Museum Plates

List of museum plates and contents

Table of Contents

1.    4Q502 papRitMar 12 frgs DJD 7 pl. XXX frgs 3,9,13,15,16;  pl. XXIX frgs 18,19*,20-24

2.    4Q502 papRitMar 13 frgs DJD 7 pl. XXX frgs 1,2*,4-8,10-12; pl. XXIX frgs 14,25,26.

3.    4Q502 papRitMar = pl. XXI DJD 7 frgs 27-93  disarray of frgs.

4.    4Q502 papRitMar (disarray) DJD 7 pl. XXXIII over 90 frgs

5.    4Q502 papRitMar = pl. XXXII in DJD 7 frgs 94-153

6.    4Q502 papRitMar = pl. XXXIV in DJD 7 frgs 251-344.

7.    4QBaillet pap. frgs unpub 2  over 100 frgs.

8.    4QBaillet pap. frgs unpub 3  over 100 frgs.

9.    4Q487 papSapb = pl. III DJD 7 frgs 1-16.

10.   4Q487 papSapb = pl. IV DJD 7  frgs 17-53

11.   4Q500 papBen  7 frgs DJD 7 pl. XXVII frgs 1-7

12.   4Q498 papHymSap DJD 7 pl. XXVII frgs 1-15

13.   4Q482 papJub? DJD 7 pl. 1 frgs 1-8

4Q483 papGen or Jub? DJD 7 pl. 1 frgs 1-2

4Q485 papProph DJD 7 pl. II frgs 1-5  43.637

4Q486 papSapa DJD 7 pl. 1 one frg

14.   4Q515 Group with small writing DJD 7 pl. LXXV frgs 1-23

15.   4Q484 papJud? DJD 7 pl. I frgs 1-7,9-15,17-20  

4Q488 papApar 6 frgs DJD 7 pl. II frgs 1-6

4Q489 papApocar DJD 7 pl. II frgs 1-7

4Q490 papGroup of frgs? DJD 7 pl. II frgs 1-4,6,9-16 plate in disarray.

16.   4Q509 papPrFetesc = pl. XXI DJD 7 frgs 183-224

17.   4Q509 papPrFetesc = pl. XXII DJD 7 frgs 225-313

18.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.686

19.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.671

20.   RECTO: 4Q505 papDibHamb DJD 7 pl. XXIII frgs 121-129

4Q509 papPrFetesc DJD 7 pl. XIII frg 28

VERSO: 4Q496 papMf DJD 7 pl. XIV frg 28; pl. XXIV frgs 121-123

4Q506 papDibHamc DJD 7 pl. XXIV frgs 124-129

21.   RECTO: 4Q509 papPrFetesc = DJD 7 pl. IX frgs 1-7

VERSO: 4Q496 papMf = pl. X DJD 7 frgs 1-7

22.   RECTO: 4Q509 papPrFetesc = pl. XI DJD 7 frgs 8-16

VERSO: 4Q496 papMf = pl. XII DJD 7 frgs 8-16

23.   RECTO: 4Q509 papPrFetesc = DJD 7 pl. XIII frgs 17-47

VERSO: 4Q496 papMf = DJD 7 pl. XIV frgs 17-47

24.   RECTO: 4Q509 papPrFetesc DJD 7 pl. XVI frgs 48-96 + frg 5th row   

VERSO: 4Q496 papMf DJD 7 pl. XVI frgs 48-96 + frg

25.   RECTO: 4Q509 papPrFetesc DJD 7 pl. XVII frgs 97-104,106-130,131*-142

VERSO: 4Q506 papDibHamc DJD 7 pl. XVIII frgs 131-142

4Q496 papMf DJD 7 pl. XVIII frgs 97-104,106-119

26.   RECTO: 4Q509 papPrFetesc DJD 7 pl. XVII frgs 143-182; pl. XVII frg 131*

VERSO: 4Q506 papDibHamc DJD 7 pl. XX frgs 143-182; pl. XVIII frg 131*

27.   4Qpap frgs Baillet unpub. 4  Bt 67  over 100 frgs

28.   RECTO: 4Q499 papHymnPr = DJD 7 pl. XXV frgs 1-54

VERSO: 4Q497 papMg? = pl XXVI DJD 7 frgs 1-54

29.   6QX3  6Q18 unpublished frg.

30.   4Q504 DibHama DJD 7 pl. XLIX Verso of frg 8; pl. LIII frgs 8-49 43.626

31.   RECTO: 4Q517 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXVI most of frgs 1-42 here 

4Q518 DJD 7 pl. LXXVIII Recto of 1,2,31, + frgs.

VERSO: most uninscribed, DJD 7 pl. LXXIX Verso frgs 1,2,31.

32.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.670.

33.   4Q517 pap? = pl. LXXVII DJD 7 frgs 43-87

34.   RECTO: 4Q518 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXVII 65 frgs

VERSO: 4Q519 pap? DJD 7 pl. LXXIX

35.   4Q520 pap?  DJD 7 pl. LXXX frgs 1-5,7-45

36.   4Qpap frgs Bt 64 non pub 1 over 100 frgs

37.   4Qpap frgs Bt 68 non pub 5  about 40 frgs

38.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.661

39.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.674

40.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.667

41.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.694

42.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.700

43.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.695

44.   4QUnid. frgs–missing

45.   Tiny box with pieces of leather?

46.   4Q  Note–CAVE FOUR PURCHASE–10 pieces, reef knot, sewn seams, thongs, small leather pieces–see DJD 6 pl. V c

47.   4Q 2 reinforcing tabs + pieces of leather DJD 6 pl. V

48.   4QUnid. frgs–missing

49.   label: 4Qblancs scroll with stick, tiny leather pieces–two photos,   cf. 41.964

50.   5QX1 Blancs leather pieces, mostly very fragmentary

51.   4QUnsorted 28  leather chunks

52.   4Q Papyrus and leather frgs., one photo with letters

53.   H. de Mird (found among 4Qff) papyrus, leather, Greek +?

54.   4QUnid 30, leather chunks

55.   pieces of leather, cloth, small photo, leather thongs

56.   8QX1 Reinforcing tabs, see photo in DJD 6 pl. V a

57.   8QX2 thongs, reinforcing tabs and a triangular tab DJD 6, pl. V d

58.   8QX3 thongs (loosely within glass plates) DJD 6 pl. V b

59.   4Q reinforcing tabs, thongs, etc. DJD 6 pl. V c

60.   4Q Parchment thongs, tabs, knot  DJD 6 pl. V c

61.   11Q11 ApPsa (Shrine?) columns 1-4

62.   2Q16 Missing at Rockefeller possibly at Shrine of Book Ruth 2-4 (Shrine?)

63.   8HevXIIgr DJD 8 204603    Tov

64.   Mur 88 XII (Shrine?) DJD 2

65.   Mur 88 XII (Shrine?) DJD 2

66-67 Missing

68.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.698

69.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.696

70.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.690

71.   4QUnid. frgs. cf. 43.680

72.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.665

73.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.682

74.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.676

75.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.673

76.   4QUnid. frgs. cf. 43.685

77.   4QUnid. frgs. cf. 43.701

78.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.678

79.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.668

80.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.664

81.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.688

82.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.669

83.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.688

84.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.692

85.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.684

86.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.675

87.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.683

88.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.666

89.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.693

90.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.689

91.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.692

92.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.660

93.   4QUnid. frgs gf. 43.667

94.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.697

95.   4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.699

96.   4QUnid. frgs. cf. 43.691

97.   5Q1 Deut DJD 3 pl. XXXVI col. I, most of II part of frg 1, and other tiny frgs, crumbling

98.   5Q2 Kings DJD 3 pl. XXXVI most of frg  c but quite decomposed

5Q5 Ps 119 DJD 3 pl. XXXVII part of frg 1, most of frg 2 part of II,  crumbling, bad shape

99.   5Q3 Isaiah DJD 3 (Shrine?)

100.  5Q4-5Q8 DJD 3 (Shrine?)

101.  5Q11 Rule of Community DJD 3 pl. XXXVIII frg 1

5Q14 Writing containing maledictions DJD 3 pl. XL frg 1

5Q16 Non characterized groups DJD 3 pl. XLI frgs 2,3*,5

5Q22 Non characterized groups DJD 3 pl. XLII

+ frgs (based on photo–frgs are small, crumbling, and illegible, difficult to tell what is on them

New photo of museum plate 101: X84-3843 Israel Museum X84-3844 Israel Museum.

102.  5Q18-5Q22 Missing at Rockefeller possibly at Shrine of Book

103.  5Q15 Description of New Jerusalem DJD 3 pl. XL most pieces are here pl. XLI some pieces are here

104.  5Q5 Missing at Rockefeller possibly at Shrine of Book

105.  4Q262 M57 Serekh Hayyahadh 43.267

106.  4Q267 M69 Db 43.293

107.  4Q267 M70 Db

108.  4Q273 papDb 43.303

109.  4Q186 Cryptic (Horoscope) DJD 5 pl. XXXI frgs 1-3   43.438

110.  4QM82B Serek ms z 43.310 

111.  4Q276 M82A Teharot Bb 43.316

4Q278 Teharot C 43.316

112.  4QM115B Work in Crypt C M115B 43.387

113.  4Q254 M125 pGenc 43.233

114.  4QM125A Liturgical MS Of Angelogical Content

115.  4Q427 Hodayota 43.530

116.  4Q427 Hodayota  43.532

117.  4Q432 papHodayotf 43.519

118.  4Q432 papHodayotf 43.518

119.  Missing  MMTd?

120.  4Q384 papApocJerb 43.468

121A. 4Q397 Miqsat Maase Hatorad 43.476  cf. 190454

121B. 4Q397 MMTd  5 small frgs  206039

122A. 4Q375 Moses Apocryphon 2A cf. 43.359

122B. 4Q377 Thora-like Text cf. 43.372

123.  4Q424 SL61 Sap. Work II 43.502, 44.196,44.197 + MSS?

124.  4Q393 SL 26 Liturgical Work 44.196

125.  4Q388 PsEzekd 20 frgs 44.190, 43.504

126.  4Q392 Liturgical work   43.521

127.  4Q407 ShirShabbh 43.485 SSS  pl. XV frgs 1-2

4Q413 Sap. Work 43.499

128.  4Q476 Misc. Sapiential Work  43.548

129.  4Q471 War Text 

4Q471a Polemical Fragment

4Q471b Prayer of Michael

4Q472 Sapiential Text  43.551

130.  4Q157 Job Targum 3 frgs M4B DJD 6 

131.  4QPsHist A M40B (Patriarchal Stories) 43.248

4QPsHist B M40B (Patriarchal Stories) 43.248

132.  4Q197 M10 Tobit arb 43.180 7 frgs 

133.  4Q197 M11 Tobit arb 43.181 9 frgs

134.  4Q223 M22 papJubh 43.190

135.  4Q223 M23 papJubh 43.191

136.  4Q224 M24 Jubh 43.192

137.  4Q160 VisSam DJD 5  pl. III frgs 1-8* + 1 frg

43.434+44.191 (frg 8)

138.  4Q158 Bib Par DJD 5  pl. I frgs 1-15  43.424+44.191

139.  4Q183 Work DJD 5 pl. XXVI frgs 1-2 cf. 43.428

140.  4Q258 M52 Serekh Hayyahadd 43.244  6 frgs    

141.  4Q258 M53 Serekh Hayyahadd 11 frgs 43.246

142.  4Q205 En ard BE pl. XVI frgs a-e; pl. XVII frgs a-c  all pub. 43.206

143.  4Q207 En arf BE pl. XXI frg 1   all pub.

