9) pp.547-554

43.607. 4Q570 Sy55c Aram R pl. 429

43.610. 4Q555 Sy57 New Jerusalem arb 

4Q563 Aramaic E

+ misc. frgs

IV. Museum Plates at Rockefeller

144. 4Q547  Sy7 Visions of Amram are  43.567  10 frgs

147. 4Q541  Sy13 Aharonique ara 43.587   18 frgs

148. 4Q532  Sy5 Book of Giants ard  top of 43.573  7 frgs

149. 4Q541  Sy12 Aharonique ara  43.588  5 frgs

150. 4Q540  Sy13B Aharonique? A ar  midd. of 43.603 3 frgs

158. 4Q551  Sy18 DanSuz.? ar cf. 43.594 (missing)

159. 4Q563 Sy55A Aram E  top of 43.592   3 frgs

164. 4Q529 Sy1 Words of Michael ar  top of 43.572 one frg

192. 4Q545 Sy9 Visions of Amram arc 43.566

193. 4Q542 Sy7B Test. Qahat ar  43.565

204. 4QSy50-51 frg possibly top

4Q11 paleoGen-Exodl unused frgs bottom Skehan frgs on 43.072

205. 4Q555 Sy57  New Jerusalem arb 43.594, 43.610

252. 4Q526 Sy49C  Heb Frg C bottom of 43.575

4Q527 Sy 49C Heb Frg D        “

4Q528   ”    Heb Frg E        “

260. 4Q537 Sy25 Jacob ar 43.599

278. 4Q552 Sy19 Four Kingdoms ara   43.576           

288. 4Q523 Sy49B Heb Frg B  bottom of 43.594

313. 4Q557 Sy29A Vision of Qahat ar  2 frgs  43.594       

318. 4Q554 Sy23-24 New Jerusalem ara   43.589  10 frgs     

319. 4Q554 Sy22 New Jerusalem ara  43.564 frgs

320. 4Q524 Sy48 Halachic text 43.605              

328. 4Q531 Sy3 Book of Giants arc  43.569 16 frgs             

330. 4Q521 Sy37 On Resurrection  43.604

342. 4Q531 Sy4 Book of Giants arc  43.570

343. 4Q543 Sy10B Visions of Amram ara  43.578 c. 30 frgs

347. 4Q543 Sy10A Visions of Amram ara   43.577 12 frgs

348. 4Q535 Sy4B Birth of Noah arc bottom of 43.572  7 frgs       

353. 4Q553 Sy20 The 4 Kingdoms arb   43.579  16 frgs

423. 4Q525 Sy38 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes  43.600

424. 4Q525 Sy39 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes  43.595               

425. 4Q522 Sy16 Work with Place Names 43.606 par. pub. Puech 

426. 4Q550 Sy17 Story Set at Persian Court ar   43.585 14 frgs

427. 4Q548 Sy53 Visions of Amram? ar 43.597  20+ frgs             

428. 4Q533 Sy53B Book of Giants or Pseudo Enoch? ar  43.601 13 frgs        

429. 4Q570 Sy55c Aram R 43.607   44 frgs           

430. 4Q550 Sy17B Story Set at Persian Court ar  43.584

     7 frgs        

431. 4Q544 Sy11 Visions of Amram arb partly pub. in RB LXXIX 1972 frgs 2,3 pl. 1 Milik  +  2 frgs  43.571           

432. 4Q525 Sy39B Wisdom Text with Beatitudes 43.596   

433. 4Q539 Sy55b Jacob ar 43.593  

4Q564 Sy55b Aram MS F 43.593  

4Q565 Sy55b Aram MS G 43.593  

4Q566 Sy55b Aram MS H 43.593  

4Q567 Sy55b Aram MS I 43.593  

4Q568 Sy55b Aram MS K 43.593  

4Q569 Sy55b Aram MS L 43.593  

Total: 15 frgs          

434. 4Q546 Sy14 Visions of Amram ard 43.586  27 frgs      

435. 4Q571 Sy56 Unid Aram Fragment  V  43.602

4Q572 Sy56 Unid Aram Fragment  W  43.602

4Q573 Sy56 Unid Aram Fragment  X  43.602

4Q574 Sy56 Unid Aram Fragment  Y  43.602

4Q575 Sy56 Unid Aram Fragment  Z  43.602

437. 4Q530 Sy2 Book of Giants arb (mention of Gilgamesh) 43.568 17 frgs

438. 4Q559 Sy30 Work in Bib. Chronology ar  43.603  10 frgs     

439. 4Q561 Sy52 Physiognomic Text Including Aram. Trans. of

Horoscope 4Q186   12 frgs   43.598

440. 4Q558 Sy28b papVision arb  43.582 + 70 frgs 

445. 4Q560 Sy36 Proverbs? ar  43.602  2 frgs 

446. 4Q556 Sy2B Vision ar  bottom of 43.574  6 frgs

447. 4Q549 Sy15 Mention of Hur and Miriam ar  top of 43.574 

2 frgs

448. 4Q558 Sy26 papVision arb  43.580   27 frgs       

449. 4Q558 Sy28a papVision arb  43.583  21 frgs    

450. 4Q538 Sy8 Judah ar  bott. 43.573  4 frgs

451. 4Q536 Sy54A Birth of Noah ard 43.575  3 frgs          

452. 4Q558 Sy27 papVision arb  43.581  24 frgs

1006. 4Q534 Sy50-51 Elect of God ar pub. by Starcky 43.590-43.591