144.  4Q547  Sy7 Vision of Amram are 43.567  10 frgs

145.  4QMisc. frgs  Cross and Strugnell  Cf. 44.081 fragments newly identified

146.  4QMisc. Cross frgs  7 frgs   cf. 43.121

147.  4Q541  Sy13 Aharonique ara 43.587   18 frgs  

148.  4Q532  Sy5 Book of Giants ard top of 43.573  7 frgs

149.  4Q541  Sy12 Aharonique ara  43.588  5 frgs   

150.  4Q540  Sy13B Aharonique A ar? midd. of 43.603 3 frgs   

151.  4QExod?   Exod 1,10-11

152.  4Q71 Jerb 43.078  3 frgs

153.  4Q116 Dane 6 frgs top of 43.094

154.  4Q514 Ordc 4 frgs = DJD 7 pl LXXIV frgs 1-3  43.631

155.  4Q403 ShirShabbd SSS pl. IV frgs 1-3

4Q406 Shir Shabbg SSS pl. XV frgs 1-3

156.  4Q434 Barki Nafshia (Shrine of Book)

157A. 4Q397 MMTd  cf. 190453, 43.489

157B. 4Q398 papMMTe 43.489, 190448

157C. 4Q398 papMMTe 43.491, 190452

158.  4Q551 Sy18 DanSuz.? cf. 43.594 (missing)

159.  4Q563 Sy55A Aram E  top of 43.592   3 frgs

160.  4Q178 Fragments DJD 5  pl. XXV frgs 1-5,6*,7?,8-13

+ frg cf. 43.420

4Q182 Catenab DJD 5  pl. XXVI frgs 1-2  43.428

161.  4Q78 XIIc about 30 frgs 43.118

162.  4Q78 XIIc over 20 frgs cf. 43.112

163.  4Q462 Narrative 43.546

164.  4Q529  Sy1 Words of Michael to the Angels ar top of 43.572 one frg    

165.  4Q422 SL62A Sap. Work 43.520

166.  4Q422 SL62 Sap. Work 43.540

167.  4Q378 SL15A Pss of Joshuaa 43.193      

168.  4Q378 SL15 Pss of Joshuaa 43.547

169.  4Q1 Gen-Exoda 43.009  16+ frgs

170.  4Q37 Deutj C30A 43.051  10 frgs

171.  4Q37 Deutj cf. 43.053   19 frgs

172.  4Q37 Deutj cf. 43.054

173.  4Q131 Phylacteryd DJD 6 pl. XII

4Q132 Phylacterye DJD 6 pl. XIII

4Q133 Phylacteryf DJD 6 pl. XIV

4Q155 Mezuzag DJD 6 pl. XXV 

174.  4Q151 Mezc DJD 6 pl. XXVII  

4Q152 Mezd DJD 6 pl. XXVI

4Q153 Meze DJD 6 pl. XXVI

175.  4Q61 Isag 43.014

176.  4Q371 Joseph Apocryphona

177.  4Q255 M49 papSa Recto and Verso 43.254-43.255

178.  4Q42 Deuto 2 frgs 43.055

179.  4Q507 PrFetesa DJD 7 pl. XXVIII frgs 1-4 cf. 43.617

180.  4Q416 Sapiential Work Ib 43.524

181.  4Q416 SL53 Sap. Work Ib 43.511-43.512

182.  4Q274 M82A Purity Laws MS A 5 frgs 43.309

183.  4Q423 Sap. Work V = 1Q26 43.520,43.535

184.  4QM130 Non literary papyri 43.306

4Q347 papAct ar

4Q355 papAccount of money

4Q356 papAccount of money

4Q357 papAccount of money

4Q361 papDoodles

185.  4Q423 SL60 Sap. Work V = 1Q26 43.535, 43.520

186.  4Q449 Prayer

4Q450 Prayer

4Q451 Prayer

4Q452 Prayer

4Q453 Prayer

4Q454 Prayer

4Q455 Prayer

4Q456 Prayer

4Q479 Frg

4Q480 Frg

4Q481 Frg

cf. 43.543 and 43.562

187.  4Q395 MMTb 43.477 (placed with plate 336) 190451

188.  4Q203 En Giants ara  BE pl. XXXII frgs 9,10 all pub

4Q204 En arc BE pl. XIV frgs 4a and 5ia; pl. XV frg b

189.  4Q203 En Giants ara BE pl. XXX frg 6; pl. XXXII frg 8*;

4Q204 En arc BE pl. XII frg j; pl. XIII frgs k,l;  pl. XV frgs e-i.

+ 2 frgs  note: frgs at top of pl. 43.201 

190.  4Q321a M92 Mishmarot Bb 43.332   7 frgs     

191.  4Q204 En arc BE pl. XIII frg n

192.  4Q545 Sy9 Visions of Amram arc 43.566       

193.  4Q542 Sy7B Test. Qahat ar 43.565

194.  4Q444 prayer top left

4Q465 papLetter of Samson 43.560

4Q478 Pap. frg  43.560

4Q481a Elisha

4Q481b Frg

4Q481c Frg

4Q481d Frg

4Q481e Frg

+ frg from 43.501 formerly PsEzekc 4Q387 3rd row down on left

195.  4Q52 Samb 1 Sam 16:2-10 6 frgs, 1 Sam 23:9-14 largest frg, cf. 43.076

196.  4QUnid. frgs cf. 43.681,44.102

197.  4Q26 C15A Levd 43.036

198.  4Q26 Levd cf. 43.040 + paleo Hebrew

199.  4Q204 En arc BE pl. IX frgs a,b; pl. X frgs c,d + 2 frgs

200.  4Q204 En arc BE pl. XII frgs g-h,j;  pl. XIII frgs m,i*; 

pl. XI frg f

201.  4Q19 Exodh 43.012

4Q20 Exodj 42.603? crumbled frgs  

4Q21 Exodk   “

202.  4QM126A Unid. frgs 43.398

203.  4QX11 SL 81”’ Misc. frgs cf. 43.679

204.  4QSy50-51 frg possibly top

4Q11 paleoGen-Exodl unused frgs bottom (43.072)

205.  4Q555 Sy57 New Jer  arb 43.594, 43.610

206.  4Q52 Samb cf. 43.072 large piece missing

207.  4Q74 Ezeb 43.088

4Q75 Ezec 43.088

208.  4Qunid. frgs

209.  4Q246 M132 Apocalypse ar (formerly psDand) 43.326

210.  4Q150 DJD 6 pl. XXVI one frg

211.  4Q129 Phylb DJD 6 most of pl. IX recto and verso

4Q130 Phylc DJD 6 pl. X Recto, pl. XI verso

4Q139 Phyll DJD 6 pl. XXII

4Q142 Phylo DJD 6 pl. XXII Recto and Verso

212.  4Q135 Phylh DJD 6 pl. XVI 2 frgs  one missing

4Q141 Phyln DJD 6 pl. XXII

4Q144 Phylq DJD 6 pl. XXIII

4Q145 Phylr DJD 6 pl. XXIII

4Q146 Phyls DJD 6 pl. XXIII

213.  Mur 88 DJD 2 pl. LXI (Jonah 3:2-Micah 1:5)

214.  1Q A.F. 30 Linen Cloth  DJD 1 pl. VII no. 23

215.  4Q2 C2 Genb 43.004  

216.  X12 unid. (missing)

217.  X12 unid. (missing)

218.  MP Minor Prophets (?) (missing)

219.  4Q272 M76A Dg 43.302 20+ frgs

220.  4Q269 M75 Dd 43.300  12 frgs   

221.  4Q269 M75 Dd 43.301   14 frgs

222.  4Q288 Bc

4Q289 Bd

4Q291 Work Containing Prayers

4Q293 Work Containing Prayers

223.  4Q280 M76C Toharot Db  43.327   5 frgs for plate   

4Q292 M87C Work Containing Prayers 43.327

224.  4Q114 Danc frg 3, frgs 1+ 2 missing since June 1957 43.081 pub.

225.  4Q86 Psd 43.021

226.  4Q325 M93A Mishmarot D 43.333

227.  4Q212 En arg BE pl. XXI frg a; pl. XXII frg b all pub

228.  4Q212 En arg BE pl. XXII frg c; pl. XXIII frgs c,d; pl. XXIV frgs c all pub

229.  4Q210 Enastr arc 3 frgs BE pl. XXVIII 1ii; pl. XXX liii

230.  4Q222 M21 Jubileesg top of 43.189    

231.  4Q198 M12 Tobit arc 43.182

4Q199 Tobit ard 43.182

232.  4Q72 Jerc cols. 20-21 43.105

233.  4Q32 Deute 43.068

234.  4Q173  pPssb DJD 5  pl. XVIII frg 5   cf. 43.440

235.  4Q179 Lamentations DJD 5 pl. XXVI frgs 1-5 cf. 43.425

236.  4Q58 Isad 43.018

237.  4Q30 Deutc cf. 43.065

238.  4Q30 Deutc cf. 43.069

239.  4Q284 Serekh haniddot M83  Liturgical 43.310  15+ frgs    

240.  4Q324c M107 Mishmarot Cf 43.333   

241.  4Q324c M106 Mishmarot Cf 43.340  

242.  4Q15 Exodd C9 upper right hand corner of 43.012               

243.  4Q30 Deutc cf. 43.067

244.  4Q72 Jerc cols. 14-19 + frg 43.104

245.  4Q72 Jerc 43.101 cols. 22-23, 24-25

246.  4Q72 Jerc cols. 12,13, 11 43.103

247.  4Q245 M46A Ps Daniel arc 43.259  4 frgs   

248.  4Q242 M44 PrNab ar 2 frgs pub. by Milik frgs 3-4, this + 665

249.  4Q213 M41 TLevi ara  cf. 43.242

250.  4Q58 Isad 43.019

4Q64 Isak top right  43.019

251.  4Q263 M57A Serekh Hayyahadi 43.267

252.  4Q526 Sy49C  Heb Frg C bottom of 43.575

4Q527 Sy 49C Heb Frg D        “

4Q528   ”    Heb Frg E        “

253.  4Q408 SL 84 Sapiential

254.  4Q350 Account of Cereal gr Verso of frg of 4Q460 43.382

4Q459 Pseudepigraphic Work  

4Q460 Pseudepigraphic Work  43.542

255.  4Q40 Deutm 42.714

256.  4Q28 Deuta 43.102  one frg

257.  4Q366 Pentateuchal Paraphrasec

258.  4Q80 XIIe 43.110   28 frgs

259.  4Q438 Barki Nafshic  43.529

260.  4Q537 Sy25 Jacob ar 43.599

261.  4Q62 Isah 43.014

4Q66 Isam 43.014

4Q67 Isan 43.014

4Q68 Isao frg a only   43.014

4Q69 papIsap

262.  4Q59 Isae all  

4Q62 Isah frg g only 

4Q65 Isal all

263.  4Q87 Pse 43.028

264.  4Q369 Apoca top  43.357

4Q464 Apocb bottom 43.357   

265.  4Q121 LXX Num

4Q122 LXX Deut

4Q126 non-bibl. Gk leather

266.  4Q55 Isaa unpub  43.015

267.  4Q385 PsEzekiela

268.  4Q368 Thora-like Text 43.533

269.  4Q386 PsEzekb 43.493

270.  4Q385 SL22 PsEzeka frgs 2-3 RQ 1989  Strugnell, Dimant  43.503

271.  4Q23 Lev-Numa 42.747  7 frgs

272.  4Q23 Lev-Numa 43.039

273.  4Q6 Genf 42.727  3 frgs

274.  4Q385 PsEzeka 43.496

275.  4Q7 Geng 42.723

4Q8 Genh 42.723

276.  4Q426 Sap. Work IIb  43.541

277.  4Q177 Catenaa DJD 5 pl. XXIV frgs 1-4; pl. XXV frgs 12-15, 21,24,26,29 + tiny frgs cf. 44.186

278.  4Q552 Sy19 Four Kingdoms ara 43.576          

279.  4Q501 apLamb DJD 7 pl. XXVIII 43.617

280.  4Q510 Shira DJD 7 = pl. LV   43.618

281.  4Q174 Flor DJD 5 pl. XX frgs 4-20,22-24,26; pl. XIX frg 3 43.423

282.  4Q402 ShirShabbc SSS pl. III frgs 1-12  43.485

283.  4Q380 Apocryphal Psalms NCP pl. VIII frgs 1-7

284.  4Q492 Mb  = DJD 7 pl. VII  cf. 44.018

285.  4Q176 Tanhumim  DJD 5  pl. XXII one frg missing cf. 43.427

286.  4Q174 Flor DJD 5 pl. XIX frgs 1-2; pl. XX frg 21 cf. 43.440

287.  4Q184 Wiles DJD 5  pl. XXVIII frgs 3-6  cf. 43.432

288.  4Q523 Sy49B  Heb Frg B  bottom of 43.594

289.  4Q177 Catenaa DJD 5 pl. XXIV frgs 5-11,16,19,20, 23,25,28,30,32-34  cf. 44.178 

290.  4Q173 pPssb DJD 5  pl. XVIII frgs 1-4  cf. 43.440

291.  4Q164 pIsad DJD 5  pl. IX frgs 1-3  cf. 43.436

292.  4Q399 MMTf bottom

4Q409 Liturgy upper right          

4Q411 upper left

4Q412 middle

see 43.499 and 43.491

293.  4Q176 Tanhumim  DJD 5  pl. XXIII most frgs here cf. 43.435

294.  Missing

295.  4Q304 M124b Meditation on Creation 1a 43.397

4Q305 M124b Meditation on Creation 1b 43.397

4QM Sap Doc (bottom)

12 frgs on whole plate

296.  4Q76 XIIa 43.098, 206040

297.  4Q264 M57B Serekh Hayyahadj 43.267

298.  4Q508 PrFetesb DJD 7 pl. LIV   43.621

299.  4Q156 Targum of Leviticus DJD 6 pl. XXVIII frgs 1,2

300.  4Q219 M18 Jubileesd 43.187  12 frgs        

301.  4Q285 M48 Serek Ha-milhamah 43.325  10 frgs

302.  4Q324b M95A papMish Ce 2MSS?  43.335  16 papyrus frgs 

303.  4QM127A 16MSS 43.400

304.  4QM127 8MSS  43.399

4QMUnid A

4QMUnid D

4QMUnid E

4QMUnid F

4Q236 Ps 89 pub in RB

+ 3 frgs

305.  4Q49 Judga cf. 43.059  one frg

306.  4Q265 M79 Serekh Hayyahad and Dam Doc 43.306  12 frgs

307.  4Q265 M78 S & D 43.304  3 frgs       

308.  4Q265 M78A? Serekh Hayyahad and Dam. Doc. 43.305  10 frgs      

309.  4Q228  M40B Patriarchal Stories  43.232

310.  4Q513 Ordb = DJD 7 pl. LXXII 43.620,43.628

311.  4Q225 M39 Ps Jubileesa  43.251   4 frgs       

312.  4Q85 Psc 43.023

313.  4Q557 Sy29A Vision of Qahat ar 2 frgs  43.594      

314.  4Q76 XIIa 43.099  Jon 1:7-8, 1:16-2:1

315.  4Q513 Ordb = DJD 7 pl. LXXIII  43.620,43.628

316.  4Q25 Levc cf. 43.041

317.  4Q33 Deutf cf. 43.058   11 frgs            

318.  4Q554 Sy23-24 New Jerusalem ara 43.589  10 frgs    

319.  4Q554 Sy22 New Jerusalem ara 43.564 frgs

320.  4Q524 Sy48 Halachic  43.605             

321.  4Q417 SL51 Sap. Work Ic  43.538

322.  4Q33 Deutf cf. 43.062

323.  4Q31 Deutd 43.221    

4Q36 Deuti 43.221 

324.  4Q60  SN 28 Isaf 43.024

325.  4Q436 Barki Nafshic  

4Q437 Barki Nafshid

326.  4Q168 pMicah DJD 5 pl. XII frgs 1,3,4  cf. 43.419,43.429

327.  4Q435 Barki Nafshib  43.523 

328.  4Q531 Sy3  Book of Giants arc 43.569 16 frgs            

329.  4Q417 Sap. Work Ic 42.578

330.  4Q521 Sy37 Psalm on Resurrection  43.604

331.  4Q417 Sap. Work Ic 43.516, 43.517

332.  4Q561 Sy54b  Aram. Frg D  bott 43.592    11 frgs

333.  4Q302 papPraise of God and Parable of Tree M123 (Sapa) 43.396 18 frgs

334.  4Q439 Work Similar to Barki Nafshi  43.529 

335.  4Q394 MMTa 43.477  6 frgs  190451

336.  4Q394 MMT 43.492 (placed with plate 187) 190450-190451

337.  4Q372 Joseph Apocryphonb 43.356 + others

338.  4Q382 SL21′ pap Tehillot Haavot  43.466

339.  1Q8 Isab two fragments tagged Is 51:16, 51:2. 48:17-21//49:1-2,4-6; 53:8-54:2

340.  4Q382 SL7 papTehillot Haavot 43.467

341.  4Q370 SL28 Flood Apocryphon–RQ pub. cf. 43.369

342.  4Q531 Sy4 Book of Giants arc  43.570

343.  4Q543 Sy10B Vis. of Amram ara 43.578 c. 30 frgs

344.  4Q493 Mc DJD 7 pl. VIII  cf. 44.018

4Q494 Md DJD 7 pl. VIII  cf. 44.018

4Q495 Me DJD 7 pl. VIII  cf. 44.018

345.  4Q443 SL80a Prayer 43.539

346.  4Q340 Netinim M130A'(middle of 43.407)

4Q341 M130 List of proper names “Therapeia” 2 frgs

347.  4Q543 Sy10A Visions of Amram ara 43.577 12 frgs

348.  4Q535 Sy4B Birth of Noah arc bottom of 43.572  7 frgs      

349.  4Q389 PsMosd SL27  43.495

4Q389a Apoc Jere

350.  4Q303 M124 Meditation on Creation 1a 43.397 

4Q306 M124 “The men of the people who erred…” 43.397 

6 frgs on whole plate

351.  4Q382 papTehillot Haavot 43.464       

352.  4Q430 Hodd 43.531

353.  4Q553 Sy20 The 4 Kingdoms arb 43.579  16 frgs

354.  4Q167 pHosb DJD 5 pl. X frgs 1-3; pl. XI frgs 4-38 cf. 43.429,43.419

355.  4Q376 Liturgy of 3 Tongues of Fire bottom 43.478

4Q457 Misc. Nar. (top, Mythological)  43.478

356.  4Q302 papPraise of God and Parable of Tree M122 Sapa  43.395, Papyrus 5 frgs

357.  4Q271 M67 Df 43.279     

358.  4Q206 En are BE pl. XVIII frg d

359.  4Q206 En are BE pl. XVIII frgs a,c; pl. XIX frgs e-g; pl. XX frgs a,c;  Book of Giants (?) pl. XIX frgs 2,3

+ 2 frgs?

360.  4Q84 Psb same frgs on 43.032

361.  4Q221 M20 Jubileesf 43.188  22 frgs         

362.  4Q271 M68 Df 11 frgs   43.280

363.  4Q57 Isac 43.020

364.  4Q363 M115a Text in Crypt B  43.386

365.  4Q321 M89 Mishmarot Ba 43.329  15+ frgs        

366.  4Q260 M55 Serekh Hayyahadf 43.265  6 frgs      

367.  4Q363 M115 Text in Crypt B 43.387  11 frgs (top of photo)

368.  4Q215 M43 Testament of Naphtali  43.237  One frg    

369.  4Q211 Enastr ard BE pl. XXIX frgs i,ii*,iii     

370.  4Q214 Test of Levi arb 43.260 10 frgs

371.  4Q215 M43A Testament of Naphtali 43.245  7 frgs      

372.  4Q321 M88 Mishmarot Ba 43.328 3 frgs

373.  4Q268 M58 Dc 43.268  9 frgs

374-375.   4Q127 Sn50,50a papparaExodgr  (2 plates combined on one) 198980

376.  4Q120 papLXXLevb 225838

377.  4Q247 Apoc Weeks (bottom)

4Q339 M47A List of False Prophets (top) frgs  43.248

378.  4Q120 papLXXLevb 225839

379.  4Q120 papLXXLevb 225840

380.  4Q202 En arb BE pl. viii frgs t,u,w,x,y,z,t, a’-e’; pl. VI frgs a-h; pl. VII frgs j-l,n-s; pl. ix frgs f’,g’,h’

+ about 6 frgs     

381.  4Q287 M86 Berakhotb 43.314

382.  4Q57 Isac 43.022

383.  4Q84 Psb 43.032

384.  4Q216 M17 Jubileesa 43.186  5 frgs

385.  4Q216 M15-16 Jubileesa 43.185  14 frgs     

386.  4Q206 En are BE pl. XX frgs b,d;  pl. xxi frgs e,f    

387.  4Q57 Isac 43.029

388.  4Q112 Dana cf. 43.083

389.  4Q35 Deuth 42.711  13 frgs  

390.  4Q29 Deutb upper left cf. 43.064, 43.052  204599

4Q37 Deutj upper right

4Q39 Deutl bottom

391.  4Q1 Gen-Exoda 43.010

392.  4Q48 Joshb 43.061  6 frgs

393.  4Q3 Genc 7 frgs on bottom (only 5 frgs on plate), bottom of 42.725

4Q10 Genk on top, 43.008

394.  4Q112 Dana 43.080

395.  4Q11 paleoGen-Exodl cf. 42.803

396.  4Q16 Exode C10A, middle right of 43.012                 

397.  4Q1 Gen-Exoda 43.006

398.  4Q11 paleoGen-Exodl cf. 42.802

399.  4Q23 Lev-Numa 42.744   8 frgs

400.  4Q34 Deutg cf. 43.063

401.  4Q23 C17A Lev-Numa 43.034  17 frgs *42.746

402.  4Q11 paleo Gen-Exodl cf. 42.802

403.  4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LVI frgs 1-7

404.  4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LIX frgs 8-10

405.  4Q53 Samc cf. 43.071

406.  4Q53 Samc cf. 43.077 pub. Ulrich  12 frgs          

407.  4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LX frgs 11-18

408.  4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXI frgs 19-30,34

409.  4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXII frgs 35-41

410.  4Q79 XIId (top) pub. Wolff, Hosea pl. v 43.091

4Q104 Rutha (bottom) 43.090

411.  4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXIII frgs 42-43

412.  4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXIV frgs 44-62

413.  4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXVI frgs 63-67

414.  4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXVIII

415.  4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXIX frgs 95-120

416.  4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXX frgs 121-156

417.  4Q511 Shirb DJD 7 pl. LXXI frgs 157-224

418.  4Q23 C18 Lev-Numa 43.050  29 frgs        

419.  4Q23 C16A Lev-Numa 43.035  25 frgs          

420.  4Q5  C5 Gene 43.005  13 frgs

421.  4Q504 DibHama DJD 7 pl. LII frgs 3-7  43.630

422.  4Q11 paleoGenExodl cf. 42.802

423.  4Q525 Sy38 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes  43.600

424.  4Q525 Sy39 Wisdom Text with Beatitudes  43.595              

425.  4Q522 Sy16 Work with Place Names 43.606   par. pub. Puech

426.  4Q550 Sy17 Story Set at Persian Court ar 43.585   14 frgs         

427.  4Q548 Sy53 Visions of Amram? ar 43.597  20+ frgs            

428.  4Q533 Sy53B Book of Giants or Pseudo Enoch? ar 43.601 13 frgs       

429.  4Q570 Sy55c Aram R 43.607   44 frgs          

430.  4Q550 Sy17B Story Set at Persian Court ar 43.584

7 frgs        

431.  4Q544 Sy11 Vision of Amram arb partly pub. in RB LXXIX 1972 frgs 2,3 pl. 1 Milik  +  2 frgs  43.571          

432.  4Q525 Sy39B Wisdom text with Beatitudes 43.596  

433.  4Q539 Sy55b Jacob ar 43.593 

4Q564 Sy55b Aram MS F 43.593 

4Q565 Sy55b Aram MS G 43.593 

4Q566 Sy55b Aram MS H 43.593 

4Q567 Sy55b Aram MS I 43.593 

4Q568 Sy55b Aram MS K 43.593 

4Q569 Sy55b Aram MS L 43.593 

Total: 15 frgs         

434.  4Q538  Sy14 Visions of Amram ard 43.586  27 frgs      

435.  4Q571 Sy56 Unid Aram Fragment  V  43.602

4Q572 Sy56 Unid Aram Fragment  W  43.602

4Q573 Sy56 Unid Aram Fragment  X  43.602

4Q574 Sy56 Unid Aram Fragment  Y  43.602

4Q575 Sy56 Unid Aram Fragment  Z  43.602

436.  4Q88 Psf Hymn to Zion, columns VII – X have been pub in RB 1966 + unpub. frgs 43.603

437.  4Q530 Sy2 Book of Giants arb (mention of Gilgamesh) 43.568  17 frgs          

438.  4Q559 Sy30 Work in Bib. Chronology ar 43.603  10 frgs    

439.  4Q561 Sy52 Physiognomic Text Including Aram. Trans. of Horoscope 4Q186   12 frgs   43.598

440.  4Q558 Sy28b papVision arb 43.582 + 70 frgs

441.  4Q461 Narrative 43.546

4Q463 Narrative  

442.  4Q458 Narrative 43.544

443.  4Q477 Decrees of Sect  43.562

444.  4Q473 Sapiential Work  SL92′  43.548

4Q474 Sap Work SL92”

445.  4Q560 Sy36 Proverbs? ar 43.602  2 frgs

446.  4Q556 Sy2B Vision ar bottom of 43.574  6 frgs       

447.  4Q549 Sy15 Mention of Hur and Miriam ar top of 43.574  2 frgs

448.  4Q558 Sy26 papVision arb 43.580   27 frgs      

449.  4Q558 Sy28a papVision arb 43.583  21 frgs   

450.  4Q538 Sy8 Judah ar bott. 43.573  4 frgs

451.  4Q536 Sy54A MS Aram C 43.575  3 frgs         

452.  4Q558 Sy27 papVision arb 43.581  24 frgs

453.  4Q391 papPsEzeke 43.463 15 frgs

454.  4Q391 papPsEzeke 43.469

455.  4Q391 papPsEzeke 43.462   12 frgs

456.  Box of unid. frgs with letters

457.  4Q491 Ma DJD 7 pl. VI

458.  4Q364 Pentateuchal Paraphrasea 43.360

459.  4Q364 Pent. Para 43.363

460.  4Q365 Pent. Parb 43.355

461.  Recto: 4Q503 papPrQuot DJD 7 pl. XXXV  42.476 +

Verso: 4Q512 papRitPur DJD 7 pl. XXXVI

462.  Recto: 4Q503 papPrQuot DJD 7 pl. XLIII frg 40; pl. XXXVII frgs 10-19

Verso: 4Q512 papRitPur DJD 7 pl. XLIV frg 40; pl. XXXVIII frgs 10-19

463.  Recto: 4Q503 papPrQuot DJD 7 pl. XXXIX

Verso: 4Q512 papRitPur DJD 7 pl. XL

463A. Recto: 4Q503 papPrQuot DJD 7 pl. XLI

Verso: 4Q512 papRitPur DJD 7 pl. XLII

464.  Recto:4Q503 papPrQuot DJD 7 pl. XLIII frgs 41-58,60-62,64-71

Verso: 4Q512 papRitPur DJD 7 pl. XLIV frgs 41-58,60-62,64-71

465.  Recto 4Q503 papPrQuot DJD 7 pl. XLV frgs 72-151

Verso 4Q512 papRitPur DJD 7 pl. XLVI frgs 72-151

466.  Recto: 4Q503 papPrQuot DJD 7 pl. XLVII frgs 152-232

Verso: 4Q512 papRitPur DJD 7 pl. XLVII frgs 152-232

467.  4Q367 Pentateuchal Paraphrased

468.  4Q180 Ages of creation DJD 5  pl. XXVII frgs 1-3,5-7 + frgs 43.425,44.183,44.193

469.  4Q373 Joseph Apocryphonc

470.  4Q381 apPss NCP pl. VI frgs 69-77, pl. VII frgs 78,79,85,86 + frgs

471.  4Q381 apPss NCP  pl. III frgs 28-29,31-33; pl. II frg 24  + frgs 43.225

472.  4Q381 apPss  NCP pl. I frgs 1,10,11,13,14; pl. II frgs 15,19  + frgs

473.  4Q181 DJD 5 pl. XVIII frgs 1-3 cf. 43.421

474.  4Q159 Ordinances DJD 5  pl. II frgs 1-5,7-8  43.426

475.  4Q365 Pent. Paraphraseb  43.358

476.  4Q374 Moses Apocryphona  43.359

477.  4Q364 PentParaa 43.364

478.  4Q381 Apoc Pss SL19 NCP pl. IV frg 46; pl. V frgs 47-51,53 + frgs

479.  4Q379 Psalms of Joshuab 43.218 

480.  4Q365 PentParab =43.366 3 frgs pub by Yadin as TS pl. 40 frgs 1,2; pl. 38 frg 5

481.  4Q379 Psalms of Joshuab 43.217,43.367

482.  4Q364 PentParaa 43.361

483.  4Q364 PentParaa 43.352

484.  4Q364 PentParaa

485.  4Q Misc. Strugnell frgs in a box

486.  4Q418 Sapiential Work I A 43.487

487.  Recto: 4Q415 Sap. Work II B 43.557

Verso: 4Q414 Baptismal Liturgy 43.471

488.  Verso: 4Q414 SL47 Baptismal Liturgy 43.482

Recto: 4Q415 SL47 Sap. Work IIB  43.549

489.  4Q418 Sapiential Work I A 43.480

490.  4Q445-448 Poetic Frgs  43.545

491.  4Q401 ShirShabbb SSS pl. II frgs 1-14; pl. III frgs 15-18,20-25,27-33,35-38   43.510

492.  4Q441 Sl 78 Misc.

4Q442 Sl 79 Misc.  43.522    

493.  4Q418 SL55 Sap Work Ia 43.481

494.  4Q418 Sapiential Work Ia 43.479

495.  4Q418 Sapiential Worka 43.475

496.  4Q418′ Sapiential Work Ia  43.472

497.  4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. X + 3 frgs

498.  4Q418 Sapiential Work Ia 43.474

499.  4Q418 Sapiential Work Ia 43.486

500.  4Q418 Sapiential Work Ia 43.481

501.  4Q425 Sap. Work 43.541

502.  4Q418 Sap. Work Ia 43.488

503.  4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. XII c. frgs 68-105 43.500

504.  4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. VIII frgs 14-18, pl. XII frgs 61-66 + others 43.497

505.  4Q418 Sapiential Work Ia  43.484

506.  4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. VI frgs 1-6  pl XI frg 24

+ frgs,

507.  4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. IX frgs 19-21, pl. XI frg 46, pl. VIII frg 18  + others

508.  4Q440 Sl 77 Hodayot-like 43.522, 44.101 3frgs

509.  4Q419 Sap Work Id SL52 top 43.534

4Q420 Sap Work IVa SL61B bottom 43.534

510.  4Q410 Sap. Work SL 46  bottom of 43.478

511.  4Q418 Sapiential Work 1a 43.687

512.  4Q421 Sap. Work IV MS B 43.537 SL61a

513.  4Q431 Hodayote 43.531 

4Q433 Hodayot-Like Fragment 

514.  4Q428 Hodayotb SL69  43.515,43.526,43.527

515.  4Q428 Hodayotb SL68  43.536

516.  4Q437 Sl 74 Barki Nafshid 43.525, 44.104

517.  4Q404 ShirShabbe SSS pl. V frgs 1-25 43.505

518.  4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS most of pl. VII  43.494

519.  4Q383 Apoc Jera top 43.500,43.682

4Q469 one MS middle  43.550

4Q470 Zedekiah bottom  43.550

520.  4Q396 MMTc 43.490 (combined with 526) 190449

521.  4Q428 Hodayotb SL68′  cf. 43.527

522.  4Q429 Hodayotc 43.515, 43.531, 43.527

523.  4Q391 papPsEzeke 43.470

524.  4Q390 SL30 PsMose 43.506

525.  4Q387 PsEzekc SL24

4Q387A PsMosb

4Q387B Apoc Jerd

526.  4Q396 MMTc 43.490 (combined with 520) + Box of frgs


527.  Se 20-21 Deed of Sale cf. 42.194

528.  8HevXIIgr 

529.  8HevXIIgr 

530.  8HevXIIgr 

530A  8HevXIIgr unid. miniscule pieces 40.566

531.  8HevXIIgr 

532.  8HevXIIgr 

533.  Se 16 Deed of Rental

Se 17 Deed

534.  Se I (1-3) 3 Biblical MSS, 2 Numbers, 1 Deut cf. 42.187 + 2 frgs not on photo

535.  8HevXIIgr

536.  Se 23 Deed

Se 24 Deed

537.  8HevXIIgr (missing)

538.  8HevXIIgr   Empty? 204602

539.  8HevXIIgr 204601

539A. 8HevXIIgr

540.  Mur 88 XII DJD 2 pl. LXXIII

541.  Se 1X Deed ar

542.  Se 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 Deeds

Se 30 Letter to S.B.K.  see 42.193, 42.198

543.  Se VIII (9) papDeed ar

544.  WDSP frgs on 43.955-43.956 and 43.963 and 44.071

545.  WDSP frgs with little writing –right side of 43.953

546.  WDSP frgs with little writing–left side of 43.953

547.  WDSP pub. on pl. 60 DWW WD I.3 no. 27, WD 1.3 no. 28, WD I.3 No. 26, WD I.3 No. 29, 44.079

548.  WDSP 6    44.051-44.052

549.  WDSP 7    cf. 44.053-44.054

550.  WDSP 27?  pap frgs 43.962

551.  WDSP 10   44.072  cf. 43.950

552.  WDSP 9

553.  WDSP 4    43.945

554.  WDSP 1 pub. Cross Eretz Israel  43.943

555.  WDSP 2  pub. SVT 40 1988, Cross 44.075

556.  WDSPF 19

WDSPF 22  44.066

557.  WDSP misc. frgs little writing

558.  WDSP 3  44.074

559.  WDSP 5  43.952

560.  WDSP 15   44.057-44.058

561.  WDSP 16    44.073

562.  WDSP 14    44.059-44.060

563.  11Q17 ShirShabb box of tiny frgs, unpub

564.  11Q18 NJ  3 frgs  43.995

565.  11Q17 ShirShabb SSS pl. XVII frgs g,j,p; pl. XVIII frgs f,h,i,k,o; pl. XIX frgs e,l-n  43.992,43.978

566.  11Q2 Lev (Lev 9:23-10:2) pub. in Bibel und Qumran

11Q20 Templeb pub Yadin, TS pl. 38 frg 4

567.  11Q1 paleoLev

11Q10 tgJob

11Q12 Jub

11Q16 Hymnsb

11Q17 ShirShabb

see 44.114

568.  11Q18 NJ 2 frgs  43.996

569.  11Q8 Psd unpub  cf. 44.115

570.  11Q18 NJ 3 frgs  44.001

571.  11Q18 NJ 4 frgs  44.002

572.  11Q18 NJ 16 frgs  44.009

573.  11Q18 NJ 3 frgs   44.000

574.  11Q18 NJ 2 frgs   43.994

575.  11Q18 NJ 2 frgs 43.999 one frg pub JSJ in 1970 p. 58

576.  11Q3 Deut  Deut 1:4-5

11Q6 Psb pub. RB 1967, pl. XVIII frgs a-c

11Q15 Hymnsa trans. in VanderPloeg p. 11

577.  11Q20 Templeb TS pl. 39* frgs 5,6; pl. 36* frg 4; pl. 38* frg 3; pl. 35 frgs 1*,2; pl. 40 frgs 3-5,7,10, 11

578.  11Q18 NJ 4 frgs, box of uninscribed chunks photo of one frg on 43.993

579.  11Q13 Melchizedek frgs 1-13 43.979

580.  11Q20 Templeb TS pl. 35* most of frg 1, frg 3: pl. 39* frgs 1-4; pl. 37* frg 2; pl. 40* frg 13 + 1 frg cf. 43.976

581.  11QX1 matchbox with tiny frgs, some visible letters

582.  4Q301 M121 Mystc 43.394

583.  4Q161 pIsaa = DJD 5  pl. V frgs 7-10  43.431

584.  4Q163 pIsac DJD 5  pl. VIII

585.  4Q161 pIsaa = DJD 5  pl. IV frgs 1-6 + extra frg  43.433

586.  4Q217 M126 papJubb  43.261  15 frgs

587.  4Q165 pIsae = DJD 5  pl. IX  43.436

588.  4QM128 Text on papyrus backing of 4QSama 43.401

589.  4Q249 M108 Midrash Sepher Moshe 43.408

590.  4Q249 M109 Midrash Sepher Moshe 43.409

591.  4Q300 M116 Mystb 43.388  15 frgs 

592.  4Q299 M120 Mysta 43.393  40 frgs

593.  4Q249 M113 Midrash Sepher Mosheh  43.413,43.414   

594.  4Q299 M118 Mysta 43.391  29 frgs

595.  4Q299 M119 Mysta 43.392  20 frgs   

596.  4Q249 M112 Midrash Sepher Moshe 43.412

597.  4Q249 M111 Midrash Sepher Moshe 43.411

598.  4Q249 M110 Midrash Sepher Moshe 43.410

599.  4Q163 pappIsac DJD 5 pl. VIII 43.416

600.  4Q170 pZeph DJD 5  pl. XIV frgs 1-2 43.514

4Q171 pPssa DJD 5 all of pl. XVI col III + frgs 3-5

4Q172 pUnid DJD 5 pl. XVIII frgs 1-11,13-14  43.421

601.  4QM129A texts in Nabatean Script  43.402,43.403  3 frgs

602.  4Q344 M129a Debt Acknowledgement 43.404-43.405

4Q345 M129a Sale of Land ar 43.404-43.405

4Q348 M129a Act of Ownership 43.404-43.405

603.  4Q234 Gen 27:20-21 (Exercitium Calami)

4Q346 Acts of sale of land in Aramaic

4Q356 Account of money, Hebrew

4Q360 M130B Exercitia Calami 43.407  14 misc. frgs  top 1/4 of 43.407 and bottom half of 43.407

604.  4Q299 M117A Mysta 43.390  9 frgs

605.  4Q299 M117 Mysta 43.389 

606.  11Q7 Psc one frg pub Van der Ploeg Ps 17:9-15;18:1-12

+ 10 frgs  p. 308-309 Symbolae biblique  cf. 43.980

607.  11Q14 Berakah pub. Bibel und Qumran frgs 1-4 cf. 43.977

11Q20 Templeb TS pl. 37* frg 3; pl. 40* frgs 8,15 cf. 43.977

608.  11Q20 Templeb TS pl. 36* frgs 2,3; pl. 40* frg 12; pl. 38* frg 1; pl. 37* frg 1 + frg   cf. 43.975

609.  11Q17 ShirShabb SSS pl. XVII frgs 3-6

610.  11Q20 Templeb TS pl. 38* frg 2   44.013

611.  11Q18 NJ 2 frgs  43.998

612.  11Q11 apPsa pub. Kuhn Fest. Tafel 7: Col. V, Tafel II: frg A

613.  11Q6 Psb pl. XVIII frg f

11Q8 Psd

+ 9 frgs  right 2/3 of 44.005

614.  11Q1 paleoLev?

11Q14 Berakah

11Q16 Hymnsb trans. Van der Ploeg p. 12

11Q17 ShirShabb?

11Q20 Templeb TS pl. 40* frg 6 + unpub. frgs

cf. 44.006

614B. 11Q8 Psd

11Q20 Templeb TS pl. 36* frg 1

cf. 44.008  14 frgs

615.  11Q2 Lev 13:58-59 trans. in Van derPloeg cf. 44.007

+ frgs

616.  11Q20 Templeb (missing)

617.  11Q18 NJ 2 frgs  43.997

618.  11Q17 ShirShabb SSS pl. XVIII frgs 1,2,9 + frg found in  plate 669 which is unpublished

619.  11Q12 Jub  Fest. Kuhn pl. VIII frgs 1-5,7-8 + 3 frgs

620.  11Q17 ShirShabb SSS pl. XVIII frg c; pl. XIX frg b; pl. XVII frgs d,7,8

621.  11Q10 tgJob 22,23  pl. 117  43.813

621B. 11Q6 Psb RB 1967 pl. XVIII frgs d,e

11Q9 Pse

11Q17 ShirShabb

11Q20 Templeb TS pl. 40 frg 14

cf. 44.117 + frgs

622.  11QX2 tiny frgs, no visible letters (crumbled)

623.  11Q10 tgJob 27 pl. 119  43.810

624.  11Q10 tgJob 16,17 pl. 115  43.816

625.  11Q16 Hymnsb frgs have crumbled on plate no visible letters (see 44.116)

626.  11Q10 tgJob 24,25 pl. 119   43.812

627.  11Q10 tgJob 2,3 pl. 107   43.823

628.  11Q10 tgJob 4,5 pl. 109    43.822

629.  11Q10 tgJob 20,21 pl. 117   43.814

630.  11Q10 tgJob 26 pl. 119    43.811

631.  11Q10 tgJob 14,15 pl. 113  43.817

632.  11Q10 tgJob 12,13 pl. 113  43.818

633.  11Q10 tgJob 8,9 p. 111   43.820

634.  11Q10 tgJob 18,19 p. 115   43.815

635.  11Q10 tgJob 1 pl. 107   cf. 43.824

636.  11Q10 tgJob 6,7 pl. 109    43.821

637.  11Q10 tgJob 10,11 pl. 111   43.819

638.  11Q10 tgJob (shrine)   long piece

639.  Mur 42  DJD 2 pl. XLV

640.  Mur 43 in Shrine of Book DJD 2

641.  Mur 114 DJD 2 pl. LXXXV

642.  Mur 173 DJD 2 pl. CVII

643.  2Q1 Genesis = DJD 3 pl. X

2Q2 Exodusa = DJD 3 pl. X

644.  2Q17 DJD 3 frgs 1,2

2Q18 DJD 3 frgs 1,2

2Q19 DJD 3

2Q20 DJD 3 frgs 1-3

2Q21 DJD 3 frgs 1-2

2Q22 DJD 3

2Q23 DJD 3 pl. XV frgs 1-6  frgs in separate envelopes  

645.  2Q24  DJD 3 pl. XVI

646.  6Q5-7 = DJD 3 pl. XXIII 

647.  1Q21 DJD 1 pl. XVII frgs 1-60

1Q19 DJD 1 pl. XVI frgs 4-21

648.  3Q1-7  = DJD 3 pl. XVIII

649.  6Q10-15= DJD 3 pl. XXVI 

650.  Mur 4   DJD 2 pl. XXII

651.  Se VII Kfar Babio ar pub. Milik Biblica 38 (1957) 264-268 or RB 1954 182ff

652.  1Q69 = DJD 1 pl. XXXVI

653.  1Q41 DJD 1 pl. XXXIII, pl. XXXIV

1Q42 DJD 1 frgs 1-8

1Q43 DJD 1 frgs 1-6

1Q44 DJD 1 frgs 1-5 frg 6 missing,

1Q45 DJD 1 frgs 1-12

1Q46 DJD 1 frgs 1-6

1Q47 DJD 1 frgs 1-4,6 frg 5 missing

1Q48 DJD 1 frgs 1-3

1Q49 DJD 1 frgs 1-2

+ 6 frgs numbered 1-6 with no label, largely uninscribed

654.  Se Sy 3 Nab A Nabatean Doc. pub. Starcky

655.  Se Sy 3 Nab A Nabatean Deed.  all but frg E of pl. II here RB 1954 Starcky

656.  Mird Letter from Monk Gabriel to Abbott CPA pub. Milik, RB 60 (1953) 562-39, pl. XIX

657.  Mird AA pub

658.  Q frgs tiny frgs, illegible

658A. Q frgs 5 or 6 tiny frgs illegible

658B. Q frgs many small frgs, most illegible

659.  4Q13 Exodb formerly Exoda

660.  4Q55 Isaa pub pieces pl. 43.015

661.  4Q22 paleoExodm cf. 42.648

662.  1Q28b Benedictions DJD 1 pl. XXVI frgs 7,8,13-16 pl. XXV frgs 1-5

663.  1Q28 Title of 1QS DJD 1 pl. XXII

1Q29 DJD 1 pl. XXX frgs 1-17

+ 5 tiny frgs illegible some marked 29,32,33 possibly 1Q28b DJD 1 pl. XXIX

664.  1Q28b Benedictions DJD 1 pl. XXIX frgs 25-27,29, pl. XXVIII frgs 21*,22,23,25

665.  4Q242 PrNab ar frgs 1-2 (Israel Museum)

666.  4Q196 M5 papTobit ara 43.175

667.  4Q111 Lam cf. 43.095, 4 frgs

668.  4Q252 M38 Pesher on Genesisa 43.253

669.  4Q405 ShirShabbf SSS pl. IX frg 22

670.  4Q252 M131 pGena photo 43.381 4 frgs 1 frg pub Milik JBL LXXV 1956

671.  4Q72 Jerc 43.106

672.  4Q171 pPssa DJD 5 pl. XV col. II, pl. XIV col. I

673.  1Q5 =pl. X in DJD 1

674.  4Q400 ShirShabba SSS pl. I frgs 1-7

675.  4Q166 pHosa DJD 5 cf. 42.457

676.  4Q44 Deutq cf. 42.164

677.  1Q8 Isab = pl. XII DJD 1

1Q9 Ezekiel

678.  1Q A.F. 15 DJD 1 pl. V no. 12  Uninscribed linen for wrapping  

679.  4QM79A 43.315  Leqet

4Q275 M79B Toharot Ba 1 frg pub M & M p. 130 43.315

4Q279 M82B Toharot Da

680.  4Q266 M60 Dam Doca 43.271

681.  4Q320 M90 Mishmarot A 43.330

682.  4Q320 M91 Mishmarot A 43.331

683.  4Q319 M97 Otot 43.283, 43.228

684.  4Q324a M95C Mishmarot Cd 43.338

685.  4Q270 M72 Damascus Doce 43.296

686.  4Q266 M63 Dam Doca 43.274

687.  4Q266 M65? Dam Doca 43.275 6 frgs  

688.  4Q266 M65 Dam Doca 43.281, 43.282  2 frgs

689.  4Q266 M66 Dam Doca 43.278

690.  4Q270 M73 Dam Doce 43.297

691.  4Q286 M85 Berakhota 43.312

692.  4Q286 M85 Berakhota 43.313 most pub in M & M, Milik pl. II

693.  4Q326 M96A Mishmarot Eb 43.399

4Q327 M96B Mishmarot Ea 43.399

4Q328 M92B Mishmarot Fa 43.339

694.  4Q322 M94A Mishmarot Ca 43.336-43.337

4Q323 M95A Mishmarot Cb”

4Q324 M95B Mishmarot Cc”

695.  4Q319 M97A Otot 43.284, 43.229

696.  4Q319 M98 Otot 43.285   

697.  4Q270 M74 DamDoce 43.298

698.  4Q270 M71 Dam Doce 43.295

699.  4Q266 M60 Dam Doca 43.270

700.  4Q266 M62 Dam Doca 43.273

701.  4Q266 M59A Dam Doca 43.269

702.  4Q251 M80 Halakah A 43.307

703.  4Q270 M74 Dam Doce 43.299

704.  4Q266 M61 Dam Doca 43.272 large piece missing

705.  4Q261 M56 Serekh Hayyahadg 43.266

706.  4Q266 M65 Da 43.277

707.  4Q266 M64 Da 43.276

708.  4Q319 M99 Otot 43.286

709.  4Q286 M84 Berakota 43.312

710.  4Q329 M93B Mishmarot Fb 43.334

4Q329a M94B Mish G

4Q329b M94C Mish H

4Q334  M94D Ordo    “

4QM95A Mishmarot “

4Q337 M96C Mishmarot?

711.  4Q251 M81 Halakah 43.308

712.  Mur 109 DJD 2 pl. LXXXII

Mur 110 DJD 2 pl. LXXXII

Mur 111 DJD 2 pl. LXXXII

Mur 118 Account DJD 2 pl. XCI

Mur 119 Account DJD 2 pl. XCI

Mur 130 Fragments DJD 2 pl. XCV

Mur 131 Fragments DJD 2 pl. XCV

Mur 146 Frgs DJD 2 pl. XCVII frgs a,b

713.  Mur 108 DJD 2 pl. LXXXI

714.  Mur X1   Tiny pap. frgs

715.  Mur 116 = pl. LXXXIX in DJD 2

716.  Mur 115 = pl. LXXXVII in DJD 2 frgs a-j’

717.  Mur 126 pl. XCV DJD 2

Mur 145 pl. XCVII DJD 2 frgs a-d

Mur 149 DJD 2 pl. XCVII frgs a-c

Mur 148 DJD 2 pl XCVII

Mur 132 DJD 2 pl. XCV

+ four tiny papyrus frgs

718   RECTO: Mur 156 Christian Liturgical Prayer side b DJD 2 pl C

VERSO: Mur 156 Christian Liturgical Prayer side a DJD 2 pl. C

+ two frgs hardly legible

719.  Mur 125 Account[Greek] DJD 2 Ben. pl. XLIV

Mur 147 Frgs DJD 2   frgs a,b pl. XCVII

720.  Mur 44 DJD 2 pl. XLVI

721.  Mur 169 DJD 2

Mur 171  Recto Side of Mur157 DJD 2  pl. XVI

Mur 157 Verso Side of Mur151 DJD 2 pl. C

Mur 172 DJD 2

 + 8 Arabic frgs

722.  Mur 121 DJD 2 pl. XCIII

Mur 122 DJD 2 pl. XCIII

Mur 123 DJD 2 pl. XCIII

Mur 127 DJD 2 pl. XCV

Mur 129 DJD 2 pl. XCV

Mur 154 Fragment DJD 2 pl. XCVIII

Mur 151 Fragment DJD 2 pl. XCVIII

+ tiny frg with one letter

723.  Mur 95 DJD 2 List of names

Mur 96 DJD 2 Account of cereals

Mur 97 DJD 2 Account of cereals

724.  Mur 124 DJD 2 pl. XCIII frgs a,b

Mur 150 DJD 2 pl. XCVIII  frgs a-b

Mur 152 DJD 2 pl. XCIII

Mur 153 DJD 2 pl. XCIII

Mur 128 DJD 2 pl. XCV

+ 4 frgs

725.  Mur 26 DJD 2 pl. XXXIX frgs 1,2 + another pap frg

726.  Mur X2 pap. frgs, some writing

727.  Mur 103 DJD 2 pl. LXXX

Mur 104 DJD 2 pl. LXXX

Mur 105 DJD 2 pl. LXXX

Mur 106 DJD 2 pl. LXXX

Mur 107 DJD 2 pl. LXXX

728.  Mur 89 DJD 2 pl. LXXIV DJD 3

Mur 90 DJD 2 pl. LXXV

729.  Mur X3 18 frgs of Arabic 

730.  Mur 170 DJD 2 pl. CVI + 7 frgs

731.  Se Misc. pl. XVII cf. 42.356

Se XVII Deed

732.  Se XVI Mix.

Se 16 Deed of Rental 42.209

733.  Se Unsorted

734.  Se 31-37

735.  Se 22 Unid. cf. 42.198

736.  Se 10 Deed ar

Se 11 Deed ar

Se 12 Deed ar

Se 13 Divorce ar cf. 42.193, 42.194

737.  6Q16-18 = pl. XXVII in DJD 3  

738.  6Q4 = pl. XXI in DJD 3 

739.  2Q3 = pl. XI in DJD 3

740.  2Q25-33 = pl. XVII in DJD 3 

741.  2Q13 = DJD 3 pl. XIII

2Q14 (Red ink on frg 1)


742.  2Q4-12 = DJD 3 pl. XII

743.  3QX1 largely uninscribed frgs

744.  3QX2 uninscribed frgs

745.  3Q8-3Q14 = pl. XIX DJD 3

746.  3QX3 Uninscribed frgs (matchsticks separate plates)

747.  3QX4 leather knot in box

748.  3QX5 Debris in box

749.  2QX1 Debris–piece of cloth and tiny frgs in box

750.  WDSP 18  44.076

751.  WDSP 17  44.065

752.  WDSP frgs 23 Recto  44.078

753.  WDSP frgs

754.  WDSP Verso and Recto 44.049-44.050

755.  WDSP 8  44.068

756.  WDSPF 24 cf. 44.067



757.  WDSP 13 recto and verso  44.063-44.064

758.  WDSP 27  44.077

759.  WDSP 2nd lot 8-7-63 6 frgs.  see photo 44.043-44.044

759b. Note acquired Aug 7, 1963 dubious, papyrus fragments WDSP 28?  see photos 44.043-44.044

760.  WD B16A

761.  WD B11A ?

762.  WD B3A pub. pl. 63 Cross DWW

763.  WD B10A pub Cross pl. 63 DWW

764.  WD C4 Coins (Israel Museum?)

765.  WD B11B (empty box)

766.  WD 15B (Israel Museum?)  bulla

767.  WD B21B

768.  WD 11D (Israel Museum) bulla

769.  WD 11C (Israel Museum) bulla

770.  WD 11F (Israel Museum) bulla

771.  WD 10B (Israel Museum?) bulla

772.  WD 11E (Israel Museum) bulla

773.  Coin C-1 Cililian coin pub. Cross pl. 80

774.  WD 11G (Israel Museum) bulla

775.  WD 15A (Israel Museum?) bulla

776.  Coin C-2 Tyrian Coin pub. Cross pl. 80

777.  WD B16B

778.  WD B21C

779.  WD B3B

780.  WD B21D

781.  WD B21A

782.  WD GA Gold Ring A (Israel Museum?)

783.  WD GB Gold Ring B (Israel Museum?)

784.  6Q26-31= pl. XXIX in DJD 3

785.  6Q8-9 = DJD 3 pl. XXIV 

786.  6QX1 Unid. pap. frgs

787.  6QUnid.

788.  8Q1-2= DJD 3, pl.XXXI

789.  7Q1-18 pl. XXX DJD 3

789A. 7Q19 DJD 3 pl. XXX frgs 1-3

790.  Mur 31 DJD 2 pl. XLII bis frgs 1-6, 4 and 6 recto and verso

791.  Mur 30 Deed of Sale Recto and Verso

792.  Mur 5 Mezouza DJD 2 pl. XXIV

Mur 6 Literary text DJD 2 pl. XXV frgs 1,3

793.  Mur 7 DJD 2 pl. XXV

Mur 8 DJD 2 pl. XXV

794.  Mur 40 DJD 2 pl. XLIV

Mur 56 DJD 2 pl. L

795.  Mur X4 Unid (Missing)

796.  Mur 24 DJD 2 pl. XXXVII frgs G,I-K,L*

797.  Mur 27 DJD 2 pl. XXXIX

798.  Mur 34 DJD 2 pl. XLIII

Mur 35 DJD 2 pl. XLIII

Mur 62 Fragment DJD 2 pl. LI

Mur 63 Fragment DJD 2 pl. LI

Mur 64 Fragment DJD 2 pl. LI

Mur 65 Fragment DJD 2 pl. LI

Mur 66 Fragment DJD 2 pl. LI

Mur 67 Fragment DJD 2 pl. LI

Mur 68 Fragment DJD 2 pl. LI

Mur 69 Fragment DJD 2 pl. LI

Mur 70 Fragment DJD 2 pl. LI

799.  Mur X 11 frgs, black and largely turning to liquid, photo shows possibly one legible letter, photo attached has 692 on back

800.  4Q365 Pent Parb

801.  4Q185 DJD 5  pl. XXIX frgs 1-6; pl. XXX frgs 1-2; cf. 43.514

802.  Mur 164 Document Gk Tachygraphic (missing)

803.  Mur 115 DJD 2 pl. LXXXVI Recto, pl. LXXXVIII Verso

804.  Mur 164 = pl. CIV DJD 2

805.  4Q318 M100 Zodiology and Brontology ar 43.374

806.  Mur 1:1-3 Genesis 32-34 DJD 2 pl. 1

807.  4Q365 Pent Parb

808.  4Q196 M9 papTobit ara 43.179

809.  4Q134 Phylg

4Q136 Phyli

4Q138 Phylk

4Q143 Phylp


810.  4Q259 M54 Serekh Hayyahade 43.263

811.  4Q226 M40 Pseudo Jubileesb

812.  4Q238 M40A Pseudo Jubileesc BE p. 12 43.238 

813.  4Q148 Phylu DJD 6 pl. XXV Recto and Verso

4Q149 Meza DJD 6 pl. XXVI

4Q154 Mezf DJD 6

814.  4Q208 M35A Enasta ara 43.211

815.  4QM47B PsHist E 43.248

816.  4Q213 M42A Test of Levi ara 43.243

817.  4Q213 M42 Test of Levi ara 43.241

818.  4Q259 M54 Serekh Hayyahade 43.264

819.  4Q253 M38A Pesher on Genesisb 43.258

820.  4Q254 M38 pGenc VI 43.239 unpublished

821.  4Q201 M25 En ara BE pl. II, III 43.197

4Q338 Genealogical List (Verso side) 42.078

822.  4Q196 M8 papTobit ara 43.178

823.  4Q208 M35 Enastra ara 43.210

824.  Mur 1 frgs 4-5 Exodus 4-6 = pl. XX DJD 2

825.  Mur 24 A-D pl. XXXV DJD 2

826.  Mur 53 DJD 2 pl. XLIX

Mur 55 DJD 2 pl. L frgs 1-6

Mur 57 DJD 2 pl. L frgs 1,2

Mur 58 DJD 2 pl. L frgs 1,2

Mur 59 DJD 2 pl. L

Mur 60 DJD 2 pl. L frgs 1,2

Mur 61 DJD 2 pl. L

+ frgs

827.  Mur 30 lines 12-31 = pl. XLII DJD 2

828.  Mur 24 DJD 2 pl. XXXVI frgs E-F

829.  Mur 45 = DJD 2 pl. XLVII

Mur 46 = DJD 2 pl. XLVII

830.  Mur 9 = DJD 2 pl. XXVI

Mur 10 = DJD 2 pl. XXVI

831.  Mur 52 DJD 2 frgs 1-5 + frgs

832.  Mur 1, Mur 2 = DJD 2 pl. XXI

833.  Mur 3 DJD 2 pl. XXII

834.  Mur 18 = DJD 2 pl. XXIX Recto and Verso

835.  Mur 17 DJD 2 pl. XXVII  (Israel Museum)

836.  Mur 29 Recto and Verso DJD 2 pl. XLI and pl. XLIbis

837.  Mur 36 DJD 2 pl. XLIII

Mur 38 DJD 2 pl. XLIV frgs 1-6

Mur 39 DJD 2 pl. XLIV frgs 1-3

Mur 41 DJD 2 pl. XLIV frgs 1-i6

Mur 48 DJD 2 pl. XLVIII

Mur 50 DJD 2 pl. XLVIII frgs 1-3

838.  Mur 159 DJD 2 pl. CI

Mur 160 Latin Document DJD 2 pl. CII

Mur 161 Latin Document DJD 2 pl. CII

Mur 162 Latin Document DJD 2 pl. CII

Mur 163 Latin Document DJD 2 pl. CII

+ 5 frgs

839.  Mur 117 Verso and Recto = DJD 2 pl. XC

840.  Mur 22 (missing)

841.  Mur 91 DJD 2 pl. LXXVI

Mur 92 DJD 2 pl. LXXVI

Mur 93 DJD 2 pl. LXXVI

842.  Mur X7 Mur box of frgs of papyrus with very little writing

843.  Mur 94 DJD 2 pl. LXXVII frgs a,b

844.  Mur 158 DJD 2 pl. CI frgs a-n

845.  Mur 120 = DJD 2 pl. XCII

846.  4Q208 M32 Enastraa 43.235

847.  4Q209 M33 Enastra arb 43.208 BE pl. XXV, XXVI + 6 frgs

848.  4Q200 M13 Tob 43.183

849.  4Q218 M19 Jubc bottom of 43.189

850.  4Q200 M14 Tobit 43.184

851.  4Q196 M6 papTobit ara 43.176

852.  4Q196 M7 pap Tobit ara 43.177

853.  4Q244 M46 Ps Daniel arb 43.249

854.  4Q243 M45 Pseudo daniel ara 43.252

855.  4Q243 M45B Pseudo Daniel ara

856.  4Q209 M34 Enastra arb BE pl. XXVII frgs 25, 26 + frgs 43.209

857.  4Q209 M34 Enastra arb BE pl. XXVII frg 23 43.209

858.  4Q257 M51 papSerekh Hayyahadc 43.256-43.257

859.  4Q257 M51’Serekh Hayyahadc pap 43.262

860.  Wadi Habara Nabatean papyrus?

860A. Wadi Habara tiny frgs

861.  Wadi Habara box of unid. tiny pap. frgs

862.  Se Sy 4 Nab. Doc. B

863.  Se Sy 5 Nab. Doc. C

864.  1 Se Sy7 Nab. Doc. E

865.  Se 38-47

866.  Se Unid. frgs 40.642

867.  Se Sy 3 Nab. Doc. A

868.  Se Sy 6  Nab. Doc. D

869.  Se Pl. XVgr Double contract 42.205-42.206

870.  Se Pl. XVI gr Marriage Contract 42.207-42.208

871.  Se Box of unid. frgs, pap., leather, largely uninscribed

872.  Se 2 Box of unid. frgs (missing)

873.  Mur 47 DJD 2

Mur 49 DJD 2 frgs 1-2

Mur 51 DJD 2 frgs 1-2

+ 2 frgs

874.  Mur 11 DJD 2 pl. XXVII

Mur 12 DJD 2 pl. XXVII

Mur 13 DJD 2 pl. XXVII

Mur 14 DJD 2 pl. XXVII

Mur 15 DJD 2 pl. XXVII

Mur 16 DJD 2 pl. XXVII

875.  Mur 21 DJD 2 pl. XXXII

876.  Mur X5 Papyrus, leather, Greek, Hebrew

877.  Mur X6 Tiny papyrus frgs

878.  Mur 33 DJD 2 pl. XLIII

Mur 37 DJD 2 pl. XLIII frgs 1,2

879.  Mur 19 DJD 2 pl. XXX recto pl. XXXI verso 40.173

880.  Mur 54 DJD 2 pl. XLIX frgs 1-6,8-16

881.  Mur 71 Nabatean frg DJD 2 + pap. frgs

882.  Mur 22 Recto DJD 2 pl. XXXIII, Verso pl. XXXIV frgs 1-12

883.  Mur 32 DJD 2 pl. XLIII

884.  Mur 28 DJD 2 pl. XL

885.  Mur 164 Mur X8 matchbox with string–Cordettes cousant le sac=document un tachygraphie

886.  Se Pl.V.5 phylacteries 42.191

887.  Se XVII one frg, little writing, see center of 42.210

888.  Se II (4) Psalms 42.188

889.  Se VI (6-7) 5 frgs, one is papyrus, Prayer, Contract in Aramaic, prob. 3 MSS cf. 42.192

890.  Se III (4) Psalms 42.189  4 frgs

891.  Se IV (4) Psalms   7 frgs 42.190

892.  6Q9 List = pl. XXV DJD 3, frgs 21-72

893.  6Q19-25 = pl. XXVIII in DJD 3

894.  6Q1-4 = pl. XX in DJD 3

895.  6Q4 = pl. XXII in DJD 3 frgs 41-94

896.  4Q317 M101 Astr. Crypt 43.375 2 frgs

897.  4Q317 M104 Astr. Crypt 43.379

898.  4Q298 M113 Words of Sage to Sons of Aurora in Cryptic A 43.384

899.  4Q317 M101A Astr. Crypt 43.376

900.  4Q317 M105 astr. Crypt 43.385

901.  4Q362 M114 Work in Cryptic B 43.385

Crypt B 43.378

902.  4Q317 M103 Astr. Crypt 43.378

903.  4Q317 M102 Astr. Crypt 43.377

904.  4Q201 En ara BE pl. IV frgs f-k; pl. V frgs 1-p; pl. II frgs d; pl. 1 frgs a, b + 6 frgs

905.  4Q256 M50A Serekhb 43.240

906.  4Q203 En Giants ara BE pl. XXXII frgs 8,11-13; pl. XXX frgs 2-5; pl. XXXI frgs 7i,7ii

907.  4Q256 M50 Serekhb 43.250

908.  4Q245 M45A Pseudo Daniel arc 43.247

909.  Mur 133 =DJD 2 pl. XCVI

Mur 134 =DJD 2 pl. XCVI

Mur 135 =DJD 2 pl. XCVI

Mur 136 =DJD 2 pl. XCVI

Mur 137 =DJD 2 pl. XCVI

Mur 138 =DJD 2 pl. XCVI

Mur 139 =DJD 2 pl. XCVI

Mur 140 =DJD 2 pl. XCVI

Mur 141 =DJD 2 pl. XCVI

Mur 142 =DJD 2 pl. XCVI

Mur 143 =DJD 2 pl. XCVI

Mur 144 =DJD 2 pl. XCVI

910.  Mur 112 = DJD 2 pl. LXXXIV

Mur 113 = DJD 2 pl. LXXXIV

911.  Mur 98 frgs = DJD 2 pl. LXXIX

Mur 99 frgs = DJD 2 pl. LXXIX

Mur 100 frgs = DJD 2 pl. LXXIX

Mur 101 frgs = DJD 2 pl. LXXIX

Mur 102 frgs = DJD 2 pl. LXXIX

912.  Mur X9 Unid. tiny pap. frgs

913.  Mur 155 =DJD 2 pl. XCIX

914.  8Q3 DJD 3 pl. XXXII, pl. XXXIII Phylacteries

915.  8Q unid. frgs

916.  8Q4 DJD 2 pl. XXXIV

917.  8Q5 Hymnic text DJD 3 pl. XXXV

9Q Papyrus DJD 3 pl. XXXV

918.  10Q Inscribed pottery frg DJD 3 pl. XXXV

919A  WDSP Group of pap. frgs cf. 44.069, 44.071

919B. WDSP 21 cf. 44.069

919C. WDSP 20 cf. 44.069

920.  WDSP 12   44.070

921.  WD B24   

922.  WD B25 pub Cross DWW pl. 62

923.  WD B26 pub Cross DWW pl. 63

924.  WD B27

925.  WD B28

926.  WD B29           

927.  WD B30              

928.  WD B31

929.  WD B32           

930.  WD B33              

931.  WD B34

932.  WD B35           

933.  WD B36              

934.  WD B37

935.  WD B38           

936.  WD B39              

937.  WD B40

938.  WD B41

939.  WD B42

940.  WD B43

941.  WD B44

942.  WD B45

943.  WD B46

944.  WD B47

945.  WD B48

946.  WD B49

947.  WD B50

948.  WD B51

949.  WD B52

950.  WD B53

951.  WD B54

952.  WD B55

953.  WD B56

954.  WD B57

955.  WD Bullae X1-X10 (955.1-955.10)

956.  WD Bullae X1-X57 (956.1-956.57)

957.  WD B1

958.  WD B2

959.  WD B4

960.  WD B5

961.  WD B6

962.  WD B7

963.  WD B8

964.  WD B9

965.  WD B12

966.  WD B13

967.  WD B14

968.  WD B17

969.  WD B18

970.  WD B19

971.  WD B20

972.  WDB22 Bulla of Sanballat (Israel Museum) pub. Cross, DWW pl.61

973.  WD B23

974.  11Q5 Psaa DJD 4 col. XXIV-XXVIII

975.  11Q5 Psaa DJD 4 col. XIV-XIX

976.  11Q5 Psaa Fragment E  Yadin

977.  11Q5 Psaa DJD 4 Fragments A-D

978.  11Q5 Psaa DJD 4 Cols. XX-XXIII

979.  11Q5 Psaa DJD 4 Cols. I-XIII

980.  4Q169 pNah DJD 5 pl. XII frgs 1-2; pl. XIV frg 5   43.429

981.  4Q41 Deutn 42.642 pub.

982.  4Q504 DibHama (missing)

983.  WSGP Wadi Sdeir Greek Papyrus 40. 217-220

984.  WSGN Wadi Sdeir Genesis 3 frgs Gen 35:6-8, 36:5-12, pub. ADAJ 2 (1953) pl. XII + Gen. 36:13-17 + frg 40.221

985.  WSAP Wadi Aramaic Papyrus 40.217- 40.218

986.  WSGD Sdeir Greek Document check 40.219-220, 40.222-40.223

987.  linen pieces, thongs

988.  11QX3 7b Box of fragments, most crumbled, few visible paleo-Hebrew letters

989.  11Q ShirShabb largely uninscribed frgs ZWOb

990.  4Q cloth and matting

991.  Unid. chunks in box

992.  4Q Uninscribed frgs

993.  Mur X12? cf. 40.170 DJD 2 pl. II 3 boxes of cloth and leather frgs with little writing, rat’s nest

994.  11Qtg Job–box of crumpled frgs

995.  Frgs

996.  Coins

997.  4Q213 M41 TLevi ara pub.

998.  4Q51 Sama part is pub.

999.  4Q84 Psb part published in SWDS 42.025, 42.026

1000. 1Q28b DJD 1 pl. XXVII frgs 6,17-20; pl. XXVIII frgs 21,24

1001. 4Q491 Ma DJD 7=pl. V frgs

1002. 4Q17 Exodf large piece pub in SWDS, 199059

1003. 4Q Phylacteries 128, 137, 140, 147 (missing)

1004. 4Q119 LXXLeva large piece pub in SWDS pl. 5, 3 small frgs not found

1005. 4Q22 paleoExm pub in SWDS

1006. 4Q557 Sy50-51 Elect of God ar pub.  Memorial du Cinquantename 43.590-43.591

1007. Very tiny leather frgs

1008. 4Q Phylactery cases

1009. 3QX6 3Q15 Squeeze of Copper Scroll made of clay

1010. 11QEze chunks of leather

1011. X20 Unid (missing)

1012. 11Q Eze frgs with notes by Brownlee with transcriptions

1013. 11Q Ezek pub by Brownlee, 43.745

1013A.11Q Ezek a   scroll

1014. Mur 78 Abecedary DJD 3 pl. LIV

1015. Wadi en Nar Greek papyrus 

1016. (43.794) 11QX4

1017. X23 Unid. (missing)

1018. Wadi en Nar papyrus frgs with Semitic

1019. Wadi Ghweir? bought from Kando 15-10-52 Greek papyrus

1020. 11QX5  Box 4b Pal. Hebr., square Heb.

1021. 4Q? uninscribed leather

1022. 11Q1 paleoLev 11QSupp. Plate 204598 pub. Puech

1023. wadi Nar Misc. Greek parchment frgs

1024. 4Q uninscribed pap.frgs

1025. 11QX6  (from boxes 6,8c,7b)

1026. Box with leather pieces and chunks

1027. 11QPs? Ps 25:3-6   42.177

1028. Mur 85 Ostracon DJD 2 pl. LV

Mur 86 Ostracon DJD 2 pl. LV + frg

1029. 11QX7 2WO4 Box 6

1030. 11Q18 NJ, dry lines of text visible but uninscribed  leather frgs, linen cloth

1031. 11QX8  Box 3 (2Wad2) largely uninscribed, some visible letters

1032. 11QX9  Box 7a (some visible letters)

1033. Mur 73 2 ostraca (missing)

1034. 11QX10  Box 7d Label: Olat Hashabat frgs, Ezekiel MS. largely uninscribed

1035. Mur 87 DJD 2 pl. LV

1036. Mur 80 DJD 2 pl. LV

1037. Mur 75 DJD 2 pl. LIII

1038a. 11Q1 paleo Lev frgs

1038B. 11QX11 Chunks with letters

1039. 11Q1 paleoLev (label) everything else

1040. 11QX12? frgs with some writing, label: globs from off back of scroll cols. 1 or 2–cannot locate

1041. 4Q? tabs, cloth tied to strap

1042. 11Q5 Psa (3) 4 very tiny frgs

1043. 11Q5 Psa (2) 3 very tiny frgs

1044. 11Q5 Psa (5) tiny frgs

1045. 11Q5 Psa frgs,  note: col. 25 left bottom corner

1046. 11Q5 Psa col. 16 frgs

1047. 11Q5 Psa frgs middle of 11th col.

1048. 11Q5 Psa frgs bottom of 8th col. of scroll

1049. Mur 74 DJD 2 pl. LIII

Mur 79 Abecedary DJD 2 pl. LV

1050. 3 pieces of ostraca: Mur 81 pub. DJD 2 pl. LV, other two pieces not pub

1051. Mur 165 Ostraca grecs DJD 2

Mur 166 Ostraca grecs DJD 2

Mur 167 Ostraca grecs DJD 2

Mur 168 Ostracon Latin DJD 2

+ 2 pieces

1052. 2 pieces of ostraca:

Mur 76 DJD 2 pl. LIII

Mur 77 DJD 2 pl. LIV

1053. 11Q5 Psa frgs middle of 10th column

1054. Wadi en Nar cave near large cave by Aisc. 12/8/52 papyrus frgs some writing

1055. Nar? 19.3.52 List G8 leather, linen pieces

1056. 11Q5 Psa frgs left of col. 17

1057. 11Q5 Psa frgs col. 18

1058. 11Q5 Psa frgs 4th col. of scroll

1059. 11Q5 Psa frgs 5th col. of scroll

1060. 11Q5 Psa frgs 14th column

1061. 11Q5 Psa (4) frgs all way to left extreme of (4)

1062. 11Q5 Psa pieces stuck on separate leaf (1) belonging to leaf (2)

1063. 11QX13 Some visible letters

1064. Copper ring

1065. Mur X10 Uninscribed leather and papyrus, fake

1066. Mur 72 DJD 2 frgs 1-3 pl. LII

1067. QOst Ostracon with Alphabet (Shrine)

1068. Qumran Inkwell (Shrine)

1069. 4Q51 Sama large piece on 43.114 (shrine)

1070. Inscribed jar (missing)

1071. 4Q4 Gend cf. 42.725

1072. 4Q9 Genj 43.007

1073. 4Q8c Genh title — one frg formerly Genl cf. 43.157

1074. 4Q14 Exodc 42.734

1075. 4Q14 Exodc 43.013

4Q18 Exodg lower left corner of 43.012

1076. 4Q14 Exodc Exod 17-18 43.011

1077. 4Q24 Levb cf. 43.043

1078. 4Q24 Levb cf. 43.042

1079. 4Q24 Levb cf. 43.038

1080. 4Q27 Numb 241597

1081A.4Q27 Numb 241590

1081B.4Q27 Numb cf. 241594

1082. 4Q27 Numb cf. 43.048 241595

1083. 4Q27 Numb cf. 241592

1084A.4Q27 Numb 241591

1084B.4Q27 Numb 241598

1085A.4Q27 Numb 241599

1085B.4Q27 Numb 241593

1086A.4Q27 Numb 241600

1086B.4Q27 Numb cf. 241592, 241588

1087. 4Q27 Numb merged with 1088 now empty

1088. 4Q27 Numb 241596

1089. 4Q29 Deutb 6 frgs cf. 43.064

1090. 4Q35 Deutk cf.43.056

1091. 4Q42 Deuto cf.43.055

4Q43 Deutp cf.43.005

17 frgs for total plate        

1092. 4Q47 Josha 43.060

1093. 4Q47 Josha 43.057

1094. 4Q51 Sama 43.109

1095. 4Q51 Sama 43.107 1 Sam 6-10

1096. 4Q51 Sama cf. 43.114 see pl. 1069 in Shrine of the Book

1097. 4Q24 Levb cf.43.038

1098. 4Q51 Sama 43.108

1099. 4Q51 Sama cf.43.125 1 Sam 1-3 5 frgs

1100. 4Q51 Sama cf. 43.115

1101. 4Q51 Sama 43.116 15 frgs

1102. 4Q51 Sama 43.123 11 frgs

1103. 4Q51 Sama 43.119 10 frgs

1104. 4Q51 Sama 43.117

1105. 4Q51 Sama 43.120  7 frgs

1106. 4Q51 Sama cf. 43.124 over 100 frgs

1107. 4Q51 Sama cf. 43.113

1108. 4Q54 Kgs 1 Kgs 7-8 cf. 43.079

1109. 4Q70 Jera 43.216

1110. 4Q70 Jera 43.073

1111. 4Q70 Jera 43.074

1112. 4Q73 Ezeka 43.082

1113. 4Q77 XIIb 43.087

1114. 4Q76 XIIa 43.100

1115. 4Q81 XIIf top of 43.091

1116. 4Q99 Joba 43.096

1117. 4Q100 Jobb top 43.094

4Q105 Ruthb left middle 43.090

4Q110 Qohb bottom 43.090

1118. 4Q106 Canta cf. 43.097

4Q108 Cantc cf. 43.097

1119. 4Q107 Cantb 43.093  3 frgs

1120. 4Q113 Danb 43.044

1121. 4Q113 Danb 43.086

1122. 4Q115 Dand 43.044

1123. 4Q50 Judgb cf. 43.059

1124. 4Q117 Ezra 43.089

4Q118 Chron 43.089

1125. 4Q12 paleoGenm SN1

1126. 4Q22 paleoExodm cf. 42.647  9 frgs

1127. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN7 cols. 9-12 cf. 42.012

1128. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN8 cols. 13,15-17 42.022

1129. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN9 col. 18 42.021

1130. 4Q22 paleoExodm cols. 19-20  42.646

1131. 4Q22 paleoExodm cols. 21-24,25  cf. left side 42.018

1132. 4Q22 paleoExodm cols. 26-28, 29-30  42.017

1133. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN13 cols. 31-33 42.019

1134. 4Q22 paleoExodm cols. 34, 37  cf. 42.014

1135. 4Q22 paleoExodm cols. 35-36   42.016

1136. 4Q22 paleoExodm cols. 39-41  rght side of 42.015

1137. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN16A col. 45 lft side of 42.015

1138. 4Q45 paleoDeutr SN17

1139. 4Q45 paleoDeutr SN18

4Q46 paleoDeuts SN58

1140. 4Q56 Isab 43.031

1141. 4Q56 Isab 43.017

1142. 4Q63 Isaj 43.029

1143. 4Q82 XIIg SN30

1144. 4Q82 XIIg SN31

1145. 4Q82 XIIg SN32

1146. 4Q82 XIIg SN33

1147. 4Q82 XIIg SN34 cf. 41.966

1148. 4Q83 Psa 43.027

1149. 4Q88 Psf SN42A cols. i-iv. pub. 43.026

1150. 4Q89 Psg 43.026 SN42

4Q90 Psh 43.026 SN42

1151. 4Q91-97, 98a SN43 Psj-p,r 43.030

4Q98c+d Ps frgs 1+2?

1152. 4Q101 paleoJobc 43.033 225836

4Q123 paleoParaJosh

4Q124 paleo Unid(1) 43.033  225836

4Q125 paleo Unid(2) 43.033  225836

1153. 4Q102 Prova 43.016

4Q103 Provb 43.016

1154. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN52 tiny frgs

1155. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN51–half from plate 1137, note: “Bits from SN53-56 selected for publication mostly here on 16A Patrick Skehan.”

1156. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN51″ tiny frgs

1157. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN51B very tiny frgs cf. 42.013

1158. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN52-53 rejects tiny frgs cf. 42.020

1159. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN55 tiny frgs

1160. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN54 rejects, tiny frgs

1161. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN56 tiny frgs

1162. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN57 extremely tiny frgs, note:  nothing used, Skehan

1163. 4Q22 paleoExodm SN58 very tiny frgs

1164. 4Q82 XIIg SN59

1165. 4Q82 XIIg SN60

1166. 4Q82 XIIg SN61

1167. 4Q82 XIIg SN62

1168. 4Q82 XIIg SN63

1169. 4Q82 XIIg SN64

1170. 4Q82 XIIg SN65

1171. 4Q82 XIIg SN65A

1172. Groh 54 Frg of a private letter, p. 67 pl. XXVI, all pub.

1173. 11 Arabic papyrus frgs

1174. Groh 12 pl. VI Letter Fragment in Galil-Script, all pub.

1175. 7 Arabic papyrus frgs

1176. Groh 42 Private Letter pl. XVIII p. 49 , all pub.

1177. Groh 6 Arabic Protocol p. 7 pl. IV  Recto of Groh 44   all pub.

Groh 44 pl. XXII Private letter p. 53 Verso of Groh 6

1178. Arabic papyrus frgs.

1179. Groh 3 Bilingual Protocol Grohman, p. 5, pl. III

Groh 4 Bilingual Protocol Grohman, p. 6, pl. IV

Groh 75 (photo not pub)

Groh 100 Fragment of a Drawing, Grohman, p. 104, pl. XXXIII

+ four frgs.

1180. Mird A13a,b

Groh 85 Frg of private letter pl. XXXI Recto of Groh 86 p. 92.

Groh 86  Verso of Groh 85 p. 92

+ two frgs

1181. Groh 63 Frg of a private letter pl. XXVIII Grohman p. 75

Groh 97 Frgs of a private letter pl. XXXII p. 102 Grohman

+ three frgs

1182. 7 Arabic papyrus frgs

1183. Groh 2 pl. III Bilingual Protocol p. 4

+ 3 largely uninscribed papyrus frgs

1184. Misc. Arabic papyrus frgs

1185. Groh 39 Frg. of list  pl. XIV p. 45 Recto of Groh 40.

Groh 40. pl. XI Ibid. p. 45. Verso of Groh 39

+ other frgs

1186. Misc. Arabic papyrus frgs

1187. Groh 17 pl. VIII Letter Frgs in Galil Script p. 15

+ 5 frgs

1188. Groh 36 Fragment of a money account pl. XIX Recto of Groh 37

Groh 37  pl. XVII Verso of Groh 36   + 5 frgs

1189. 1190. 1191. Arab pap frgs

1192. Groh 13 p. 13 Letter frgs pl. VII

Groh 14 p. 14 Letter Frgs pl. VII

Groh 15 p. 14 Letter Frgs pl. VII    all pub.

1193. Arab pap. frgs

1194. Groh 47 pl. XXI Frg of private letter

Groh 69 pl. XXVII p. 80 Frg of beginning of two letters

+ 4 frgs

1195. Arab pap. frgs

1196. Groh 22 pl. XI p. 22 Conclusion of a probably official letter all pub.

1197. 1198. 1199. Arab pap frg

1200. Box of papyrus frgs

1201. Groh 1 pl. III Byzantine Protocol p. 3

Groh 79 pl. XXIX Frg of official letter p. 88,

+ four frgs

1202. Mird A28a,b Arab pap. frgs

1203. Mird 36

Groh 10 all pub pl. VI

1204. Mird A20A Arabic Pap. frgs.

1205. Mird 16,16a Papyrus frgs.

1206. Mird 15,15A

Groh 58 pl. XVII Frg of Private Letter p. 71

Groh 56 pl. XX Frg of private letter p. 69 Recto of Groh 59

Groh 59 pl. XXVII Verso of 56  p. 72  Address belonging to a letter 

+ frg

1207. Mird 30

Groh 92 Frg of private letter pl. XXXII p. 98

Groh 82 List of Garments pl. XXXII

+ many other frgs.

1208. Mird 25,25a Arab pap. frgs.

1209. Mird 26,26a

Groh 20 pl. X Fragment of an official letter p. 20

Groh 30 Frg of an official letter p. 32 pl. XV Recto of Groh 35

Groh 35 Verso of Groh 30, pl. XVII p. 41 List of an account

Groh 68 pl. XXVII Frg of private letter p. 79

+ frg

1210. Mird 31  Arab. pap. frgs

1211. Mird 27,17a Arab pap frgs

1212. Mird 28,28a 

Groh 9 pl. V Conclusion of contract of sale p. 10

Groh 26 pl. X Frg of Letter Recto of 27 p. 29

Groh 27 pl. X Frg of a letter p. 29  Verso of 26

Groh 29 pl. XII Frg of presumably official letter p. 32

Groh 38 pl. XVII Frg of Account p. 44

Groh 71 pl. XXIX Note of a historian or biography

Groh 98 pl. XXXIII Frg of private letter p. 102

+ 6 frgs

1213. Mird 7 

Groh 32 pl. XIV Fragment of official letter p. 35

Groh 70 pl. XXVII Frg of private (?) letter p. 81

+ 3 frgs

1214. Mird 22,22a Misc. Arab papy frgs

1215. Mird 21,21a 4 Arab pap frgs

1216. Mird 18,18a 

Groh 34 pl. XVII Frgs of List of Persons p. 40

Groh 53 pl. XXIII Frg of private letter

Groh 66 pl. XIX Rec. and Ver. Frgs of Private letter p. 77

Groh 67 pl. XIX Frg of private letter p. 78

Groh 93 Verso Side, Recto side not in photo 

Mird 18.2 Verso p. 99 Frg of address . . .

+ 7 frgs

1217. Mird 14,14a 

Mird 14C pl. III (Not in Groh series but photo of part of this) Recto of Groh 62

Groh 60 Recto of Groh 61  Two frgs of private letter p. 72, pl. XIII

Groh 61 Verso of Groh 60  p. 72 pl. XIII

Groh 62 pl. XXVI Frg of private letter.  Verso of Mird 14C

+ frgs

1218. Mird A30a,30b 

Groh 5 pl. V p. 6 Arabic Protocol

Groh 7 pl. V Arabic Papyrus p. 9

Groh 78 (photo not pub)

+ frgs

1219. Mird A17A

Groh 74 pl. XXVIII Frg of bilingual protocol p. 86

Groh 76 (photo not pub)

Groh 77 (photo not pub)

+ 5 frgs

1220. Mird A18a-b 9 Arab pap. frgs

1221. Mird A7 Arab. pap. frgs

1222. Mird 2

Groh 21 pl. V Frg of official letter p. 21

Groh 91 pl. XXXII Frg of private letter

+ 5 frgs

1223. Mird A36a Misc. Arab pap frgs

1224. Mird A8a7 Arab pap frgs

1225. Mird A9a-b 5 Arab Papyri fragments

1226. Mird A10a-b

Groh 80 pl. XXVIII

+ 5 frgs

1227. M.A.B. Mird S3 non identified

1228. Mird A12  3 Arab. pap frgs

1229. Mird A15a-b 

Groh 87 pl. XXX Frg of private letter p. 94

+ 3 frgs

1230. Mird A19,19a 

Groh 73 pl. XXIX p. 85 Frg of letter

Groh 89 pl. XXIX p. 96 Frg of letter

+ other frgs

1231. Mird X2 Box of Greek Mird Papyrus Frgs.

1232. Mird G12 Inscribed Greek papyrus frgs

1233 Mird X3 Inscribed papyrus frgs

1234. Mird S2 Plaster with Syriac inscription

1235. Mird X4 Inscribed Ostraca

1236. Mird S CPA pap. frgs, check one piece pub by Milik?

1237. Mird X4 Palimpsests, Greek, CPA non-identified

1238. Mird Mtt 21:30-34, Josh 22:6-7,9010, Luke 3,I,3-4, Col. 1:16-18, 20b-21  CPA

1239. Mird Fragments non identified CPA

1240. Mird A34a,A35 

Groh 33 pl. XVI p. 37 List of Persons  all pub.

1241. QX Misc. leather and papyrus frgs

1242. 13305 One large piece

1243. 13 376?  4 Arab pap frgs

1244. Mird 13 40.834, 40.835

Groh 45 p. 55 pl. XXII

Groh 46 p. 55 pl. XXII Private letter

+ 3 pieces

1245. Mird 29 all pub 40.866

Groh 25 pl. XII p. 26 Instruction to a Subordinate Official

1246. M.A.B. A31b  pl. XIV

Groh 28  p. 30 Frg of letter

+ 4 more pieces 40.912-40.913

1247. Mird 41 all pub 41.885

Groh 84 pl. XXX Frg of private letter p. 92

1248. Mird 33,34 all pub check 40.335A

Groh 51 pl. XXIV Private Letter  p. 62

Groh 52 pl. XXV Private letter  p. 64

1249. Mird 12,12a cf. 40.833, 41.874-41.875

Groh 19 pl. VIII Verso, recto unpub. p. 19 Order for investigation

Groh 90 pl. XXIII Frg of private letter p. 96

Groh 95 pl. XXXIII Frg of private letter p. 100

+ frg

1250. Mird 6 all pub 40.827

Groh 50 pl. XXIII p. 60 Letter

1251. Mird A34a All pub. cf. 40.917-40.918

Groh 43 recto? pl. XXI Frg of private letter  p. 52

Groh 48 recto pl. XI  Frg of private letter  p. 57

Groh 48 Verso pl. XXI Frg of private letter  p. 57

Groh 81 Recto pl. XXXI Frg of list of persons p. 90

Groh 81 Verso pl. XXXI Frg of list of persons p. 90

1252. Mird 10   40.831

Groh 31 pl. XV p. 33  Frg of official instruction

+ 2 frgs

1253. Mird A 35 cf. 40.919

Groh 88 pl. XXX    + 4 frgs

1254. Mird 39-40 cf. 41.884

Groh 49 pl. XXIV Frg of Private Letter p. 59

+ frg

1255. Mird A 24a 4 Arab pap frgs 40.901

1256. Mird A 29a 8 Arabic pap frg 40.908-40.909

1257. Mird 11 40.832

Groh 23 pl. XIII Letter to Governor p. 23

+ 2 frgs

1258. Mird A27b  40.905

Groh 8 pl. IV Signatures of witnesses p. 9

Groh 41 List pl. XIX p. 47

Groh 96 Frg. of private letter p. 101

+ 3 frgs

1259. Mird 17 40.842-40.843

Groh 24 pl. X Frg of report p. 25

Groh 83 Recto and Verso pl. XXIV Frg. of Account

+ 6 frgs

1260. Mird A 32a 40.914

Groh 16 pl. VIII p. 14 Letter Frg

+ 9 frgs

1261. Mird 37–all pub. 41.880-41.881

Groh 11 pl. V Letter frg in Galil-Script (same photo as Groh 72)

Groh 72 pl. V Frg of Literary text (same photo as Groh 11)

2 MSS on same side, verso side inscribed but no photo